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private The Mystery that is Lune


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"Right," Ember Sky nodded, he was disappointed that Coal was unable to give him any pointers, but he decided to not go against the retreat. He quickly followed Coal and Screech's lead to their home. His mind trailed back to the screeching noise. It seemed distant enough to not be a threat. He almost cried out when he slipped on a dead branch, but luckily a nearby tree was enough to keep him standing.  "Excuse me for asking, but what is that thing?"



(How does magic work in this world again? Could Ember just do it as usual like he would cast his unicorn magic, or there is something else I'll have to wait from you?"


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@@Starshine,@,  As he followed Terra aproached the other Alonaut. "So you're from Equestria too? Terra Lionmane nice to meet you." he says offering a claw-fist to greet him. He wondered if they came from the same place, if this phenomenon was periodical and local.

((OOC:Could you link the OOC in the start of the OP so we can post there? Also... how does contacting the others go?))

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@@Starshine, ((All I'll say is that he can't use magic like he can in Equestria. I want you guys to be in the same boat as your character, so I don't want to tell you too much ;)))


Coal looked back at Ember, then looked away and kept walking. "I don't know. But trust me, I can't count on two hands how many times I've heard a scream after that monsters call." Coal continued walking until there was another clearing in the forest. In the middle of the clearing was a fair sized hut.  He stepped inside and gestured for the other two to follow. He and Screech both took seats at a table and waited for the other two to sit.



((I'll go ahead and do that. And I'm not sure if I want the others... I like how it's going with just you guys right now :P 

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Ember bumped the offered limb with his own claw. How should one do the hoofshake with claws? he wondered. Nevertheless, he smiled to Terra Lionmane. "Ember Sky of Ponyville. Pleased to meet you."




"Scream...?" Now Ember found himself a bit worried about this monster. The group finally reached a hut in an opening. He followed Coal and Screech into the hut and took a seat with them. He found it rather difficult to sit with his new joints, but he managed. "So, what should we do for now?" he asked to Coal and Screech.


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Ember Sky nodded. Coal was right, if there was a time to ask anything, this would be it. "Right. About this Castor nation Shadow Screech told me earlier. Why aren't you stay in its border, and instead living here in the middle of the forest, and searching for stranded Equestrians?" he asked.


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Coal looked at Screech. "You told him about Castor? I guess you didn't tell him much." He turned back to Ember. "Castor is an Alonaut king that rules over his kingdom generously, and as of right now we are in his borders. We're just on the very edges of it. We were looking for more Equestrians so that we could have more people to help find out what happened."

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(man, looks like we all have conflicting online hours :s)




It was rather relieving to hear that they were not fugitives from the kingdom. At least that one less thing to be worried about. He looked between Coal and Screech. "Do you have any plan on how to find out in what purpose did we get transported into Lune?"


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@,@@Starshine, "Did you guys meet anyone, or did something strange happen before we got here? As i might have said before there must be a reason for us being here. That and... i am going to be really dissapointed if this is just a whim of fate. *sigh* This Castor King... i take he is a good guy? Are we gonna have trouble because we are foreigners? I mean sure we are Alonauts like him now but... still."

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Mr. Re had blanked out again, his mind was as clear as his unstained coat. White it was and became aware again of his counsiousness. The surrounding area was pitch black, though that his body remained to be seen, as it intended it to be. Darkness consumed the abillity to see but the neither of the other senses. 





The cave surrounding him was like an auditorium, it echoed with each word he spoke.


The young but tall colt started his analysis. By using the time it takes for his sound to travel back to him, he calculated the geometry of that direction. To make his research thourough, He turned 4 times, stopping at a 45 degree angle to shout.




"Echo-one two three- echo... one two~ co-...co-...o"


"Echo-one- echo...~co... co..."


"Echo-one two three four five six seven- echo-o-o-o..."


This was the way out. He walked toward the last sound he heard and felt the smooth  repetition of hooves stamping against rock.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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@@Starshine,@@MisterRe, @, Terra stopped and stood still. It seems that his hearing was steadily being restored, that or it was one of the perks of being an "Alonaut". He still wondered what that naming might mean... "naut" suggest that they were some kind of "voyagers" through some "sea"? That or it was just his imagination. Nevertheless the echo he heard was not one of them. "Did you guys hear that? That echo? Huh... must have been my imagination."

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