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open Friendship is Monstrous [Adventure] ~REBOOT~


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((I know, I write from sort of the outside perspective of my characters. If a pony doesn't like what's happening, I will write it so it sounds unlikable, even though i'm not writing in 1st pony. So I know you weren't ignoring, it just seemed that way to Starlight,

Lost Soul landed behind the vampony mare and timidly waved, though she wasn't sure why. She didn't know if this pony could see her or not."


Starlight nodded at Mythos and Lost Soul, gave Renegade another glare, and smiled at Epic.

"It's nice to meet you," she said. "Might I ask what the four of you are doing at my castle?"

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Epic replied, "Wait, this is your castle? Oh, sorry. Well, we're just looking for some shelter for the night. We don't want angry mobs of ponies with torches and pitchforks. You don't mind if we stay here for night or two, do you?" Epic looked around the room, making sure all of her new friends were there. Good, she thought. We're all accounted for.


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"Oh, well, I suppose i shouldn't exactly call it mine. I don't have ownership of it... i've just lived here so long with nopony else, it feels like it's mine. At any rate, of course you can stay. I've missed having companions. There are several rooms here, feel free to take your pick." Starlight smiled.

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