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I Feel Left Out...


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I should be there. I am Canadian, but noooo. I live in Mexico. Thanks mom. Why can't there be another Con in California? I wanna meet Saberspark, or Thelivingtombstone, or a voice actor. I'd buy so much paraphernalia, you don't even know! 

You know there is like two Brony Cons in California, and the next one is in less than a month. Except that one is Northern California. You would have to get a hotel.


One thing you can do is watch the live streams that many of these conventions have. 

  • Brohoof 1


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One thing you can do is watch the live streams that many of these conventions have. 


Equestria Daily usually posts livestream info for cons if you follow that, or go to Everfree Network. There's others out there too I believe, see EQD.

Edited by K.K. Slider


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Eh don't feel left out, i mean lots of bronies can't go to cons, or have a very difficult time doing so, especially those outside America and Canada, where alot of cons are.


I personally can't go because i'm a closet brony(Even to my parents) and because my parents would never pay the money for me to go to something like Bronycon. 


I wouldn't bother going to Bronycan honestly unless i had lots of money, because I live in America :P.


But i know the feeling, still there are lots of people who feel the same as you, so don't feel left out that much.


I know, I heard that even without buying pony merch, you still need to buy food for BronyCon, so in all the thing would probably cost around $1,500 by plane, $1,300 by car. Both include a guest pass ($75) or sponsor pass ($125), Food (around $200 based on the restaurants around the con), Merch (depends on what you buy, normally 200 bucks), Gas for car rides ($180 or less), Plane tickets for the plane ($200) and a lot of other things, like paying for tolls, paying for hotel rooms.. etc.


My parents would never spend 1,300 bucks on a convention.  

  • Brohoof 1


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