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open Sword Art Online: Pony style!


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"My turn!" Blazing said, running towards one of the boars. He attacked it, and hoped for the best. Wait, if I've learned anything from games I've played before... It's to not run straight into battle unless you know you can win! He remembered. He always remembered that a second too late, no matter what game he was playing.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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*Malik grinned.*

"Who else would be bacon? I doubt pony bacon would taste any good."

*Malik said to her joking.*

"That was a nice show, were you in the SAO beta? Or new player?"

*Malik asked as he walked over to her.*

"Name's Malik, its nice to meet you."

*He said with a smile.*

Truffletop raised her eye a bit at the first comment.  "Well, I guess Pony bacon wouldn't be that great."  Seeing the Gryphon take interest in her, she decided to listen in a bit.  "I'm actually new to this game... though it doesn't seem too hard, honestly."  Malik then introduced himself to her.  She grinned and stood up a bit.  "Nice to meet you Malik.  I'm Truffletop, renown adventure pony... Or at least, a few people know me.  So you seem to have taken some interest in me.  Did you want to go as a hunting party or something?"

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"Sure." Casey said. She was also a solo player during the beta as well. "Should we go to the west fields?" Casey asked Equinox. She was eager to fight.


"Sure the west fields sound good" Equinox said as he was excited to finally get back into fighting in this game. "Lets go" Equinox said as he headed to the fields and waited for Casey before he saw a boar in the distance. "Okay first skill I might use could be fun"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Burning hit more boars. "This is fun!" Burning said. She finally killed the boars with a final blow. She felt amazing attacking like this. Burning saw some more ponies attacking.



Casey followed Equinox. She pulled out her sword with her unicorn magic and stabbed the boar. "It's been so long!" Casey said. She finally killed the boar.

I love Supernatural! :D

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Lighting Fury finished setting up the new system he bought to play sword art online he felt ready to slay some virtual monsters he put on his helmet and said "link start" and was put in the town of beginnings "all right got a standard starting sword. let's see how I do?" He said as he flew to the plains nearby

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Blazing killed the first boar, then moved on to killing some others. "Wow... I'm a lot better at this then I thought I would be!" He said. He had expected to fail right away, but he was actually doing good so far. "Wanna see who can kill the most?" He asked. It would give them something to do, and it would make leveling up a lot more interesting.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Casey followed Equinox. She pulled out her sword with her unicorn magic and stabbed the boar. "It's been so long!" Casey said. She finally killed the boar.


"It has been a while" Equinox said as he slashed at a boar then sidestepped on of its attacks. "Vertical arc" Equinox yelled as his blade glowed blue and slashed the boar twice in a v shape causing the boar to die. "Easy enou-" Equinox got hit from behind by a boar. "Of course I get hit in the back before I even say that" Equinox said as he got up and blocked another boars attack. "Great 2 of them"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Lighting Fury traveled to the west fields and he saw several boars and players there as he entered the fields and saw a boar charge him he quickly grabbed his sword in his hoof flew up and dived down on the boar stabbing it he jumped off and then cut the boar in half destroying it with a critical hit. "That was fun so worth the bits I payed for this."

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"Sure!" Burning said energetically. She started killing boars as fast as she could. She loved competing. She also wanted to level up.


Casey hit some more boars. She saw Equinox with two boars. Casey sent her sword flying at one boar beside Equinox. The boar got hit. 

I love Supernatural! :D

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Blazing started killing boars as quickly as possible. It was getting easier and easier as he got used to it, but he still worried about making a mistake. As long as I just keep killing them quickly, nothing bad's gonna happen to me... He thought to reassure himself.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Truffletop raised her eye a bit at the first comment. "Well, I guess Pony bacon wouldn't be that great." Seeing the Gryphon take interest in her, she decided to listen in a bit. "I'm actually new to this game... though it doesn't seem too hard, honestly." Malik then introduced himself to her. She grinned and stood up a bit. "Nice to meet you Malik. I'm Truffletop, renown adventure pony... Or at least, a few people know me. So you seem to have taken some interest in me. Did you want to go as a hunting party or something?"

"That's what I was hoping for."

*Malik said.*

"I spent the entire beta playing solo, I'd like to spend some time with players, since I don't spend time with people in the real world."

*Malik said with a little smile.*

"But anyway, an adventurer? That seems like an interesting thing to do."


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Well you like throwing your weapons" Equinox said as he side stepped the boar that was alive. "Slant" Equinox said as he katan glowed blu again and he slashed an a 45 degree angle at the boar killing it then got a level up message. "Ha I leveled up...awesome" Equinox said as he went in and put some point into his intel, (2)str and(3)dex. "I plan on dual wielding since be a beast tamer or warrior isnt my thing" Equinox said as he saw he want to reach level 5 or 8 before he fight the boss of this area. "What do you plan to be"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Lighting Fury saw that a gray unicorn was being attacked by 2 boars "game just started and already has A.I. ganging up on players I expected that later." He said as he saw his party member slay one of them. "Might as well help out others." He flew and stabbed the only boar near the gray unicorn and slashed it away.

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Burning killed some more boars. It was getting easier to kill them. "This game is fun!" Burning said. She leveled up.


"I guess i'll be a warrior." Casey said as she picked up her weapon. She noticed a blue pegasus near them. She leveled up and put some points in dexterity(3) and charisma(2).

I love Supernatural! :D

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"I know right?!" Blazing said as he killed a few more boars and leveled up as well. "Oh hey I leveled up!" He said to himself. How many of these things have I killed anyway? He wondered. He decided to forget about that for the time and just continued killing boars.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"That's what I was hoping for."

*Malik said.*

"I spent the entire beta playing solo, I'd like to spend some time with players, since I don't spend time with people in the real world."

*Malik said with a little smile.*

"But anyway, an adventurer? That seems like an interesting thing to do."

Truffletop nodded in response.  "Yeah, I've been on all kinds of adventures since I was little.  Exploring jungles, forests, caves, ruins.  I've done a lot of different jobs for people.  I figured that I might have some fun with this game, considering that it's got it's own little world I can explore and all."  Truffletop paused for a moment, realizing something.  "Uh... this game had some sort of party feature right?  I have no idea how to use it."

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"Come on 6 more and I have this quest finished" Equinox said as he saw 3 boars in a group. "Well...HEY PEGASUS DUDE WNNA JOIN A PARTY" Equinox yelled at the pegasus wondering what his answer will be. "Well if he does that mean one boar for each of us...making it easier not to get pincer attacked by two of them

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Lighting looked at the the two he stood near "Hey saw the boars ganging up on you and decide to help name's Lighting" he said as he put out a hoof for a hoof bump "first time on here you seem a bit confident before the boars attacked were you beta testers?"

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Lighting looked at the the two he stood near "Hey saw the boars ganging up on you and decide to help name's Lighting" he said as he put out a hoof for a hoof bump "first time on here you seem a bit confident before the boars attacked were you beta testers?"


"Yep I was a beta tester got to level 49 before the boss there kept defeating me I was a beast tamer in the beta but now im going to be a dual blade anyways my question again you want to join our party" Equinox asked as he sent an invite and looked at the three boars and saw 2 more with in a group. "5 boars not going to be easy with just me and Casey here"  

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Burning put points in dex(3) and con(2). She killed more boars. "When are we gonna stop?" she thought


Casey hoof bumped Lighting. "Hello! I'm Casey Blacksword. I'm a Beta tester. I'm planning on being a warrior" she said. She was prepared to attack two of the boars.

I love Supernatural! :D

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Truffletop nodded in response. "Yeah, I've been on all kinds of adventures since I was little. Exploring jungles, forests, caves, ruins. I've done a lot of different jobs for people. I figured that I might have some fun with this game, considering that it's got it's own little world I can explore and all." Truffletop paused for a moment, realizing something. "Uh... this game had some sort of party feature right? I have no idea how to use it."


*Malik said.*

"Here it works like this. Flick your... hoof in the air, like this."

*Malik flicked one of his claws in the air in front of him and a menu popped up.*

"Then you scroll down to nearby players, select someone, and hit invite to party. When you receive an invite, just tap the blue circle to accept, or the red x to decline."

*Malik hit invite to party on Truffletop's name on the nearby players list.*


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She was prepared to attack two of the boars.


"Caesy dont theres more then those two around there we dont want to get ambushed  and we barely get out alive" Equinox said as he remembered the third skill but knows he cant use it till lvl 5. "So what do you say lighting you want to help us out" Equinox asked again

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Blazing put points the way he always did with new games, completely randomly, then continued killing boars. After awhile of killing them though, he stopped. "I think we should stop now..." He said. "How many did you kill?" He asked, not realizing he had forgotten how many he had killed so far.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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*Malik said.*

"Here it works like this. Flick your... hoof in the air, like this."

*Malik flicked one of his claws in the air in front of him and a menu popped up.*

"Then you scroll down to nearby players, select someone, and hit invite to party. When you receive an invite, just tap the blue circle to accept, or the red x to decline."

*Malik hit invite to party on Truffletop's name on the nearby players list.*

Truffletop followed his instructions and got a pop-up in her menu.  "Yup, there it is."  She tapped the tip of her hoof against the circle and she noticed a green diamond hovering over Malik's head.  Taking a look around, she also noticed that there was an extra health bar added to the top left of her visual HUD.  "Wow, this is pretty cool.  A lot of useful information floating around now... So, what would you like to do first?"

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"Sure no problem seems like fun" Lighting said as he accepted the invite. Then dash one of the boars away from the group. It tumbled on the ground and Lighting kicked it away as it turned back into polygons before he dashed toward the next boar "coming for ya." He said getting exited

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