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private No God am I


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"That could be considered worse than me I guess..." Blazing said. "I mean, I get called a freak for having no magic, I have no idea what they'd do to you." He continued. He didn't take much time to think about it, but he was somewhat curious about what would happen.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Most who see my teeth get scared. When they see me eating meat, they call me a cannibal and run off to tell the guard or something. They started growing when I was young. And I was already an outcast. My ma was a griffin, she found me and started feeding me a little bit of meat thing it would make me stronger or something. And I guess it worked, hehe."

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"You're mom was a griffin?" Blazing asked. "Wow... My parents weren't anything special, just a pegasus and a unicorn..." He explained. He didn't like to talk about his parents much, just because he always thought of them as better than him. He was nothing but a disabled unicorn, while they were a normal pegasus and a normal unicorn.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Yeah I guess it's kinda cool. Don't get me wrong, I love my ma. But growing up in the griffin kingdom while you're the only pony in class with a adoptive griffin mother you tend to me the outcast and the loner. But I didn't mind it, cause all I needed was my ma. And I bet you parents are plenty special. Maybe not to others. But mostly to you. So why care what others think anyway?"

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@ @


Roulette was more concerned with the fact that he had an increasingly hard time moving through the thick jungle undergrowth. Despite how funny it may have looked, when the two mares ahead of him began to move out, he lifted his hooves higher than usual, almost looking as of he were prancing over the vines. 


"Ah," He questioned quietly, ears back, "I'm Roulette, by th' way..." He glanced around, "Pony from the north. Not jungle." He stumbled over a low hanging vine. 

Roulette - "I am pony, not demon. Why can others not see this?"

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"Yeah I guess it's kinda cool. Don't get me wrong, I love my ma. But growing up in the griffin kingdom while you're the only pony in class with a adoptive griffin mother you tend to me the outcast and the loner. But I didn't mind it, cause all I needed was my ma. And I bet you parents are plenty special. Maybe not to others. But mostly to you. So why care what others think anyway?"

"Well most of the time I didn't care what others thought, mostly because they didn't matter to me." Blazing started. "But then... I got this." He said, pointing at his cutie mark. "The one pony I cared about told me I was a freak, that's when it all started going downhill." He continued. "I could never trust anypony again, and I started caring about what everypony said." He finished. "Well... One pony did care, but I treated her more like an older sister than a friend." He added, remembering one of the most important ponies to him.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Gloom moves some more things out of the way as he nods at what Blaze said. "I see. It must have been rough. To bare a mark like that for life. As you can see. "He points to his blank flank. "I ain't found my 'special talent'." He says the last part sarcastically. "And frankly I don't care if I do. The hole thing is overrated."

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Gloom moves some more things out of the way as he nods at what Blaze said. "I see. It must have been rough. To bare a mark like that for life. As you can see. "He points to his blank flank. "I ain't found my 'special talent'." He says the last part sarcastically. "And frankly I don't care if I do. The hole thing is overrated."

"I actually wish I had never gotten my cutie mark." Blazing said. If he had never gotten it, it wouldn't have tortured him for so long. "I wouldn't have to suffer the hell that this thing has put me through." He continued. "I don't see why ponies want these things so bad anyway, it's pretty worthless." He finished.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Gloom nods again. "Like I said, overrated. And I don't really know why ponies are so keen to find it. When I was young, I tried to find what I was meant to do. I did everything I could think of, and I hated all of it. When I turn 21 I enlisted into the griffin military and I was the only pony to enlist, not out of trying to find my cutie mark. But out of respect of my ma. I hated ever second I was in there. even when I became one of the best, I still hated it. But it was what I was good at. And that's all that matters I guess. You don't need a cutie mark to know what you're good at. So you should let that gods be damned mark run your life. So there ain't know point being alone, you are always going to feel the same why ether alone or with other. But you got to have the nerve to change that if you want to.


Cause like I said. The mark don't run your life, you do." Just then. Gloom kicked open the door to the roof almost being blinded by the sudden sunlight. 

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Ah," He questioned quietly, ears back, "I'm Roulette, by th' way..." He glanced around, "Pony from the north. Not jungle." He stumbled over a low hanging vine. 

Fire laughed at the situation that the other pony was in, and she enjoyed smiling in a situation like this.

"I'm Fire Sharp, and I'll help you out mate."

Fire used her horn to unwind the vines away from the stallion. 

"And understood, not everyone's good with the outdoors."

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Gloom nods again. "Like I said, overrated. And I don't really know why ponies are so keen to find it. When I was young, I tried to find what I was meant to do. I did everything I could think of, and I hated all of it. When I turn 21 I enlisted into the griffin military and I was the only pony to enlist, not out of trying to find my cutie mark. But out of respect of my ma. I hated ever second I was in there. even when I became one of the best, I still hated it. But it was what I was good at. And that's all that matters I guess. You don't need a cutie mark to know what you're good at. So you should let that gods be damned mark run your life. So there ain't know point being alone, you are always going to feel the same why ether alone or with other. But you got to have the nerve to change that if you want to.


Cause like I said. The mark don't run your life, you do." Just then. Gloom kicked open the door to the roof almost being blinded by the sudden sunlight. 

Blazing covered his eyes when the door opened. "I guess you're right..." Blazing said. He didn't know what else to say, so he just fell completely silent after that. If only it were that simple... If only I could just change the way I think... He thought to himself.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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@, Gloom walked outside and he could see the hole city from where they are, and He could see at the edge of the city, which leads to a really thick jungle that surrounds the hole city. And it stretches so far  that he couldn't see the end. Gloom's eye starts to twitch at the annoyance of this hole ordeal. Then he sighs. "Looks like we're not in Equestria anymore..."

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"Isn't that perfect?" Blazing asked sarcastically. He didn't care much about where they were, but it annoyed him that they were surrounded by a jungle. A jungle? Of all things, a jungle? What the hell does it have to do with anything? He wondered. He clearly wasn't going to be leaving the city anytime soon.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Gloom walked to each end of the building, so he could get a good look around and see if they really are trapped in this city that's surrounded by acres and acres of jungle. And they are. Gloom spit out of anger and sighed. Not like he really cared about being here. The thing that really pisses him off is that he's trapped here for no damn reason. He turns to Blaze and smirks. "So who gets to jump first?"

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"Me!" Blazing said. He knew that the only way he would be able to use magic would be if his life was in danger. "I regret nothiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!" He shouted, then jumped off the side of the building. Just before he hit the ground, he put a barrier around himself so he landed safely. "Told you I regret nothing..." He said, even though he was mostly just talking to himself.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Gloom was wide eyed, he wasn't serious about jumping it was only a joke. He didn't think I would actually do it! Gloom then turn around and started running down the stairs as fast as he can, for some reason, each step he takes he gets angrier and angrier. So he started to pick up speed. When he reached the bottom, He ran up to Blaze, with the same speed, and punched him right ion the face. Knocking him down. "WHAT THE BUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!! I know you have a death wish, but I was bucking kidding!"

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"I was just having fun, I can barely get magic when I'm in danger, it saves me all the time." Blazing laughed. He felt awful for making that joke, but it was really funny. "I'm sorry, I had to do that once, I'm never gonna do it again, okay?" He asked. He felt slightly better after apologizing, but he still felt bad.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Gloom sighs. "Fine, no big deal." He this sits on his hunches and massage his temples, because his headache is starting to come back."Damn, this is all I need. Some idiotic suicidal bastard, who can't tell when I'm being serious  or just kidding." He sighs again. "I really really need a drink right now."

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"Jeez, you don't have to be mean about it..." Blazing said. "I need to have a little bit of fun sometimes, otherwise my life would be complete hell." He added. He still did feel bad for acting the way he did, but at that point he was learning to just ignore it and keep doing what he would normally do.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"I ain't being mean. I think my reaction to this situation is justified." He then stand up and start walking."Now come on, if we're gonna be here for a while I might as well try and find a bar or something. Who knows, we might find some of the other jackasses who were trapped her by that bastard  on our way.

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