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open Equestria University: Third Time's the Charm


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Psych Ward walked with her head down, feeling a bit comfortable now.  Too many ponies were never fun.  Maybe she could handle two.  Just maybe.  Everything will be easier in the library, she told herself.  Just wait until those books surround you.  Too many to count.

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@, @@Psych Ward,


The young colt was taken by surprise when some random pony had come up to them and asked to join them. He didn't even have an opportunity to respond back to Psych.


"Uhhh sure," He said in a hesitant tone. Back Track was already beginning to feel uneasy just as he was learning to calm down around this mare.


"ummm I'm Back Track by the way, and this is Psych Ward" He said introducing himself and Psych while making their way to the library.

Pelate grins at his polite response "nice to meet you back track" he says in a calm voice "I just need a group to walk with so I'm at least aimlessly trotting in radon places alone." Pelate says shrugging. *im gonna have a hard time getting to know Psych...* Pelate thought looking at the mare in the corner of his eye.
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(No worries, I do that all the time.)


"Don't beat yourself up so much. We are who we are and... Uh... something about..." He stalled and looked confused.


'You've forgotten what you were going to say, haven't you?'


He had.


"Huh, didn't really think that analogy through before I started."




Having found nothing more to do in the dorm, Symphony took initiative and left the room to look around her new surroundings: there were plenty of students to blend in among - though her crystal coat and feathers stood out more than a little.

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@@Psych Ward,@,


The trio soon arrived at the library which was vast with rows and rows of books. After stepping in he felt a little bit at ease. there was hardly anypony here which was good. He liked silence and isolation though something seemed to be gnawing at him.


"Well I uhhh guess this is where we part ways," He said after arriving at the library with both Psych and Pelate.


"It was nice meeting the both of you," He said before heading up to the computer lab. He soon glanced back at Psych once more before he found a seat at a nearby terminal.

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Psych's eyes grew wide as they entered the large room, glee lighting them up.  She smiled at the two stallions widely before quickly beginning to walk to the fiction section.  Books surrounded her and suddenly her mind was clear.  Within minutes she had a small stack of novels on her back.



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@@Psych Ward,@,


The trio soon arrived at the library which was vast with rows and rows of books. After stepping in he felt a little bit at ease. there was hardly anypony here which was good. He liked silence and isolation though something seemed to be gnawing at him.


"Well I uhhh guess this is where we part ways," He said after arriving at the library with both Psych and Pelate.


"It was nice meeting the both of you," He said before heading up to the computer lab. He soon glanced back at Psych once more before he found a seat at a nearby terminal.

@@Psych Ward


Pelate trotted into the library with the two "nice meeting you too" Pelate says politely and he trots to find Fantacy novels. "Quite a setup, wouldn't be surprised if I got lost is this maze of bookshelves..." Pelate says jokingly as he grabs a couple books and continues looking around.

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@@Psych Ward,@,


Back Track was already going over some of the material for his class in Network Design. Sure it seemed a little early but he wanted to start learning and couldn't be bothered with silly introductions and such in class that was bound to happen tomorrow. Over time the colt would soon glance at either Psych or Pelate. He was unsure weather they were his friends or acquaintances. He was hoping more on the former than the latter. 

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(No worries, I do that all the time.)


"Don't beat yourself up so much. We are who we are and... Uh... something about..." He stalled and looked confused.


'You've forgotten what you were going to say, haven't you?'


He had.


"Huh, didn't really think that analogy through before I started."




Having found nothing more to do in the dorm, Symphony took initiative and left the room to look around her new surroundings: there were plenty of students to blend in among - though her crystal coat and feathers stood out more than a little.

Blazing laughed a little bit. "You know, you're really fun to be around." He laughed. He had gotten lucky enough to have one of the few ponies who could make him smile as a roommate. Maybe this isn't gonna suck after all... I got a great roommate, and a new friend. He thought.

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Psych Ward checked out the large stack of books.   The librarian looked at her in a way that made the gray mare feel uncomfortable, which happened very often.


Deciding she liked the quiet of the library, she took a seat across from Back Track, stacking her books on the floor next to her.

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@@Psych Ward

Pelate checks out his books after psych "wow you sure you can finish all those before the end if the school year? Heh" the gray Pegasus says jokingly. He finished checking out the books and slides them into his saddle bags. Then sits next to Back Track. "So what do you guys think if this school so far" Pelate asks trying to start a conversation.

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"I think I'll have them done by the end of the week," Psych smiled, glad to not having a repeated look the librarian had given her.  "Maybe next week if the homework's bad."  She thought about Pelate's second question for a few moments.  "I guess it's not too bad.  We haven't met any of the teachers so it'll be hard to judge until then."

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@@Psych Ward, @,


Back Track was a little surprised to see Psyche sit across from him but soon Pelate took a seat right next to the unicorn. He had asked a question about some of the instructors but the young colt hadn't met any of his educators yet.


"Well, so far it doesn't seem so bad, just ummm I just don't know much to make an assumption yet. I'm sure we'll find out more tomorrow though," He responded back.

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(Ok seriously where is every pony???!!!)

Pelates eyes widen 'one to two weeks?!'

Pelate nods "yea, I think it's nice, but the teachers DO madder a lot yes." Pelate says with a shrug. He felt as if the two were beginning to trust him, guess now he has ponies to talk to. "Well I hope the teachers ARE good, I remember high school, that was a disaster. Heh"

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Psych Ward frowned.  Her high school experience hadn't been the dandiest.  She fiddled with her sweater sleeves, already tempted to open a book.  "It already seems like a better start," she spoke up.  "If today's anything to base off of, I think it might be a good year."



Crescendo finished unpacking and decided to roam a bit, hoping her piano would show up later.  Her delicate wings her itching to press the keys.  Her flute was there, safe and sound, but she needed a good tree to sit under for that.  The black case with blue music notes on it was flung over her shoulder.

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"Heh, well I think I'm going to check out what's around here, you coming?"


So Hoop was a little on the quiet side: it was a nice change of pace from hanging out with Cinder: at least he wasn't likely to blow up their dorm. And didn't seem as likely to get annoyed with him as Symphony was.




"Useless, useless, useless..." Symphony muttered to herself as she looked at the various signs directing her around campus: ideally there would be one that said 'quiet place suitable for keeping a low profile' but that clearly wasn't going to happen...


Although 'Library' was pretty close, she thought, slipping inside to get an idea of how useful it might be.

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@@Psych Ward,


"Ummm I meant to ask you, what's your major?" He asked the mare. The young colt was also a bit surprised to see Psych have such a stack of books already and to hear that she could finish them all in a week was nothing short of impressive. It was incredibly rare for him to see somepony who actually took their studies seriously. 

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"Oh, um," Psych frowned.  She hadn't thought that far ahead yet.  "Creative Writing," she said after a few moments of thought.  That sounded good.  And accurate too.  It was a good way to explain the mass amounts of fantasy novels she would read this semester.  "I'm taking a few art classes as well."



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"Oh, um," Psych frowned.  She hadn't thought that far ahead yet.  "Creative Writing," she said after a few moments of thought.  That sounded good.  And accurate too.  It was a good way to explain the mass amounts of fantasy novels she would read this semester.  "I'm taking a few art classes as well."



Pelate makes a confirmation nod "Creative writing is pretty cool, my brother does art..." pelate says in response to Psych. "so whats your major Back Track?" pelate asks turning his head towards the young stallion. carrying on the conversation. (OOC im typing stuph)


@@Psych Ward

Edited by TheFlightlessPegasus
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@@Psych Ward,@,


"Ummm, I'm going for Computer Systems Security Specialist." He replied back to Pelate. It was weird but the stallion could go on all day about computers, software and even hacking.


"I've sort of had an interest in computers since I was a filly," He added, explaining his interest in the major.

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@@Psych Ward,@,


"Ummm, I'm going for Computer Systems Security Specialist." He replied back to Pelate. It was weird but the stallion could go on all day about computers, software and even hacking.


"I've sort of had an interest in computers since I was a filly," He added, explaining his interest in the major.

"Interesting, I never even touched a computer heh" Pelate says shrugging "my majors are... ... ..." Pelate didn't know, he has a cutie mark signifying his determination to be able to fly, but it wasn't exactly a major, and he didn't do a whole lot or have a physical talent that was MAJOR, so he throws out a 'hobby' he frequently does instead of a Talent. "uhm I... play flute. That's really it..." Pelate shrugs again "not much to really say about that..."

@@Psych Ward

Edited by TheFlightlessPegasus
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Psych Ward nodded.  She had known a young pony obsessed with electronics when she was younger.  "Music is always fun," she said to Pelate.  "How long have you played?"  Her hooves itched to leave the library, the mass amount of conversation making her antsy.  She didn't let it show though.

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Psych Ward nodded. She had known a young pony obsessed with electronics when she was younger. "Music is always fun," she said to Pelate. "How long have you played?" Her hooves itched to leave the library, the mass amount of conversation making her antsy. She didn't let it show though.

Pelate responds "about ten years, I'm not as interested in playing it as much as I used to though..." Pelate looks into his saddle bags and it held an old dusty flute, he picked it up and opens the case to reveal a shiny chrome silver flute "I cleaned it before I came here, it used to look like crap...but I'm not sure if I'm going to play it much either way..."
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Psych nodded slowly.  "It's pretty," she said.  "A nice instrument."  She silently pulled one of her book onto the table, opening it up to the first page.  Hoping it didn't appear rude, she began to read paragraphs between discussions or replies.  She was quiet about it, making sure not to attract attention.

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@@Psych Ward, @,


"I'm not one for instruments, just really couldn't get into. So umm, are you planning on joining the band here? You get to play at some of the college's sports games and you're there for free. Plus you get to see so many new places too." He suggested to Pelate. Back Track was planning on doing something similar once he got done with school and had a few certifications under his belt.

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@@Psych Ward, @,


"I'm not one for instruments, just really couldn't get into. So umm, are you planning on joining the band here? You get to play at some of the college's sports games and you're there for free. Plus you get to see so many new places too." He suggested to Pelate. Back Track was planning on doing something similar once he got done with school and had a few certifications under his belt.

"Yes, actually, I have... But I do hope this collage has a good band class and teacher, some of my previous classes were crap."Pelate said with out hesitance he really meant it, middle school and 9 th grade band was Awful mails because it was full of stupid kids who just wanted an easy A. "Anyways, it's kinda cool, if my class is actually loyal to the teacher and the teacher knows how to teach..." The gray Pegasus shrugs. And puts away his flute.
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