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open Pokemon In Equestria RP


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Tempest glanced at Tarot and shrugged. "I've actually been training with Nyx for a few years. I may actually have to tell you how we met when I'm done." He said. "By the way, will you be challenging the gym, as well?"


(You might as well control her, as well as any other gym leaders that Tempest fights.)

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"Not anytime soon, Abra and I havent done much battling. I'm pretty impressed your only going in with one pokemon though. Gym leaders usually have three or more!" She said as the gym came into sight. "She has normal type pokemon I think. Its a shame you dont have any fighting type pokemon, You could wipe the floor with her then!"

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After receiving his pokedex, Midnight followed the Tempest and Tarot out. "I hope you don't mind if I tag along. I don't plan on challenging Mayor Mare yet, but this could be a good chance for me to analyze her fighting style." Midnight said as he caught up to them. 'And then I can go home and train a bit. That is one of the great advantages of living in the Everfree Forest, there is no shortage of pokemon and other critters to battle.' Midnight thought with a glance at Aron, who was walking beside him.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Tempest smirked. "That only gives me more of a challenge, I guess." He said. The cyan pegesus then glanced at Midnight. "I don't mind." Temepst then trotted into the room with aren in it. "I hope you're ready, Mare, because I came here for a badge."


Nyx stepped onto the field and growled.

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Mayor Mare looked up from her work to see the challenger. "Hello, its nice to see such a young face around here" She said warmly as she got up from her work. "So your here to challenge me? I assume this is your first gym battle. I must warn you, I wont be taking it easy on you" She said with a light laugh.


Tarot led Midnight up into the stands to watch the battle

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Tempest nodded. "It's a good thing that I like a challenge, then." He said. "Send out your first Pokemon, and let's get this over with." He then glanced at Nyx. "This is the moment I've been waiting for." He thought. "If all goes according to plan, I'll be the new champion by the end of the week.


Nyx got ready to fight, as she glanced at Mayor Mare.

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Mayor mare smiled. "Alright, lets get this started then" She said as she picked up a pokeball. "Alright Persian, lets get this started!" Mayor mare threw the pokeball and a beautiful persian appeared. The persian crouched down and looked at the Deino as if ready to pounce

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Tempest simply shrugged. "This just got interesting." He said. The cyan pegesus then glanced at his own pokemon. "Nyx, use Dragon Rage, and then bite."


The Deino nodded and formed a sphere of energy in front of her. She then fired the sphere, before rushing towards Persian.

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The persian Managed to keep the sphere away from her vital points, but it got her side. Before the deino could reach her Mayor mare yelled out "Alright, Power Gem, now persian!" The persian began charging up her attack and unleashed it on the Deino. Tarot watched excitedly as the battle began to heat up

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Deino was hit by the attack, but it didn't do much damage. She stepped back, and waited.


Tempest grit his teeth, but then thought of an idea. "Nyx, use Thunder wave and attract." He said.


Nyx nodded and fired a few hearts at the Persian, before fireing a bit of electricity at said pokemon.

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The electricity was a direct hit. Mayor mare thought quickly. "use fury swipes, Persian, Quickly!" Persian pulled herself back up before fury swiping the hearts, obliterating them. "Fury swipes again!" Persian crouched and lunged at the Deino with claws ready to attack

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Sole grinned as he watched the battle unfold "me and ghastly call next fight." He said happily *i wonder hob long this'll take... I'm itching for a good battle.* he thought to himself, as ghastly flew around him eagerly. They both wanted a good fight, too bad the odds were in their favor.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest smirked. "Nyx, dodge and keep use attract, repeadatly." He yelled. The cyan pegesus had an idea forming in his head, but it would take time for it to take effect.


Nyx nodded and dodged the swipes. She also kept furring hearts at the big cat pokemon.

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"Alright, keep dodging and use fakeout!" Mayor mare said. unfortunately there were too many hearts and The persian couldnt dodge them all. The  Persian tried to shake it off and went for the fakeout, avoiding the rest of the hearts as best she could


Tarot looked at Sole. "how are you going to battle a normal type gym with a ghost type pokemon?" She asked, looking at the Ghastly

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Nyx was hit by the attack, and sent a few centimeters back.


Tempest glanced at Nyx. "Nyx, use bite." He said.


The Deino nodded and charged at Persian. She then leaped into the air, and fell towards the cat. Her teeth glowed with energy, as she got ready to attack.


(I'm assuming that this is going off of the show? If it is, how many moves can a pokemon know at one point?)

Edited by Kyurem
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"Alright, keep dodging and use fakeout!" Mayor mare said. unfortunately there were too many hearts and The persian couldnt dodge them all. The  Persian tried to shake it off and went for the fakeout, avoiding the rest of the hearts as best she could


Tarot looked at Sole. "how are you going to battle a normal type gym with a ghost type pokemon?" She asked, looking at the Ghastly

sole looked at tarot "don't underestimate us. Ghastly knows more then just ghost type moves. You'll just have to wait and see what we can do." He said, being purposefully vague. He couldn't wait to show everyone what him a ghastly could do. *this should be fun.* he thought to himself.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Nyx was hit by the attack, and sent a few centimeters back.


Tempest glanced at Nyx. "Nyx, use bite." He said.


The Deino nodded and charged at Persian. She then leaped into the air, and fell towards the cat. Her teeth glowed with energy, as she got ready to attack.


(I'm assuming that this is going off of the show? If it is, how many moves can a pokemon know at one point?)

(I think we should stick to the 4 moveset thing, unless you would prefer more than that)

Persian tried to jump out of the way, but the paralysis prevented her from doing so. "Alright Persian, Powergem, now!" Persian aimed the charge above her and shot, hoping it would knock the Deino off course.


Tarot watched. "Wow, they sure know how to battle. Maybe thatll be us one day, Abra" The abra just watched the battle, deeply interested

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(I honestly think it's pointless. The pokemon can just learn new moves as the RP progresses.)


Tempest smirked, as he noticed that Nyx was quickly getting closer to Persian. "I don't think so. That is, unless you want Persian to get hit in the blast." He thought.


Nyx landed on Persian's back, and bit into on of it's leg muscles.

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The Persian was too far along with her attack to cancel it so instead the persian jumped in the air and kicked Nyx to the ground before releasing the atack downwards, though she wasnt quite far enough from the blast to avoid it, so she got knocked back quite a bit. The Persian was quite weak, but still willing to fight full force

(Whatever works best for you)

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Nyx groaned as she stood up. She was somewhat tired, but she wouldn't stop fighting.


Tempest coughed as some dust entered his lungs. He then glanced at Nyx. "Nyx, use dragon rage." He said.


The Deino nodded, and started to charge up a ball of energy, but it was pure white. She then fired the attack, and it looked like a white flamethrower.


(Otherwise known as dragon breath.)

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Ceris Avion was a solo trainer.

On accident, not on purpose. She thought Team Aqua was the coolest and would definitely have joined had she not been such a newbie. But, they swiftly kicked her from their doorstep and out of Canterlot to "get better". 

Get better! But just looking at Lanna, her baby Eevee, she knew it was true. Maybe she was too weak to change the world... 

Today! So what if she was a new trainer? She adjusted her saddlebags, her pokeballs jostling inside. She was going to get into the Team no matter what! She'd show the world the power of the sea! 

And her first goal was to evolve Eevee into Vaporeon. 


"Come on, Lanna, let's battle! Maybe one of these Pidgey will drop a Water Stone," she said through her teeth.



((Wait, am I allowed to be a villain or not?))

Edited by LanceTheTurtle

[ I T ' S  O K E Y ! ]


[ We're American ]


avatars (Hetalia © Hidekaz Himaruya; avatar courtesy of The Avatar Library.)


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Persian jumped to avoid it, but the Paralysis took efect again and left the persian defenceless. The move was a direct hit and knocked out the Persian. "Not bad, but dont think youve finished just yet. Gym leaders use three pokemon, keep that in mind" Mayor Mare said before returning Persian. "Alright, lets go Kangaskhan!" She called out before releasing her."Lets not waste any time, Dizzy punch!" The Kangaskhan obeyed, charging towards the Deino without hesitation

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Tempest grit his teeth in frustration. "This is getting tough. Time to step it up a notch." He thought. "Nyx, dodge and use bite. Aim for the legs."


Nyx nodded and dodged the attack, before she bit into one of Kanggaskan's knees. She tried to put as much force into the bite as she could.

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Kangaskhan shrieked at the bite. Mayor Mare simply smiled. "Alright Kangaskhan, keep him there and use outrage!" The Kangaskhan obeyed. She powered up the attack and swung her leg, throwing the Deino away from her before charging at him with full power

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