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A hidden treasure

Strong Hooves

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This is for me and Legendary,


There is a tale of an ancient map, one that leads to a treasure shrouded in myth and mystery. Many believed it to be a mere legend and nothing more. This treasure is known as the Stone of Destiny, an artifact believed to take your hearts dearest desire in life, and transform it into a reality. After thousands of failed attempts, one stallion happened to come across the map by complete chance, and the promise of adventure reeled him in. He now travels to Manehattan, gathering what supplies he would need, though while there, pick up an unexpected ally, could these two learn to trust one another and accomplish this goal? Lets find out...


(Character link will be in the OOC thread)


Six walked quietly into the bustling city of Manehattan, where many ponies crowded the sidewalks, pushing one another out of the way to go about their own business, Six glanced at the passing ponies, but quickly looked to the ground as they saw him and backed away with disgust. Just like every other town, he thought to himself, what he meant by this was his eyes. One was a gentle brown shade, while the other was a shock of icy blue, this was unnatural, and thus many ponies teased and avoided Six. All he really had for company was his guitar, slung on his back along with his saddlebag, which held a rather peculiar peice of paper...


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"So this is manehatten..."


There was really nothing else for her to say about it. The buildings may have been taller, and the citizenry more pretentious, but neither of those aspects were particularly appealing to her. For Serah Anastos, it was just another city to pass through; without a look back, and without a care as to who might live there.


A brown earth-pony with a red mane and a guitar strapped to his back passed by, looking profoundly out of place in the city. He was keeping his head low, avoiding the eyes of others and keeping to himself. Probably for the best, she though. A city like this could probably chew up and spit out any country bumpkin who tried to court it. But all she wanted out of Manehatten was a one night stand, figuratively speaking, before she continued her travels across Equestria.


A nearby fruit stand, looking nearly as out of place in the city as the wannabe country singer had, served to satiate her growing hunger. She took an apple in her teeth while the stand's vendor was looking the other way, and slowly trotted away without caring if anyone had seen her stealing in broad daylight or not. It wasn't like she had a good name to protect; she'd taken to covering up the mark on her flank with a large bandage to obscure who she was, as well as her talent. She was more than able to protect herself, and anyone who tried to get in her way would be in for a heated battle.


Silently, she dared the city to take her on. To show her the excitement she craved, the adventure she longed for, and the battle that would quench her thirst.


But it did not answer, at least not immediately. And so she satisfied herself with the apple.

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Six continued to walk, until he began to get the feeling he was being followed, he stole a quick glance back, seeing a red mare trot by him with an apple in her teeth, but that wasnt what worried him. Behind him, two large and rough looking stallions were following Six, their eyes trained on him. Six put his head back down and began to trot faster, the stallions followed, one even called out, "Where ya goin pally?!"...


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  On 2012-02-27 at 4:33 PM, 'Strong Hooves' said:

"Where ya goin pally?!"


Serah heard a rough and unpleasant voice call out, and hoped it was directed at her. Perhaps this city could entertain her for awhile.


Unfortunately, the owner of the voice passed her by. He and another stallion were chasing the hick that had past by her previously. It figured that she would steal food and get away with it, while he got into a fight just based on how out of place he looked. Perhaps she needed to start carrying a guitar on her back. Maybe throw a few 'y'alls' into her dialect.


Curious as to what was about to go down, she followed the three through the streets until the guitar owner made the unfortunate mistake of diving into an dead-end alley. The two burly stallions backed the brown coated pony into the corner, threatening him with their mere presence.


Serah bit into her apple, watching intently.

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Six backed up into the wall, wide eyed but not showing signs of fear, If Im about to go down, then I wont do it as a coward, he thought to himself. "Youre new here" said one of the stallions, a light tan coated one with a broken bone as a cutiemark. He had a sinister grin on his face, then the other, a light blue one with a spike as a cutiemark called out, "Look at his eyes! Ha! What you doing here freak?". The tan one spoke again, "Well let us welcome you here..." he began to approach Six, "Wonder how much we can get for that guitar of yours" he muttered with a chuckle. Six said nothing as he set his guitar to the side, his gaze not leaving the two, the blue one advanced, and Six lashed out like a caged animal, whipping around and bucking the stallion in the jaw, a crack could be heard. The other gave an angered yell and charged Six, slamming him into the wall before pummeling him with hard blows with his forehooves, the blue one finished his yell of pain and soon joined in...


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Serah raised an eyebrow in surprise when the victim made the first move, dealing a solid blow in the process. But it was clear he stood little chance against two street thugs, especially if he wasn't going to use his guitar as a melee weapon. It probably wasn't smart for him to start a fight he couldn't possibly win, but if nothing else, Serah admired his spirit.


"Alright, that's about enough of that." Serah finally spoke up, apple still held in hoof. Her voice was monotone, betraying no emotion. Before the two thugs could even turn around, Serah's unicorn horn lit up with magic, and the two brutes were flung backwards and out of the alleyway by telekinetic force. This normal unicorn spell was mixed with something else though, and as soon as she'd grabbed hold of the two ponies, their coats were set alight with fire.


The lowlifes rolled around frantically on the ground, attempting to put out the flames and cursing up a storm. Serah watched indifferently, taking another bite of her apple. She hadn't meant to burn them; it was just a side-effect of her special ability that anything she magically manipulated would catch fire. But knowing what the two had planned to do to the guitarist, she didn't feel like an apology was necessary. Besides, the fire died out before too long, leaving two ponies with only first degree burns to treat.


"Shit, what the hell was that!?" one of the two asked, eying Serah warily.


"I don't know, but I don't want anymore of it." the other answered, before turning to their former victim. "You can keep your guitar kid, just keep your bitch off of us!"


Serah held back a snort, and bit into her apple again as the two thugs finally left. She turned around, looking at the pony she'd saved. He was still backed up against the wall, but she couldn't read his expression. He was probably thankful, but she didn't really care. She'd done what she'd done because she was bored, and she doubted this guitar strumming hillbilly could provide any more excitement for her. She turned back around and started to leave the alleyway without a word.

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Six slowly rose to his hooves, banged up and bleeding, but not severly hurt. He watched the mare as she began to leave. He tried to call out to her, but ended up spitting out a mouthful of blood and a tooth. He wiped the blood from his mouth and picked up his guitar,a paper fell out from the strings. As he reached for it, a wind picked up and caused it to flutter off, catching itself on the red mares hind leg, he quickly strung his guitar back on and trotted after her to get his paper back, which started to unfold, revealing a map

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Serah felt something brush up against the back of her leg. Probably just a piece of paper, or some other everyday litter. But the wind kept it against her leg, and she quickly tired of the itchy feeling it caused. She stopped, lifting up her hind leg high and setting the wind-blown paper free. She stomped on it with one of her forelegs before it could get away, not because she cared to know what was on it, but just to punish it for bothering her. This didn't mean she could take a peek, though.


Strange, it looked like a map of some sort, and a very old one at that. She heard someone trotting quickly towards her, and turned her head to face whoever it was. It was the guitar man again.

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Six approached her and stopped as she turned around, looking down at his map that she held under her hoof. Damn... I was hopin that didnt open up, he thought to himself. He looked back at her with his two colored eyes, then pointed to the map that she had, indicating that he wished to have it back. I guess I should probably thank her as well... she did save my sorry flank, but he remained silent.


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The out of place pony stared at her, motioning to the paper underneath her hoof. For the first time, she noticed his different colored eyes; he'd kept his head to the ground the first time she'd seen him, and in the alleyway it had been too dark to notice. Though now that she thought about it, one of the two punks that had cornered him had called him a freak.


Serah realized she was staring now, but was unapologetic. She picked up the map and turned around completely to face him.


"This is yours." it was a statement, not a question.

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Six noticed her tone, yet still nodded as if it was a question, he tentatively reached out for the map, becoming slightly uncomfortable as he continued to stare at him. "Uh... Thank ya" he said, his voice surprisingly deep, though not quite bass, more of a baritone.


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Serah held the map away from his reaching hoof, unimpressed by his stereotypical country twang and deep voice. She gazed at the map, wondering what was so important about it that he'd risk approaching a pony who'd just set two hoodlums on fire with her mind. But it was all just formless shapes and obscure markings to her. "You'd think I'd have learned how to read a map by now, considering how far I've traveled..."

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Six was now becoming agitated as she held away the map, he gave an annoyed glance back at her before looking back at his map, Dammit girl just give it back and I'll be on my way, he thought. "Can ah have mah map back?" he asked, already annoyed that he had to speak more than he really wanted to...


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Serah shrugged. She had no use for a map that she couldn't read, but that didn't mean she would just give it up. Not when her day was finally starting to get interesting.


"What's so important about it? And... how badly do you want it?" she asked, subtly challenging him. This traveler had been willing to fight two thugs over something as silly as a guitar; she wondered if this map meant more or less to him than the six-string instrument that marked his flank.

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Six was getting rather annoyed, to answer her question on the importance, he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a book and dropped it in front of her, the cover read 'Legend of the Stone of Destiny'. He then answered her next question, "Now what do ya want? Money? I want mah map back. NOW". He then glared at the mare, flashing his icy eye and making himself look far more intimidating than he usually does...

(That is his Dead Eye, equivalent to the Stare only it works on ponies too)


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Serah was disappointed in his response, especially the part about exchanging money, but returned the map regardless. Though after she had done so, she wondered why. The wanna-be treasure hunter certainly hadn't threatened her, and yet she had complied almost immediately. Well, she reasoned, she'd been hard enough on the guy already, there had been no reason to bother him further.


Though as soon as she rationalized her actions, she decided that she still wasn't quite done with this pony and his map.


"'Stone of Destiny'. Sounds interesting, if not a bit overly dramatic. I take it you think you're a treasure hunter, then."


(OOC: liek omg dead eye so op, nerf nerf nerf. Just kidding. XD)

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Six shrugged, taking back his map, "Ah dont think ah am, cus ahm not. Just like the adventure" he muttered, "Couldnt resist", he tucked the map into his saddlebag. He then turned to leave, leaving the book on the ground in front of her...


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Serah eyed the book suspiciously, and wordlessly picked it up. Had that pony forgotten that he'd thrown it at her feet? Well, she wasn't going to hand this back as easily as she had the map. She flipped to the inside front cover and read what it had to say.


"... artifact... hearts dearest desire... transform it into... reality..."


This was what he was looking for? This was what that map of his supposedly led to? The object described in the book, the Stone of Destiny, crossed the line between 'magical' and flat-out miraculous. It was impossible to believe a stone with so much power could exist. It was pure fantasy, just like the hundreds of other stories she'd heard growing up.


She knew that, and yet the idea still fascinated her.


"So, the Stone of Destiny. You really think it exists." Serah stated as she turned her back to the book's owner. She didn't like asking questions, and preferred to just make statements, regardless of their accuracy.

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"And this book of yours; I suppose you don't need it anymore. I'm guessing you've memorized everything to do with the..." she flipped to a random page. "impasse of the four blades."


She was bluffing; the page she'd turned to said nothing about a blade, let alone four of them. But she still wanted to draw a conflict out of this stranger. It was the only way she knew how to interact with others, and the only way she could judge a pony's character.

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Six rose an eyebrow at the mention of the blades, "There aint no blades, thats a lie... but it does say somethin about a right of passage, a few tests for yer wits, bravery, morality, and of course... fightin skills... page 62 if yer curious". Six sat down, now intersted in what more this mare had to say, if she was going to try and trick him again, or perhaps something else...


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Damn, she'd hoped he wouldn't see through her lie so easily. Worse, she'd probably made it clear to him now that she was interested in this fools quest of his.


Even worse than that, she found herself immediately turning to page 62. She quickly scanned it, paying the most attention to the test of strength.


... No doubt about it, this was some intense shit. The type of stuff that could really get her blood boiling, and light the fire in her eyes once again. But she still told herself that didn't believe a word of it.


She coughed, trying to disguise her ever growing enthusiasm for the subject.


"Then you're planning to complete all these trials yourself. Should they actually exist." she added that last part hastily. "You'll forgive me if I wonder if you are capable of completing them all by yourself."

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Six figured he had this mare right where he wanted her, he shrugged and gave a sly smile, "Ah guess ah'll find out... wont ah?You can keep the book" he then began to turn around, slowly walking off, 5...4...3...2... he counted down in his head.


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Serah sighed. This pony knew exactly what she was up to, and what she was leading up to. She momentarily considered just setting him on fire and hoping the map didn't burst into flames as well, just to spite him. But if she was going to be honest with herself, this traveler who was planning to risk life and hoof in search of his dreams had already made a better impression on her than any other pony she'd seen since her journey had started.


"Thanks for the book, but I'm going to need that map too." she spoke up, hoping to at least catch him the least bit off-guard before saying what he'd expected her to say. "Though seeing as that piece of paper is so near and dear to you, I guess I'll just have to follow you if I'm to see if this treasure is real or not."

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And 1... Six turned around with a small smile on his face, "All ya had to do was ask... A little company is always welcome" he then motioned her to follow, "Ahm just here to gather supplies, Ah dont plan on staying the night in this dump, are ya needin anythin while we're here? Might wanna be ready before we head out". He didnt know why he had accepted her into this adventure so easily, he might have even toyed with her a little more, Nah.. that aint the right thing to do... besides, she dont seem too bad...


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