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A hidden treasure

Strong Hooves

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Six looked at the two pagasi, one tan colored one that was rather tall, and the other a gray color, they were teasing three little fillys that were playing with a beach ball, keeping it just out of their reach, "Give it back!" said an orange pegasus filly, getting rather angery, "Or what?" said the gray pegasus, a smirk on his face, Six didnt like what he was seeing, as stepped forward, "Hey!" he called out, getting the pegasi's attention, "Why dont you pick on somepony yer own size" he said, lowering his head in a threatening manner...


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Meanwhile, Twilight leading Serah through the aisles. Serah wasn't showing much interested, and Twilight caught on fairly quickly.


"Umm, is there anything specific you were looking for?" she tentatively asked, probably trying to be helpful. Serah supposed that while she was there, she might as well pick out something of interest. She reached into one of apple bags, and took out the book Six String had given her earlier.


"Something on this subject would be good." Serah answered, indicating the cover. Twilights eyes went wide when she read the title.


"Oh wow, that book is practically ancient! Where did you find it?" Twilight gushed, taking it in her hooves without asking permission.


"Someone must have dropped it." Serah explained, telling only half of the truth. For some reason, she just didn't want anyone to know she was traveling with another pony.


"You're so lucky! The only time I've ever seen a copy was back at the Canterlot archives." Twilight remarked, and then seemed to realize that she wasn't a museum curator and in fact, was supposed to be playing librarian at the moment. "Oh, right. So you're looking for more information on the Stone of Destiny. I think I can find you something more current than that book."


Twilight began to levitate various books from various shelves, checking the titles. Serah began to wonder if this wasn't a good turn of events after all.

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"Oh yeah? Like you!!" said the tall pegasus, walking toward Six who held his ground, he wasnt cornered, he was in open space now, and he was dangerous in open space, "Thats just what ah was hopin youd say" he said with a smirk. He and the two pegasi began to circle one another, Six kept his motions fluid as he walked, showing no signs of worry, he had left his saddlebag and guitar next to the door of the library, knowing it wouldnt get damaged there... (Fight scene when I get home, I have practice in like five minutes lol)


The shorter pegasus was the first to charge, and Six was ready for him, he nimbly stepped to the side, tripping the pegasus in the process who fell face first in the dirt. Six was then shoved by the larger pegasus and he went down, but quickly rolled out of the way as the pegasus brought his hooves down on him. He got back to his hooves as the two charged him together, with surprising quickness, Six jumped into the air, landing on the back of the gray pegasus, "HEY!! Get off me!" he yelled as he began to buck wildly, "I'll get him for you!" yelled the taller pegasus, and turned to buck Six, but Six simply jumped off, and the gray pegasus ended up with a buck to the head, effectively knocking him out. Six leaned against a light pole near the two, a smirk on his face. In anger, the larger pegasus charged, lowering his head for a headbut, Sucker, thought Six as he made a timed jump, landing on the pegasus' back and jumping off, sending his opponent face first into the pole with a loud THUD!!! Both pegasi were knocked out now, and Six grabbed the beach ball and took it to the three fillys, each wide eyed and with an ear to ear smile...


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Serah heard a loud 'thud' from outside, but didn't pay it much attention. Twilight had found the book she was looking for, titled 'Contemporary Research on the Nature of Magical Items'. It's was a mouthful, and the title was a bit out-dated too, the book having been released many years ago.


"I know there's a chapter on the Stone of Destiny in here..." Twilight flipped through the page at breakneck speed, and Serah wondered how the librarian could ever see what she was skipping past. "Ah, here we go!"


The page contained a drawn diagram of what the Stone of Destiny supposedly looked like, and a couple pages of description.


"You probably know most of the stuff in here already, if you already have the book dedicated to it." Twilight reasoned. "But there has been some research into the matter in the past 20 years, and its now considered more likely than ever that the Stone actually exists."


Serah raised her eyebrows, but didn't verbally respond. If anything, she had expected the myth to be debunked, not bolstered.

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Six smiled as the fillies ran off once again laughing and playing, he wished he had known the feeling at that age. He grabbed his things and went to an empty bench and sat down. Waiting to see if Serah would come back out anytime soon.


(were in a tornado warning ATM so I may not post for a while)


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"This part should interest you." Twilight continued to go on about the book, though Serah would have much rather preferred to read it quietly on her own time. "23 years ago, the famous explorer Indy Drake went in search of the Stone of Destiny. He claimed to his traveling partner one day that he'd stumbled across its resting place, as well as the first trial. But then next day when he went out to actually claim the stone, he never returned."


Twilight closed the book, and handed it to Serah.


"Indy was one of the most respected explorers of all time; he even inspired a book series that a friend of mine loves. It may just be conjecture, but I don't have any reason to believe he would have lied about something like finding the Stone of Destiny's resting place when everyone already thought he was the greatest." Twilight concluded.


It was an interesting story. But Serah wondered if Twilight had ever stopped to consider that Indy might have been ashamed that he was unable to find the stone, lied to his partner, and then faked his own death to keep his own dignity.


Suddenly, a bell tolled from outside. Twilight seemed to suddenly remember something.


"Oh, the talent show must be almost ready to start!" Twilight exclaimed, before pointing a question at Serah. "Are you going to see it, or participate in it maybe?"


Serah shook her head.


"Okay then. You're from out of town, aren't you? Just make sure you return the book before you leave Ponyville. Thanks." Twilight smiled, and then left the library. Serah followed her outside so as not to seem suspicious, but as soon as the unicorn was out of sight, she went back inside.


Now she had the entire library to herself.

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Six's ears perked up as the bell rang, he noticed the librarian leaving, but not Serah, <Figures> he thought to himself. The pony approached him with a smile, "Well hello again! I did-" she stuttered slightly as she saw his eyes, something she somehow missed, she quickly got her composure back and continued, "Didn't expect to see you again. I'm actually heading to the talent show right now, have you decided to enter in it? I'd like to hear a guitarist". Six thought for a moment, then nodded, <eh why not> he thought, and began to follow. Twilight noticed the two unconscious Pegasi, "what happened to them?" she asked, Six merely shrugged, then looked back to the library, thinking he saw Serah pass one of the windows of the home.

(could you make another contestant for six to compete against? Someone who is full of themselves because of their talent? I'd like six to blow him outta the water :3)

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Serah woke up from her hiding place at the top of the tree. She opened her eyes and saw that the sun was shining, tinged green by the leaves it passed through on its way to here. She sat up straight and cracked her neck a couple times. She didn't know how long she'd slept, but the fact that she actually felt rested was probably a good indication that'd it'd been for quite a long time.


"Well, time to find Six String." Serah though to herself, standing up on a branch. She deftly leaped from the branch to one of the overhangs that jutted out from the tree-house, and then continued to drop onto other hoofholds until she reached the ground. A few ponies watched her curiously. "I don't care if they see me anymore. I'll be out of this nowhere town in just a few more minutes."


A few more minutes turned into an hour, as Serah searched for Six String and found no trace of the pony.


"I guess he left without me..." Serah spoke to herself. "And I'm sure he took that map with him as well..."


"Well, it's not like I'll miss him." she told herself. "He was just some strange colt with a guitar. But even if he was just a nopony, for just a short while, he gave my traveling a type of... purpose."


Serah shook her head free of the depressing thought.


"There'll always be other adventures. I don't need anyone else's help to find what I'm looking for. I made it to Manehatten on my own; there's nowhere I'm uncapable of taking myself." Serah reaffirmed with herself. "I'll never stop fighting, and I'll never stop moving. Not until the day my body burns away and I turn to ash."


Serah walked out of Ponyville, head held high.


"And even then, I will rise from the ash.


Serah. Anastos.


Flame. Resurrection.


A phoenix who will never die."




Note: If Strong Hooves ever returns to this forum from his parent's banishment, this post will be deleted and the RP will resume as planned. Until then, this is the end of Serah and Six String's travels together.

Edited by Legendary Emerald
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