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Elements of Nature


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"Yea. Garth usually has some nice trinkets and such in his room from his travels so I always borrow a few before we leave on a mission. This is one of the few times I've actually had to use one though."

Raek got up and passed the articles of clothing back to who they belonged.


Gizmo grinned.

"Never make me angry."

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Daisy put her coat back on and she started walking again, and faced Raek.

"I know that we are teamates, but why did you jump infront of me when the monster was going to attack me?"

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"You weren't paying attention and I'm pretty sure your coat is thinner than mine. If you had taken the blow, you probably would've died either on impact or not too long after. I can't let one of my own suffer such a fate."

Raek took small steps forward, not wanting to risk his legs with anything larger yet.

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"You don't understand, I could have saved them! They all died and it's my fault! Well, maybe not my father, but my mother and sister! My sister was dragged off by masked ponies and I was right there! I could have at least tried to stop them, but I didn't! I was a coward and a fool! My father never spoke to me again, except to give me orders. My mother was the only one I could turn to. But no, she had to die as well, and it was by my hand."

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Daisy frowned and hit him.

"Snap the fuck out of it! Even if they were taken away, getting yourself killed is not helping them either, now is it? Every single ponies makes mistake, and it takes a man to get over those mistakes. You think you are the only pony who has been through shit?"

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(I swear linguz, you're planning all the interesting stuff that rigel could help with at times when I'm busy)


Rigel eyed masquerade strangely. "your mother died by your hand? Or by psychos? You can't always control him, can you?"


Rigel instantly felt guilty. that probably wasn't the best thing to say, actually. I've never been good at this kind of thing.

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Masquerade looked at Rigel.

"No, it was by my hand, not his. I saw my sister taken away. I bumped into my mother, causing her to fall 50 feet to her death. And I looked my father in the eye, knife in my hoof, and I stabbed him. I stabbed him, and stabbed him, and STABBED HIM AND STABBEDANDSTABBEDANDSTABBEDANDSTABBED! And you know what? It felt good. 3 years of being pushed by him, 3 years of never ending guilt. I ended it. I ended it all and he was created in my psyche."

Masquerade looked at the group.

"I... I need to be alone."

Masquerade then took to the skies.

Edited by Derp2daherp
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(I can only do things when online, sorry.)

Garth looked at Masquerade fly away.

"I'll go talk to him. The rest of you, keep moving forward."

He took off in a pursuit of Masquerade.

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