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Elements of Nature


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Rigel woke up with a dry mouth. He rolled over and looked into his bag, found a bottle of juice, and drank deeply. He rolled back onto his back and noticed psychoMasque flying around, holding an evidently terrified daisy. Sipping the juice, Rigel casually formed a snowball and flung it towards the flying pair, using magic to guide it directly into Psycho's tail.


"how's it going, love birds?" he called out to them, with a mishievious smile on his face. "nice day, yeah?"

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"pretty good down here at ground level." Rigel replied "a bit cold maybe".


He put his drink back, then got up and stretched. He formed another snowball and threw it towards daisy.



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(Yep. Going to use him now.) (There's no trees, so you're attacking pillars of snow.)

Gizmo saw Plasma slashing at pillars of snow.

"Why're you attack snow Plasma?"

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