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Elements of Nature


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(time for Masquerade to join the fun)

The gray pegasus awoke, gasping for breath.The first few things he noticed was that his head was THROBBING and that he was in a place he hadn't known about ever.

Where am I? He thought. But then another thought stuck.

"Who am I?" He thought aloud.

After looking around the room, he decided to proceed over to a mirror which was on the left end of the room. Looking in the mirror, he noticed his cutie mark, a masquerade mask, and his red eyes. Those haunting red eyes.

He then decided to investigate the room, in hopes of returning his memory. The only thing he could remember at the moment was what his cutie mark meant and his SPD. (Split Personality Disorder.) He then noticed that there was a brand new notepad sitting on the desk in front of the mirror, with a freshly sharpened pencil laying next to it.

Perfect! The black maned pegasus thought. He would be able to use this to jot down notes on evidence he discovered.

Let's just hope that nopony has discovered us yet, eh chum?

Edited by Derp2daherp
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(I agree that we should have a meeting.)


Autumn heard a commotion, so he figured that some other members must have sobered up a little. He followed the sound of the noise, when he saw everyone surrounding what looked like a robot. He looked down at the book he had been reading earlier, "I, Robot" Awesome. Then he saw the brain casing. Wait, its a cyborg? Poor guy. His body was probably destroyed in battle. He walked up to try and introduce himself. "Hello, my name is Autumn Breeze. Awesome body you have there. I would hate to be against you in a fight."


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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(What brain casing? You guys are silly. His brain is inside his head just as if he was a regular pony and it's not transparent or anything.)

"Hello Autumn. Names Gizmo. I'm the inventor in this base." A rumble went through the base and a passage appeared on the other side of the hallway. "Guess that Legacy finished the training grounds."


(Training Grounds has a dirt floor and is pretty flat throughout the entire thing. It can be altered using your mind through, Legacy made it like that so one could train in any type of terrain they wanted.)

(If it doesn't get claimed by the time you claim it, sure. Reserving was only allowed the first few pages before everypony made their pony.)

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Dawn woke up from her sleep with a scream, because of a large rumble,she went outside of her room and noticed the others awake "Shoot, they are already awake, I am probably late for the training" she thought in her mind, she walked closer to the group "Hey does anypony know what time it is?" she asked with a worried smile.


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Gizmo turned to her. "It's still around 9 PM. Training doesn't start still for another nine hours I'd say. Legacy's just getting it into position for tomorrow."

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Oh sweet Celestia, get the hay out of my head you psychopath.

Oh, come now! What's the matter with a little socialism every once in a while?

I need to think. Go away.

Have it your way, party pooper.

The pegasus had two halves to him. One smart, investigating, normal side, and a psychopathic insane side to him. He had medicine for it, but he must have run out, seeing as there was an empty prescription bottle lying on the floor. He took note of that. He also jotted down that there was a gas canister which he presumed to be empty, a small yet dried pool of blood, and a knife.

Hm... I think I can put these all together... The knife is obviously connected to the pool of blood. I can also assume that the knife is related to my scar. That seems to make sense. There's also the empty bottle of Rinzophen. (The medicine I take for my SPD.)

That could be connected to the gas canister. But was it I who did it? Or you... uhm... what did I call you?

"Hay if I know. We really should give ourselves a name. You aren't the only one who suffered amnesia, you know." The psychotic half said out loud. He had a different, crazier, tone to his voice.

Hush! We don't know where we are, and there could be other ponies listening! The sane half thought.

"You need to loosen up sister! Have a little fun! YELL a little!"

The yell echoed through the halls, probably alerting the other ponies that resided in the base. (HINT HINT)

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"Now look what you've done you imbecile!"

"Oh come on, we can take em'! Course' they could have weapons and we don't so... my bad!"

"Well, I could use the gas canister as a blunt weapon I suppose. We also have the knife if worst comes to worse. Or I could try talking to them."

"Oh please, how could talking get us out of this kind of situation?"

"You never know till you try."

Edited by Derp2daherp
  • Brohoof 1
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(Oh you and your hints. I got it.) (And italics works fine as well.)


Legacy's silhouette left her room and went down the hall to where the yell came from. She shoved the door open and trotted in. "Can you two stop arguing! It's incredibly annoying to have to log what every creature says and thinks in the base without you, one pony, having two different minds that are arguing with each other.

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"You- you remember who we are?"

"We ain't got a single clue! Mr. 'Detective' over here couldn't comprehend the situation to save his life!"

"Shut your damn mouth!"

"'Shut your bleh bleh!" He mocked.

Edited by Derp2daherp
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"I have no idea who the hell you two are, but when you first arrived you gave us the name Masquerade. All I know is that you're multiple personalities are each a different mind I have to log. I had to create another copy just to focus on you two. That's annoying for me, incredibly. Each copy requires me to exert myself a little more in addition to preventing the Bards from locating us and everything else that makes this place work."

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Legacy lifted the empty bottle and put it in a bag around her neck. Another bottle came out of the wall; it said Rinzophen on the front. "Here's your bottle. If you ever come close to running out, pass a note under my door. My room is the middle one in this wing."

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"Thank you." Before Masquerade could open the bottle, Psychorade interrupted.

"Before I take my leave, I need to bring up a valid point. You knew of us two and you didn't tell anypony else about us? OHH! I do love a secret keeper!"

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"I know everything that happens in the general area around me and I never tell anyone anything I find out unless it's crucial. So of course I didn't tell anyone about you two. Though, if you ever start speaking like that, expect everyone to know."

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"This clears up so much. Thank you. I'm going to get some rest. See you ponies tomorrow."

"Have a stabberific-" Before Psychorade could finish, Masq took control and took 2 pills.

"Much better. I think I'm going to get some sleep now. Thank you again.".

Edited by Derp2daherp
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(derpy? From gamefaqs? It's l33t_ninj4_1337, you might not remember me.)

(this guy is a pretty good fanfic writer, btw)



Rigel woke up with one of the worst headaches he'd ever had.


"sweet celestia this FUCKING HURTS!"


Finding that he was still near the kitchen, he quickly stumbled over to the counter, looking for the ingredients to his secret hangover drink. It didn't get rid of hangovers completely, but it made them a lot more bearable.


"okay, 1 cup of water, a little mint, salt and sugar..." he muttered to himself, clutching the side of his head with one hoof. "dammit, where do they keep the poison joke."


He looked around, but didn't see either chef. He walked around a bit, calling out.


"hey, guys! Anybody here? I need some poison joke! For the hangover, you know?"

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Legacy walked into the east hallway and through that, into the center hallway. She saw Rigel and heard him ask for poison joke for the hangover. She walked up to him and put her horn on his forehead, curing the hangover instantly. "Are you better now?"

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(I thought you said she didn't do that kind of thing?)


Rigel touched his head in amazement.


"wow... It really does work." he grinned. "thanks a lot... uh... Legacy, right?"

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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(She also doesn't leave her room to yell at a pony who's arguing with himself usually. Right now, you can say she's not in her normal state because of that. Also, since she logs what everypony thinks, she might go out of her way to remove the constant thought of "Ouch hangover pain" from some ponies so that the log isn't just a constant hangover complaining bit.)

(Garth was able to avoid his hangover due to drinking too much with Raek in the past. He has become immune to them.)

(Daisy... I'm not sure. Apparently she didn't feel it. Beginner's luck I guess.)


"That is correct. Don't expect me to do this often though, so check the training grounds for poison joke. I put some of it there." Legacy turned around and began to trot back to her room.


[Time Lapse - To the next morning]

[by the way Petey, since you're using my OC species, I need to teach you a few things about them. The important one now is that drazuls can live in extremely hot environments. They enjoy those areas.]

[Poll is going to be used to determine where we head to first.]


Garth stood at the back of the Meeting Room. The table in the center was crowded by everyone new. Raek, Natural, and Gizmo stood to Garth's left. Dusty, Camile, and Legacy's silhouette stood to his right. Sitting at the table's left were Autumn, Ocean, Daisy, and Rigel. On the other side of the table sat Blake, Plasma, Dawn, and Masquerade. Garth walked in front of the more prominent members of the Valkyrs. He spoke to all of the ponies sitting at the table.

"For a bit now we have been relaxing and fooling around. The Valkyrs were made for more than that. They were made to save Equestria from The Bards of Chaos. We know the location of the six Elements of Nature we need to recover.

"The Element of Water, controlled by Frost, is located to the north in the frozen wasteland that it now is.

"The Element of Arcane, controlled by Paradox, is located to the east northeast in the floating islands that it now is.

"The Element of Wind, controlled by Gust, is located to the west northwest in the cloud islands that it now is.

"The Element of Earth, controlled by Terra, is located to the east southeast in the mountains that it now is.

"The Element of Lighting, controlled by Shock, is located to the west southwest in the valley that it now is.

"The Element of Fire, controlled by Ignite, is located to the south in the lava springs that it now is.

"We need to decide where we head to first, so all of us here will vote. To vote, just think about it and Legacy will log it. If you do not wish to fight, tell one of us ahead of time so Legacy can plan ahead. This is just a formality though, she will already know if you will fight or not." Garth turned to his left then his right then back to the table. "That is all. If you have any questions, ask me or Legacy and we'll give you a straight answer. Now all of you head over to the Training Grounds. We need to get you guys capable of fighting if we're ever to be able to win."


[The Poll will run for a bit of time, most likely the amount of time that it takes for training to complete.]

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Autumn thinks his vote. I think we should go for Terra first. Earth probably controls boulders and causes earthquakes. Pegasai would have an advantage there.


After the meeting, he left for his room to grab his weapon. It is an ancient katana. Engraved on the blade are a series of runes. Autumn has been trying to decipher what they mean, but so far, he can only read a spell for sharpness and durability. Attached to the handle is a gem. He can't be sure, being only a pegasus, but he believes there is magical energy stored in the gem. He heads to the training grounds.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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