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Fanfic writer


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I write fan fictions, I've got one done, and I'm working on part two of it. Although, I'm working on a Spider-Man fanfic called Spider-Colt: Worlds Apart.

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I write fanfics! (I haven't for a while, but I'm getting back on track) My favorite one is called W.O.N.D.E.R.B.O.L.T.S.

Here. I'll just post the fanfic summary straight from the site.

"Every die hard Rainbow Dash fan knows that she is more than worthy of being a Wonderbolt, so why hasn't it happened?
Rainbow Dash searches for answers and comes across more than she bargained for."


I'll get around to posting a new chapter soon, but please check it out!


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Does anyone on here write fanfics for MLP? Could you post titles and just a brief summary about it???

I wrote a fanfic called Storm of the century and a new dawn.


Here are some of my fanfictions.



'Everything Will Be Fine...'



Their camp was overrun, they were asleep and were taken by surprise... the trotters. Why was she bitten? Why Sweetie Belle? She was so innocent...


End Of Her Days




Rainbow Dash decided to take Scootaloo flying for the day. She pushed the young filly to improve her flying skills, but maybe she pushed too hard. Now Scootaloo is lying in Hospital in a critical condition, the doctors informed Rainbow Dash that she wasn't going to make it. She relives the events of that fateful day whilst sitting next to the unconscious little filly that meant the world to her.





Cary Lee, a young middle school aged boy with a unique... gift, ends himself up in Equestria while on the run from the authorities. The only things on his person are the clothes he is wearing, his backpack and a journal.

Inside the journal he records his experiences in this seemingly new land. Will he find allies to stick by him, will he be shunned by pony kind and will he fall to the darkness that is Nightmare Moon? His powers he worked so hard to keep hidden will aid him in this dark world.

This story is set before Nightmare Moon was imprisoned by the Elements of Harmony.

Edited by Vinyl Scratch (Filly)™
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While i do write few fanfiction, is a real problem to get some editor who are... emm... "able to go through inapropriate grammar on a long distance". So i have one huge unfinished project which, alas, has been hanging over a half of the year without care, and currently start the new one, which i'm afraid will meet same desteny.

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Well Vinyl Scratch(filly), I found another fanfic to make me cry. End of her days. I've read it and sadly enough, I know what Rainbow Dash is going through.

Could y'all read my fanfic and give me some tips, pointers, and or likes/favorites????

While my own writing, I got the inspiration from a book.

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I love to write fanfics, I usually play with the limits of the world. Something about testing the limits makes it wonderful.

Anyways, I'll love to read your stories and give criticism, ravensilvertail.


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"Blue Butterflies"


As for summary, let's just say it's a crossover with metal gear that correlates with alot of realife issues shall we? (terrorism, vengeance, animal cruelty, racism, stereotypes, extremism, the list goes on...oh and most of all...THE HATE 0_0!!!). Created some paradoxes in various mlp episodes, hopefully good ones.


Lots of similarities with metal gear characters. Take this quote from my fic as an example.


"We've been shedding blood, sweat, and tears - all to fight off the haters...crawling our ways through bloody battlefield dirt, all for ponies."


Yeah gives you an idea of the theme.

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I got one on the drawing board. Havent decided a name, but the working one is "Gods Among Us". Mostly its going to revolve around The god/ruler of the Human Empire (Super Advanced) relationship with Princesses Celestia and Luna. Also, all of Creation is at risk as the major theme.


I plan on obliterating some canon, like there was no such thing as windigos, Equestria  was once part of this massive human empire, but given to Celestia and Luna by the Ruler of the humans (name is currently Mike). Also, Scootaloo will have a major ish role lol


Now if i could get Magic Man to allow me to use his Pupa Character, i could have a fun little side thing going on lol

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I have one in the works, just need to finish finals and I during break will have all the time to work on it.

It's about an alternative universe (so not cannon) where about half of the population is a type of monster based on legend or folklore. The mane cast are types of monsters and they have to deal with issues such as discrimination amongs themselves and non-monsters and the conflicts that arise from the differen races.

It's mostly going to be an adventure theme with a bit of dark elements added to it.

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