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private (ROMANCE) The Love Triangle

Nurse Slava Medik

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"My house is actually around the corner from here. You can come and visit me anytime!" Choco stated with a giggle. "So, let me guess...you're staying in the hotel close to the...town hall?" Choco asked as she got up and followed Doug out to the doorway. She was starting to like Doug...a lot.  

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(Silver Star) "hello again little bro."

I greeted with a smile. He turned and saw me. His eternal frown seemed to have gotten longer. As if annoyed by something.

"Ah, what's the matter. I thought ponies would be extatic to meet real celebrities. You should feel honored."


(Mr. Critical) I shifted my face to one of confusion. Honored? I would be honored in the presence of one of the princesses. I would be honored by a dragon not eating me. I would be honored even by a mare taking a glance at me. Having met her was more of a punishment.

"No offence Silver Star, but I don't think you grasp of my feelings toward you?"

I clear my throwt.

"I don't 'like' you, okay."

I said like with a particular emphasis.

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"My house is actually around the corner from here. You can come and visit me anytime!" Choco stated with a giggle. "So, let me guess...you're staying in the hotel close to the...town hall?" Choco asked as she got up and followed Doug out to the doorway. She was starting to like Doug...a lot.

Doug opened the door and trotted out of the restaurant with Choco "May I walk with you home before I go to my hotel?" He asked standing beside her. *weird, I'm asking that, yet I'm the one who doesn't live in this town* he thought and laughed a little in his head.
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"Sure!" Choco stated with a laugh. "My house is nice little home. I live by myself. Oh, I forgot to ask this but...where are you from? Manehattan?" Choco asked as they trotted on over to Choco's house, just on the other side of Sugarcube Corner. "I wonder if Doug would want to live here..." Choco thought to herself.  

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"Sure!" Choco stated with a laugh. "My house is nice little home. I live by myself. Oh, I forgot to ask this but...where are you from? Manehattan?" Choco asked as they trotted on over to Choco's house, just on the other side of Sugarcube Corner. "I wonder if Doug would want to live here..." Choco thought to herself.

"I'm from Cloudsdale, my brother and my parents moved because of well, multiple reasons" he thought he would have to get to know her before telling things like this "so I stay in cloudsdale. But the rest of my family live in manehatten though" he explained "anyways, I'll see you later then" he said beginning to leave for his hotel.
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(OOC: So I'll talk with the DM about time skips. We'll go from there)


"Okay! I'll see you tommorow!" Choco said with a laugh as she went inside her house. She then plumped herself on her bed and let out of a sigh of relief followed by several giggles. "I think he really likes me." She said to herself as he then laid belly-up for a while.  

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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He signed into his hotel room and trotted inside.

He sat on the couch and thought for a while

*what have you gotten yourself into?* he had never done something like this in such short notice, and he'd be leaving for Cloudsdale for work once his vacation time is over, *shes not a Pegasus, how is this going to work. im not up for constant travel. And I dont want to move because I work in cloudsdale, nor do i want to do that just because of this thing* he went to lay on his bed and just lay there feeling a black cloud over his head. *if I start dating this mare ill have to make the realationship work, just how?* he thought to himself *ill just see how it goes as the days pass by* he then thought he was getting too ahead of himself and he's just freaking out about nothing, *youve just met and you're. Thinking of stuff like this, slow down*

(OOC this idea just came to mind. Because how Would this work if his job is in cloudsdale, and he isn't up for moving, and Choco is an earth pony? Whatever well find a solution!!!! Maybe...)

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(OOC: Choco is a unicorn) 


Choco was laying in her bed belly up munching on a chocolate bar. "I really hope he can stay with me down here. Or else I'll have to travel up by balloon to Cloudsdale. I can perhaps learn a spell that enables me to walk on clouds, but having to travel back and forth every day wouldn't seem right." Choco said out loud with a giggle. 

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(Silver Star) "Why Critic, I come all the way out here and find my long lost brother, and he doesn't want to spend time with his sister. Fore shame."

I put a little exageration at the end of it. He had a bit of an annoyed look to him


(Mr. Critical) Oh why can't she leave me alone.

"Look, Silver. I'm not sure what delusions you've had of the past years, bt what you mom, and dad did was unforgivable. And I have no wish nor need to be around anyone from that city, understood."

I made my words have as much seriousness as possible.

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After Patterson had finished his hearty meal, he donned his trench coat and headed out the door, pushing his hat down on his head as he exited. He wondered where he should visit next, and he began wandering down the street looking for a good destination to check out. He spotted a light blue pony and a peach colored pony, and decided to go up and ask them if they knew any good destinations to visit. "Hello! My name is Patterson, and I was wondering if you two knew of any good...OH" Pat stopped when he realized that they were yelling at each other. "Sorry...III uuuh, guess this is a bad time, huh?" 'Aaaawkwaaard'. "I uuuh, guess I'll let you get back to it?"


@Mr. Critical


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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I realized that a new voice was heard. My sister and I looked to the new voice and saw a stallion in a... trench coat.

"No its quite alright, my sister was just leaving."


(Silver Star) "no my baby brother was just leaving, isn't that right critic."


(Mr. Critical) "No, because I live here."

I gave her a menacing stare while she returned an amused smile.


(Silver Star) "anyway, how can I help ya?" My attention was now directed to the new stallion.


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Lightning Feather nodded. "The Inn is just this way," she told him, pointing down the street a ways. She prepared to walk off but then remembered why she was sent there by her CO in the first place. "I suppose I should escort you there," she said to him. "What is your name, by the way?"


Blazing kept walking, bored, depressed, and alone like every year. Oh hearts and hooves day, the worst day of the year... Maybe today would be a good day to do it, that way I won't have to suffer another day like this... He thought, not looking up. As he was walking, he bumped into a mare who seemed to be with a stallion. He didn't say anything, just turned and started walking in a different direction.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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(Silver Star) "anyway, how can I help ya?" My attention was now directed to the new stallion.


"Uuuh, OK," Pat was just a little confused by their reactions." I was just wondering if you knew of any good places to stop during my stay in Ponyville. You see I'm new here, I'm just in town for the Hearts and Hooves Day Festival because of this free ticket that I got. And well my sister River unfortunately was detained with something back at home in Hoofington and couldn't come with me, so I'm on my own here trying to find stuff to do in the mean time."


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Silver Star) "Sorry I'm a tourist as well. Can't really help you with directions"

So hearfs and hooves day is what the festival is for. I loved this holoiday, but I always hated spending it alone. Then I thought...

"Well, since you and I are newbies in this town why don't we look together."


(Mr. Critical) oh celestia, is it hearfs and hooves day already. I absolutely lath this holiday. Always alone, more than usual anyway. Then it hit me...

"You know, there is a bakery here like none other. You both should really go check it out... together... away from me."

I don't think I could have made that any less subtle


(Silver Star)"sounds like fun." I look to the stallion

"Care to join me?"

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(Silver Star) "Sorry I'm a tourist as well. Can't really help you with directions"

So hearfs and hooves day is what the festival is for. I loved this holoiday, but I always hated spending it alone. Then I thought...

"Well, since you and I are newbies in this town why don't we look together."


(Mr. Critical) oh celestia, is it hearfs and hooves day already. I absolutely lath this holiday. Always alone, more than usual anyway. Then it hit me...

"You know, there is a bakery here like none other. You both should really go check it out... together... away from me."

I don't think I could have made that any less subtle


(Silver Star)"sounds like fun." I look to the stallion

"Care to join me?"

Patterson watched as...uh whats-his-name, stormed off. He slowly diverted his attention towards...uuuh Oh for crying out loud! All this confusion! He slowly diverted his attention back towards the mare who was just talking to him. "Uh sure, I wouldn't mind somepony joining me. Okay..." He starts to trot off in the clearly opposite direction.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Silver Star) I walked with the stallion to... where ever it is we were going. I turned my head to look at him

"So. What's your name?"

He seemed kind of interesting, hopefully he actualy was.

"My name's Silver Star by the way"


(Mr. Critical) ah, I finally got rid of my sister. Things were looking up for Critical. Hm, however. The hearts and hooves day has never really been a time of happiness for me. All the couples every where. It left me with an empty feeling inside. My face became low and saddened... oh well, story of my life.

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(Silver Star) I walked with the stallion to... where ever it is we were going. I turned my head to look at him

"So. What's your name?"

He seemed kind of interesting, hopefully he actualy was.

"My name's Silver Star by the way"

"My name is Patterson Rio Tacitus, I suppose that you didn't here me when you were...uh, debating with your... companion. I've never known somepony with the name Silver. And where the Hay, am I going?" Patterson stops dead in his tracks, realising that he had no idea which way he was supposed to be going. 


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Silver Star) I gave a slite giggle of amusement at this colt.

"He was my brother, and I don't know where you are going. I'm following you, patterson. Should we ask for directions?"

I said with a form of amusement in my voice.


(Mr. Critical) I entered the park, looking at more of the couples. A hollow feeling wswelling inside. I went over to my favorite bench and lied down stairing at the sky.

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(Silver Star) I gave a slite giggle of amusement at this colt.

"He was my brother, and I don't know where you are going. I'm following you, patterson. Should we ask for directions?"

I said with a form of amusement in my voice.

"I thought we were going to check out a bakery. Something about "Like none other"." He said gesturing his hoof in a arc over his head to emphasize. He began scanning his surroundings, and subsequently asked, "Do you happen to know where your brother was talking about?"


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Silver star) "well, I did see a building about three blocks from here shaped like a pastry. I'm not a betting mare, but I've got a hunch that would be a good place to start."

I began to lead patterson to the odd building I glanced at from before. Hopefully Critic was telling the truth about this place.

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They trotted along down the road back in the direction from whence they came. There was a bit of an awkward silence as they traversed, mostly because Pat isn't much of a talker, he doesn't have too much on his mind. Except for one thing, "I hope you don't mind my asking, but he's your brother, so what's up with you two?". He asked before realizing that he probably shouldn't have.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Silver Star) I thought about the question for a bit.

"Life hasn't exactly been kind to my brother. And I didn't exactly help."

I remembered to a time when I was younger, seeing him cry in his closet of a room. And how it used to bring a smile to my face. I regret it now. But... it wasn't exactly cruel. Ponies did much worse things to him than I.


(Mr. Critical) I lied on the bench explaining my life story to the rabbit who hopped towrds me.

"... and that's how the doctors removed my head from the grill of the train. So two years later I came to ponyville for four years now. Funny how life does that to ya."

I looked to the rabbilt. He looked at me for a bit and hopped away.


(Silver Star) "we don't get along really."

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Blazing kept walking, bored, depressed, and alone like every year. Oh hearts and hooves day, the worst day of the year... Maybe today would be a good day to do it, that way I won't have to suffer another day like this... He thought, not looking up. As he was walking, he bumped into a mare who seemed to be with a stallion. He didn't say anything, just turned and started walking in a different direction.

Lightning Dust saw the colt walk away rather sullen and decided to go speak to him. "Excuse me sir, I couldn't help but notice you were looking down, is there anything you need assistance with?" She asked him, leaving behind the colt she was speaking to who seemed to have drifted off.

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Lightning Dust saw the colt walk away rather sullen and decided to go speak to him. "Excuse me sir, I couldn't help but notice you were looking down, is there anything you need assistance with?" She asked him, leaving behind the colt she was speaking to who seemed to have drifted off.

"I'm fine." Blazing said simply, not wanting to be questioned by the mare. Wow... I'm really losing my lying skills aren't I? He silently wondered. He wasn't surprised, seeing as he always acted more depressed around Hearts and Hooves day. He continued looking at the ground, making sure he didn't show his face.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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(Mr. Critical) I walked along the dirt road leading back to home. Seems rather longer this time. I began to ponder what my next review should be. Inkwell hates it when I get behind on them. Luckily, I got one done today and if Ditzy does her rounds on time, I could be looking at full pay for once. I thought of this and it brought me to the movie I saw today, which led to thoughts of my sister. Bringing down my already low spirits.

"Ugh, never mind her now. She's here, just deal with it. And she went off with that colt. Shshe might not have time for me. Hopefully."

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