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private (ROMANCE) The Love Triangle

Nurse Slava Medik

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(Mr. Critical) We drew closer to Zecora's hut. The smell of fire and various liquids forming together was lingering in the air. I walked up to the door, passing Pat and Silver. Knockiing on it a few times

"Zecora, you here.?"

Before long, the door opened and stood the familiar mare and acquaintance, Zecora of the everfree.

"Ah, Critic. How nice to see you once more ."

She said with a smile, and took notice of the two behind me.

"And seems you have given two guests a bit of a tour."

I've always loved her rhyming.

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Patterson looked at Zecora. "Huh. A zebra. I have heard tell of your kind.

Though, I did not know that you always speak in rhymes."


'Did I seriously just do that?' Pat thought to himself. 'I wonder why she likes living out here all by herself amongst the dangerous creatures.'


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Mr. Critical) We entered Zecora's hut. I saw the familiar masks and smelled the failiara scents. Silver was observing the many oddities in the room. Zecora then spoke.

"I see my home has peeked your wonders, feel free to observe my various plunder."

Silver continued to observe the hut. She was about to touch some residue, but I swatted her hoof as if to say 'no.

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Pat looked around at all the various types of flora that Zecora kept for use in potions and remedies. "Wow!... These are amazing. And you find all of these different varieties of plants here in the forest? I've never seen most of these flowers before. Can I take a specimen home? River would love this."


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Silver Star) Who the buck was River. Does... Does he already have a marefriend. My smile faltered for a bit. The Zebra then spoke.

Why yeas young one, I have collected each herb personally. But if you want a sample, you may take a small sample freely.

A smile filled the colts face. Zecora went over to my brother and began to speak in her native tonguee. At least that's what I think it was.

"Salam penyelamat, bagaimana kabarmu hari ini?"

"~Greetings savior, how are you today?~"


(Lets say Zecora speaks Indonesian for now.)

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((OOC: Okie Dokie Loki. Silver must not have good memory, Pat told her about River, his adopted sister. ^_^ Sorry. Just sayin.))


"Thank you!" Pat said, as he proceeded to pick out a brilliant red flower which piqued his interest. "Ooh! This one looks cool." He put it into a pocket on the inside of his trench coat.


((OOC: At least I think...))

Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Damn, its been a while since you spoke of that.)


(Mr. Critical) "Saya  baik-baik saja. Dan anda."

"~I'm fine. And you?~"

"~Same. But, there has been a disturbance as of late.~"

My facial expression changed to that of business.

"~What kind of disturbance?~"


(Silver Star) What were they talking about. I cant understand a thing. What ever it was Critics face changed to a more serious face. It was different than anything ive ever seen. It was actually frightening. I went over to Pat to see what was doing. I found him collecting various plants.

"Hey, find anything interesting?"

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(Silver Star) "Well, good to see somepony's happy.'

I looked at Pat's plunder. So many colors.


(Mr. Critical) "~And youre sure its one of them again.~"

Zecora nodded her head, something was rummaging through her house at night. And after what happened last time with the Star weasel, she was a bit startled. I dropped back to my normal language.

"Just keep doing the thing I taught you on how to keep those things away"

She nodded her head and I moved back to the other two.

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After putting the last blossom inside his coat, Pat turned to Zecora. "So, do you know of any great landmarks or scenic areas around here in the forest that would be very much worth stopping at? we're knew here, and we are trying to find things to do during our stay here in Ponyville for the Hearts and Hooves Day Festival."


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Silver Star) Zecora look to us with a confused look.

"A sight of wonders, you wish to see. Stay clear of the forest, take it from me."

Her words were cryptic yet, understood. Pat's face looked disappointed. Understandable, he did want to see something in this forest that was interesting. No offense to Zecora.

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'Take it from her? Says the zebra who took residence in this "terrifying" place. Darn! I was hoping for an adventure.' He thought, disappointed. "Well now what? There's got to be something amazing to see or do around here." He sighed 'Like get a special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day? Pfft! That'll be the day.'


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Silver Star) Pat looked disappointed. Well, at least we could spend some time  with him. Just Pat, me, and... where's Critic?


(Mr. Critical) Trudging through the everfree to find an unnatural assailant. Fantastic.

Well, its not so bad. You could be alone.

My mental visitor was right. Normally id be a lone on this day. Eating a whole birthday cake and crying in the corner of the tardis. After a what seemed like an eternity, I finally found what I was looking for. Or rather who I was looking for...


(Silver Star) "Hey pat. Did you see where Critic went?"

He seemed confused. He didn't notice Critic had left. Then Zecora spoke.

"OF whom you seek has gone. Into the forest, he will not be gne long. Critic knows his way through the wood. LEave him to his work, you probably sh-"
Zecora couldn't finish. I was out the door, looking for Critic.

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Pat just caught a glimpse of silver as she went through the door. "Hey Silver... Wait... You... Ugh." He bolted out the door after her, not knowing what she, or he was getting himself into. Now this, has just turned into something potentially dangerous. 'It's going to be one of those days now, isn't it.'


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Mr. Critical) I had found it. The assailant. And a P'varona of all things. Haven't seen one of them in Equestria in a long time. The P'varona was an insect like pony, much like a changeling, but it didn't feed on love. There exoskeleton's are a darker tinted green, and had bug, eyes. Much like that of a fly's. They are essentially omnivores, and they don't like the taste of equine, in fact we were very toxic if we made it to their digestive system. I approached him, speaking in his native tongue, or in this case clickers.
"~Hey, state your business~"

He turned to me twitching his head, getting a good look at me from every angle. Trying to see if I was a threat. Or edible.


(Silver Star) Okay, in hind sight, this was not a well thought out plan. I was deep in the everfree, searching for Critic. Alone.

"Critic! Where are you?"

I heard some hooves coming closer. Maybe I found him already. Ha! suck it hind sight.

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Pat, after running for a while, had caught up to Silver. "You run fast. Have you found Mr. Critical yet? You know it's supposed to be dangerous out here, something could have happened!" Pat really didn't want something bad to happen to anypony, especially right before Hearts and Hooves Day.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Silver Star) "No, I haven't. I was actually hoping you were him when I heard you coming"

I lowered my head in disappointment and fear for Demo Reel. Hoping he was still alive. I lifted my head and looked to Pat. I gave him smile because of his presence. He came looking for me. No pony has ever done that for me before. But, I need to find my brother now. I hope Critic is okay.


(Mr. Critical) I helped the P'varona find some food. He was especially interested in poison joke. They were a delicacy back on his planet, fetching a hefty price. Sooner he finds what he is looking for, the sooner he could leave. Don't want the ponies finding a "mutated changeling" in the forest. Might burn the whole wood down. After a while I found our quary. A large patch of poison joke.

"~Hey, found what you're looking for.~"

I chittered and clicked to him. He came over and began to carefully cut the plant from the stems.


(Silver Star) Pat and I were continuing our search for Critic. He should be here somewhere. I heard some rustling in the distance. I motioned for Pat to come over and saw Critic with a- oh SWEET CELESTIA WHAT IS THAT! It was a large insect like pony. As tall as Critic. Its mouth was that of a crabs and had a green exoskeleton.

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Pat looked over in Mr. Critical's direction. *Gasp* "Is that a Changeling?!" He blurted in excitement. "I've heard stories about them, but I've never actually seen one in real life. Or even in a picture for that matter. But I've heard that they are reminiscent of bugs, and can shape-shift into the form of another pony!"


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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