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open The Incredibles 2: Wrath of the Dark One


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Welcome to the Incredibles 2! Here's the sign up for anyone curious:


I'm always accepting! Anyways, here's the beginning.


Robert Parr looked upon the beach from the comfort of his hotel room. All was still on the midst of the shore, small waves came in every once in a while, but ceased without hesitation. It had been two months since the Underminer was finally defeated, and Robert knew then and there that he and his family needed some rest from the heroism. The whole family was still in a buzz from discovering Jack-Jack's power to shapeshift, but they were adapting quickly. Robert bit into his apple he held in his hand. Life was sweet, but he knew something was coming. There had been no super villains since the Underminer, but Robert had a strange feeling, like someone was going to fall, or something of that nature. He let the idea pass as he turned toward his family. "So," he called, "How are we all getting along here?" Asked Robert to his family.

((OOC: use this to introduce your character and get a good opening to the roleplay.))

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