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open Ponyville 1924


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uhm yeah we can use some Leidan jar to keep the charge! It is like a capacitor, done with some spare materials... a glass jar, filles with salt water, and covered form the outised with metal... the glas acts like a dieletric.. it's not a refined device but it can hold the lighting charge! You can work on the way to catch them, i can work on the capacitor system... just tell me i am at disposition


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@,@@Doc. Volt,


"That's perfect!" Golden exclaimed trying not to hurt himself a third time. "So, here's the plan, when you get the chance storm, take flight into the skies and get some lightning to shoot down, that is, once we get the contraption built." Golden stated as he then modified his drawing a bit.  

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Storm nodded. "Can do. This'll be sure to win us a Neighbell Prize if it works!" He started to dream of finally winning one."What sort of things will you need to start making that rod, Golden? I can go out and get them sometime soon." He was obviously very excited.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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@, @,


ooc:(btw somepony else is going to join or not? Chartographe? I can't remember how many we are)


"A Neighbell Prize? Oh come on good sir! That prize is nothing compared to what they should give you! eheh!" Volt nodded... his hooves were shaking in exctitation "oh my... time travel.... yes... i can finally met the heroes of the past.. rewrite history and bring justice to whose were forgotten... by the way... stop dreaming Volt" he said before puching his head with his hoof "better get to work!"  continued the doctor before grabbing a pencil and a paper sheet "i could submerge the jars in to olive oil.. i know it is wasted but it can insulated them from the air, that will prevent the lost of charge! Yes... like this..." he then drawned something on the sheet



"we will need at least twenty of them... thirty is a good number"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Storm perked his ears. "Oh, no, no, no! You can't rewrite history! The ones who were without justice must remain unjustified. Sure, I guess you could meet your heroes, but DO NOT interfere with the timeline! Even the littlest event could send us all spiraling into an alternate reality where nothing we know now is the same..." He kept rambling off all these different things. @@Doc. Volt,

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Ah ah good sir, i know that, i was just saing we could bring to our times proof of facts than happened... some ponies who have been forgotten could be remembered again! I can understand all the risk of a time travel and i assure you that i don't want to destroy the space-time continuum" Laughted Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


"It's best we not mess with anypony, really. I don't want to risk anything." 





He looked to Golden. "How soon do you think you can have this ready?" He smiled. "Take all the time you need. I don't want us to get stuck in the nineteen-twenties or whatever," he chuckled.


(OOC: Wow, the minimum number of characters is 200. Without this OOC, I had 199.)

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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"I could run down to the steel mill and check the scrapyard there. Once I find a decent lightning rod, I could have this thing built within a day." Golden stated. "According to my knowledge in engineering, a 3-mile lightning bolt carries 10 billion joules. A small jolt from single kick of a cloud is only 100 joules." Golden explained. "So thankful I took that extra engineering class." He muttered to himself. 

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"dear Sir, i like the history like it has been, i will not say a word to anyponies back there, just taking pictures nonseen... beside i have an idea to gather more electricty from lightining without flying danger-close to them.... never heard of ionized air? When you ionize air it stop to be an insulator and actually acts like a wire... i have done it with an electric coil meant to generate lighting... as a foal i tried it outside during a storm... a lightining almost hitted me... we can do the same think but controlled... i heard that they found some materials that emanate something they call "radiations"... i don't know if they are harmfull or not but they ionize the air... a small gram of those materials over a sharp metal rod can gather all the lighting in a same place.. i use one of it over the dam as a lightning rod... another alternative are some type of energetic focused light sources than can actually split the molecules of the air, ionizing it... but they need a lot of energy to work... for turning one on i think i would need all the power my dam can give... but after than i think that we can gather enough energy to power the machine for at least..." Volt checked again the blue print "...around a pair of trips... "


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Storm nodded. "Sounds great. I can't wait to finally get this project finished with and be able to jump around in time!" He was just about as excited as a little colt would be about going to a candy store. His mane flopped about as he began to prance. "Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!"

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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"oh oh looks at whose happy! Come on fellow! I am excited too... i... i have something special" Volt opened his bag to show a bootle "This is italian Prosecco wine... it cost quite a lot... i hold it for a special occasion... we are gonna drink it when our machine will be ready! Ready to make us the first time traveling ponies of the world! ahah!!!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Storm was still overly excited. "Oh, yes! Celebratory drinking!" Let us save that for when we travel, though. We don't want to jinx ourselves and get stuck there forever," he chuckled. "Aaaaanyways, we might as well wait for tomorrow... It's getting pretty late outside." 

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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"yeeah.. we should go to sleep... tomorow i will make a list of Hardware stuffs to buy.. this will be awesome... goodnight everypony! I return to my dam to tell my collegues i will be away for a while and how to operate the dam... i hope they don't do another disaster like this morning" he said looking at the hoof where the screw was.. he then started to sing at a low voice a weird hardware store song


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt




(OOC: This RP will be on hold from today until January fifth. School's taking me laptop, so I can't really get on this easily now. They'll be giving them all back after Christmas break. Ugh... Friggin' finals to do todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... I HAVE TO USE RANDOM FILLER OKAY ETGFHHHHHDBGFNG DGNBFSGRHTNGDSFBNGFH BGNAFGAGSDBJOSZDFOGBJJBHOBJHDOBDROJANEBHTBFSRSNGHDBFGSNHFBGDBFRSFX)

  • Brohoof 1

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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@Doc. Volt




(OOC: I lied. RP is back on. I have my home laptop. Just won't be posting as much. Resume. Filler ahead:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel nisl ut odio tempus auctor sed id nisl. Nulla id semper dolor. Morbi sagittis ut est ac commodo. Fusce vitae tortor venenatis, consequat metus et, ultrices lorem. Maecenas sapien massa, malesuada a eleifend porta, convallis ut tellus. Nulla porttitor turpis eget lacus scelerisque adipiscing. Aliquam ultricies arcu quis dolor sodales, elementum imperdiet ligula gravida. Quisque dui urna, ullamcorper id eros venenatis, tristique hendrerit dui. Mauris augue mi, tincidunt vel fermentum volutpat, ultrices at diam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Phasellus nisi arcu, fringilla sed porttitor at, faucibus ut libero. Vestibulum non cursus lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed iaculis turpis orci, eget dictum nisl adipiscing eu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis in tempus tellus. Vivamus adipiscing urna vitae lectus tempus consequat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean facilisis, est quis mattis consequat, quam nisi scelerisque lectus, id suscipit mi sapien id magna. Nam at adipiscing massa. Mauris blandit sem est. Quisque porta mauris tortor, non convallis augue sollicitudin vitae. Phasellus congue convallis tellus eget auctor. Integer id felis sagittis risus facilisis tempus.

In quis dignissim nisi. Maecenas volutpat erat nulla, quis accumsan nisi scelerisque sed. Fusce rhoncus aliquam erat, id molestie justo dignissim et. Integer commodo magna eu diam tempus tincidunt. Cras sit amet metus nisi. Fusce laoreet a est vitae hendrerit. Donec sagittis sapien sit amet nulla pulvinar, vulputate lobortis eros semper. Ut vulputate tincidunt tempor. Vivamus tempor magna laoreet nisl imperdiet auctor. Aenean ultrices hendrerit elit. Fusce ac augue nec nisi sollicitudin vulputate. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent euismod tortor quam, quis venenatis risus aliquam et.

Proin nec volutpat libero, at dignissim nibh. Pellentesque pretium leo sed nibh tristique, et commodo lacus malesuada. Maecenas eget sagittis lectus. Ut at urna sed turpis dictum tincidunt eget nec quam. Aliquam imperdiet dictum consequat. Nulla at consectetur sapien, ut euismod turpis. Praesent fermentum urna ac justo ultricies, et pretium urna aliquam. Phasellus tincidunt arcu ut elit ornare, et vehicula est vulputate. Maecenas porttitor, erat a tincidunt faucibus, ante risus euismod velit, et adipiscing nisi lorem quis magna. Pellentesque auctor metus ac neque posuere lobortis. Nulla quis consectetur diam, nec adipiscing nisl. Vivamus congue ut lorem nec luctus. Donec augue ipsum, bibendum vel nunc sed, tincidunt pharetra eros. Ut ut sem a dui mattis pharetra.

In quis hendrerit ligula. Donec sed felis odio. Nulla nec mi eu nisl tristique aliquam. Suspendisse adipiscing vitae arcu eu molestie. Nulla fringilla suscipit libero, pellentesque ultrices ante condimentum vitae. Vestibulum ut orci dapibus, luctus ligula ut, feugiat tortor. Integer dictum leo sed odio ultricies, vitae luctus erat interdum. Fusce vitae porttitor sem. Aliquam massa risus, aliquam vel leo vitae, facilisis cursus risus. Vestibulum ornare urna justo, non luctus tortor adipiscing eget. Phasellus quis ultrices massa. Vivamus quis erat sodales, sodales tellus ac, semper arcu. Ut lacinia, justo eget lacinia adipiscing, urna sapien fringilla tortor, vitae imperdiet urna est nec sapien. Proin pellentesque placerat ultricies.)

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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(ooc: all right then...i was the last one posting...


"Cantami, o Diva del Pelide Achille/ l'ira funesta che infiniti addusse/ lutti agli Achei, molte anzitempo all'Orco/ generose travolse alme d'eroi, e di cani e d'augelli orrido pasto/ lor salme abbandonò (così di Giove/ l'alto consiglio s'adempia), da quando/ primamente disgiunse aspra contesa/ il re de' Prodi Atride e il divo Achille"


watch out for fillers btw... i got warning points... in A PRIVATE Rp...)


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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It soon became the next day. Storm was up bright and early, laying out plans for the time machine. "This goes here, and this here," he muttered to himself. He was laying out a bucnch of blueprints to show where things went. Nuts, bolts and other things were scattered about.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Volt entered in the room, he was looking a bit asleep, he was dragging a little cart filled with jars


"ahem... her i am... i brought the.. 'capacitors'... don't take me for a foal.. those will works trust me... we just need a lightining to see for how much we can hold the charge... have we everything we need to build that glorious machine?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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He shook his head. "We need to get some steel yet." He pointed to a blueprint, which showed a large ring-shape. "It'll look like this when it's all finished and done." Storm flicked his tail. "It won't be too hard to get it. I'm sure Golden could eadily get some sheets so we could start on the frame."

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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@, @,


"naw i see.... you know... i'm really so excited... do you have a trip paln or something? What will be our first period? and where? oh i'm excited like a filly!"

Volt said while jumping around, losing all of his gentlecolts dignity and appearance

"This is gonna be awesome!.. oh.. wait.. i mean.. erh erhm.. This is going to be rather interesting.. yes"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Doc. Volt




I'm casually advancing the roleplay right up to the point where the machine's built and they're ready to enter. 



The final day of reckoning had arrived. This was the moment that everypony had been waiting for - the portal was open, and the three ponies were all standing in front of it.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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