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planning Death Metal Tournament


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Since time immemorial, a race of gods has been waiting for this, the year of no real signifigance (or rather, the year where all hell breaks lose but things keep going on like normal) to hold the most metal of all tournaments. It is a fight to the death ontop a metal cage platform in the middle of a lightning storm while music is being played in the back ground that is completely fucking bad ass.

To join, tell me what character you want to use, and if you want to make it easier for me, fill out this sheet




Drawback from enhancement:

Reason for being in Tournament:


For reasons up to you, the enhancement is entirely up to you, but no brokeness. We don't want that untill you break your opponents spine with his own legs.



Name: Chain Mail

Training: 14 years of advanced military

Enhancements: Enhanced Strength and Speed to reach beyond what olympian athletes can

Drawback: Mental instability and diminished magic that most unicorns could beat in a paper bag.

Reasons: He enjoys murdering things.

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