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private The Missing Townsponies and the Wishing Scroll


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@@Tricksters Pride@@Nomadic,


Dorado clenched his teeth with anger. She was annoying him to no end. Dorado was about to lash at her but he stooped himself and turn his head away from her. "Fine! Whatever. I was just trying to be friendly. If you can't trust me then why should I even trust you eh? I should of never thought you would be trustworthy. Especially on a mission like this. Have it you way Senorita." He flew up into the air away from them. "If I can not call you two by your names then I shall call you... Azul," he said pointing at Ice. "And Rojo." He said pointing at Monkshood. "I'm going to go find one of our Hosts. They still have my Crossbow. I was going to ask if you knew where they were but I doubt you would tell me." 




Eternity took a closer look at the sword, staying silent for a second. "Hmmm I suppose so." Eternity took the sword from Star. "Thank you. I am very grateful. I don't know how often I would use this. But it probably would come in handy if I can't use magic. If we are going to fight maybe I should practice with a sword. Hopefully it doesn't come to that though." He levitated the sword in front of him. His horn glow more intensely and soon the sword caught fire for a second.. Flames surrounded it as if it were magical. However Eternity quickly stopped doing that for he tired quickly and he didn't wish to burn the house down. 'Interesting...' He though tom himself.

Edited by AnonBrony
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The mares were all very surprised by the magic Eternity displayed, especially Star Rain.  I know I'm a mage and all, but what unicorn has been able to do that?!  Well maybe a few others, but still a few. I know I decided to wander into other branches of magic aside from art, but still, what unicorn does that everyday?  Unless of course his special talent is magic itself.  But that's a rare occurrence.  Wh-  


Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a shout in some foreign language.  She looked up to see North Shine above her with her forelegs raised. "North Shine, what are you doing?" the unicorn asked in her deadpan tone.  "Oh please Star, we all know how you go off into these daydreams of your's," she said with a laugh, lowering her hooves.  "It is true," Kanon admitted to the dismay of Star.  "But perhaps you could use methods that aren't so… violent."


The seductress turned to face Star Rain once again. "Oh, you have errands to run, don't you?"


"Ah yes," Star said as if remembering something. "Yes I do. I have extra errands to run now that I have a bow instead of a sword and I may practice near the Everfree forest if that's alright with you all," she said, putting on her saddlebags and levitating the bow and the quiver of arrows to her back, along with a big bag that held something kind of big in it.  "I'll be back here once I'm done.  I suggest you all use this time wisely," she said as she went toward the door.  "And Eternity? Ask my friends anything you may have questions about," she added flatly as she went out the door and left.


The remaining mares turned back to Eternity, ready to receive questions before they go.  Kanon leaned in toward Eternity with her face resting on her hooves.  "So Eternity-san, do you want to know anything extra about the mission or us?" she asked with a smile.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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@@Tricksters Pride, @@AnonBrony


Monkshood grew furious at Dorado's pompous behaviour. The pony flaunted it around constantly it seemed, much to his chagrin. Acting as if this behaviour was a badge of pride, trying to coax both name and product from him. What right did he have to make such demands, and yet his business could prove to be a boon to him.


Heavily sighing, Monkshood took a deep breath in and began to rub his forehead in frustration. His voice piped up in a tone clearly irritated at Dorado's insolence. "Dorado wait. Go find are hosts, and let me attend to my current business. If you can find me later we can then discuss both my terms and your need for any such 'merchandise' later today". He suspected that he would easily regret his decision, yet the chance to increase his business was too great especially with his finances in their current state.

Edited by Nomadic
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Sonnets eyes lit up as she beamed ecstatically - this was excellent! The chance to get to know this gentlecolt better, exercise her expert opinion...


'... die a little bit inside...' the fragment of her true self grumbled internally. The noblemare ignored it - she had learned to tune out the monotonous monologue a long time ago.


"Well, shall we begin with some of the more obvious gifts? What does your sweetheart like? Flowers? Jewelry? There isn't a huge selection here but I am certain that we will find what something acceptable: its one of my specialities don't you know?"


Something caught the mares eye as she spoke: a comb - encrusted with colourful gemstones... it was probably worthless, but she liked it: that would be a keepsake she could appreciate.

Never quite forgotten.

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Noble Persona



Noble was about to say ‘poisons, daggers and swords’, but thought better of it. They weren’t likely to find those things in Ponyville. Still Noble responded with a smile and his polite tone. “Well, she loves to cook, to the point of making it an art. Aside from that, she likes books, especially ones she can learn something from, she takes an interest in weaponry, and she doesn’t like girly things.”


Kinetic Energy


Kinetic sat in the library, reading and taking notes. He checked his clock and schedule. ‘Hmm…It’s not 1pm yet, so I still have time. Might stop for lunch before practice. Lots of folklore and rumours, but nothing that can’t be simply labelled as fiction.’ He stopped, realising what he was thinking. “Wait…If it’s recent, how can there be folklore? Rumours…and not recent ones. Interesting. This requires further study.”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Leaning over to examine the rather exquisite comb at the stall beside her, Sonnet shook her head as she turned back to the one the called himself Noble - leaving a bare space on the stand in its place.


"Never believe that! Heh, tomboy as she might be - do you think that she doesn't deserve pretty things? Or that being strong forbids one from appreciating something traditional? Of course not!" Sonnet tittered to herself a little - clearly enjoying the situation. "... but we can play it safe if you prefer. Well, I don't know what kind of literature might interest her, but we might find something interesting for cooking. Unusual spices or something of the sort that she can carry with her perhaps? Something that might turn a bleak meal into one of wonder... perhaps even create a romantic meal for the two if you... yes? Yes of course!"


Starting to get a little carried away, the mare motioned widely with her uninsured wing - taking care to keep both the blackened feathers and the 'acquired' goods concealed beneath the other. She beamed about the market - scanning for a stand that might sell them what they needed - still elaborating on how perfect the gift would be.


"It's perfect! Simple, but thoughtful! Romantic enough - it shows that you pay attention to her interests... but it's subtle enough to not seem... ahem... girly."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Noble Persona



“You’re a lively mare, aren’t you?” Noble mused, commenting on how animated Sonnet was. Rather different to Noble’s currently subdued mask. Still, her actions seemed practiced, like she stood in front of a mirror and recited these lines to herself. ‘No, just because I do that doesn’t mean she does.’ Noble thought, silently berating himself for leaping to such a conclusion.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Eternity thought for a moment. "No." He replied bluntly to the mare. He got out of his seat once he was done eating. "I'm going to go find the library. I will be back latter." He left the kitchen to gather his things. He emptied out his saddle bags of his current books, except for two, and left his weaponry there as well  then went out of the house.





(I am assuming the library Kinetic is in in Twilight's Golden Oak Library since I don't think there is another in Ponyville.)


It took Eternity a bit of time to find the library. He wasn't expecting it to be inside a big tree. At first he was surprised it was but then realized having you own library inside a giant tree is awesome.  He envied the pony that lived in there. He stepped insideand saw the large array of books sitting upon the wooden bookselves. He also noticed one stallion in the room reading a book. He didn't pay him much mind. Without saying anything he scoured through the bookselves. Pulling out any book he thought was interesting then sat down near the stallion. At that moment he reconized this stallion. Eternity wasn't 100% sure but he thought he saw this stallion at their meeting. "Oh uuhh Hello. Uhh you're that stallion from the meeting right?" 




@@Nomadic, @@Tricksters Pride,


Dorado perked up after Monkshood spoke.  "Oh! Why thank you Rojo! I will certainly find you later on today. I'm glad I can do business with you at least. Alright then. Adios!" Dorado flew off in his quest to find their hosts.





He flew around town for a few minutes trying to see if he can spot anypony he recognizes on the streets. Luckily he spot the one pony he was looking for: Star Rain. She was walking on the streets towards what seemed to be the Everfree Forest carrying what appeared to be a bow and some arrows. This peaked Dorado's interest but he really just wanted his crossbow. He flew down to her level and hovered beside her. "Hola señorita! ¿Cómo estás? How are you this morning eh? I'm doing muy bien, very fine! Now umm... about last night... you still have mi ballesta. My Crossbow. May I have it back... it is mine and I will need it for the expedition... and is that a bow I see... my my, señorita, I didn't know you were una arquera... an archer." 

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​Ok, so I know how to fire an arrow already, so that's good.  I just have to learn how to shoot accurately, that's all.  Maybe after getting a little decent at archery, I should go over to Eternity and ask how to do that spell.  If he could infuse a sword with magic, maybe I can do it to my arrows.  Then again-




Star Rain's thoughts were interrupted by the Esponish stallion who had aimed a crossbow at Kanon.  She turned to face him and regarded him like how one would if they were looking at a stone wall.  "Well before you can have your crossbow back, I need you promise me something," she said, looking straight at him in the eye.  "That you won't use other ponies to show off your magnificent skills in archery, especially if and when we run into some pony along the way." She then glanced over Dorado's shoulder and noticed a small group of little fillies and colts staring at them.  "Also, it scares the children."


Kanon bowed to Eternity as he left and she and North Shine were left to prepare for the day.  After cleaning up the living room and Kanon making North make Star's bed, they headed out of the door. "So we're clear on our plans?" North asked, looking at Kanon while facing the east while the earth pony looked the other way.  "Hai hai, North-chan," the latter said while rolling her eyes.  "No need to repeat it for the umpteenth time, now I've got to go now, alright? Bye!" and with that, she started toward the library.  North snorted in mild frustration and went toward the market area.




As she flew overhead, North Shine recognized two of the ponies from the meeting and decided to try and boost her social skills.  She swooped down and hovered over them, saying,"Hey you two, what's up?"

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Sonnet giggled a little to herself at the comment - such a casual remark! Lively! Well, she had never been described as such but... yes, yes she was, wasn't she?


"Indeed? I simply enjoy the pleasures that life brings..." The pegasus simpered. "... and if that means seeing thinks like joy and love where others pretend there isn't any? So be it! There is nothing wrong with taking what life throws at you and making something good from it, wouldn't you agree?"




She probably would have gone on for longer if not for the Pegasus joining them from the sky: Sonnet - still beaming brightly - waved a hoof delicately in the direction of North Shine, careful to not put a crystalline feather out of place as she did.


"Oh, hello there dear! I was just assisting this fine gentlecolt in perusing a gift for his... ahem... special lady, might we say?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Noble Persona


“That’s actually a very good way of looking at it. Maybe I should try it myself. Can’t hurt to-Aagh!”


Noble was taken by surprise at the Pegasus’ sudden appearance. He recognized her from the previous night. Wasn’t she one of Kanon’s friends? His eyes briefly took on a colder stare at the thought of Kanon, but it quickly vanished as he responded in a cheerful and friendly tone. “Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there. You’re North Shine, correct? You flew by my carriage last night. Also, could you please not sneak up on us again. I don’t know if my heart can take it.” He said, flashing a cheerful smile.


He turned back to Sonnet for a moment, a little annoyed that she was so free with such information 'I guess Ice has rubbed off on me by now. Oh well, life is full of hurdles.' "I guess the secret's out now, isn't it?" He joked.



Kinetic Energy


Kinetic didn’t look up from his research. “Yes. Dr. Kinetic Energy. I would offer you a strawberry sweet, but sadly I ran out last night, Or I might’ve left the bag at the coffee shop last night. I had intended to catch up with everypony this afternoon if possible, given I still have work, practice and preparations to do today. What’s your name?”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Huh, so I was right to check Ponyville's borders after all.  "Yeah, sorry about that.  Though to be honest, sneaking up on others is kind of Star's specialty," she said while laughing a little to cover up her unease at the cold stare she briefly saw.  He still must be upset at Kanon for what she said last night.  "Well, listen, sorry about Kanon and what she said earlier.  She's pretty sweet, but when a pony like her comes from a rich upperclass family, she kind of has a little bit of right to be all snooty.  I'm sure you and your wife will forgive her, right?" she said a bit innocently, and also unintentionally insulting Noble.


(OOC: North Shine thinks that Noble is Ice's husband.)

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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Dorado rolled his eyes before he responded. "Yes, yes, Señorita Rain. I will not be so reckless next time I show my skill to the other ponies. Speaking of skill and practice... you have a bow and some arrows but you don't look like the kind of pony to use them. Do you even know how? Maybe Dorado can show the beautiful mare some of the ropes sí?" Dorado said with eagerness. 




"Oh uhh my name? My name is Eternity. Pleasure to meet you. Especially a pony into books as well. Doctor eh?... So you are a scholar then? Glad to know there is another educated pony on this mission. When I first went to the meet I assumed everyone was gonna be a brute or treasure hunter. What brings you here to this quaint library then hm?" Eternity felt a bit more talkative with a pony more like him. 'I wonder what he studies?' Eternity thought to himself. 'Maybe he studies magic like me? Or maybe science? History perhaps?'

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(SR & D)


Rain?  That's a first.  Star Rain wasn't used to others referring to her by just the second part of her name.  But anyways, "Well, you have other errands to do, right?  Maybe you can just provide me with some tips or something before I go practice?" she asked, thinking she already knew how to load an arrow and shoot it.  I think I can just learn how to aim on my own.  I mean, if I can get a few battle spells down without a mark for magic, I can do archery.  Just some repetition, right?  




(K, E, & KE)


(OOC: Keep in mind, Twilight is not in this library.  The Mane Six will not show up at all in this RP.)


Kanon walked to the library and immediately spotted the two scholarly stallions she saw at the meeting.  However, she wasn't here to greet and inform volunteers.  She was here to pick up a tome and translate it, that's all.  Not wanting to attract the attention of the stallions, she went over to the librarian's desk and asked for the tome.  After paying for delivery and purchase, she stopped to glance at the scholars before descending to a desk in the basement level.  She took out a worn lexicon, a blank journal, some ink and quills, and she began to write something down, all while muttering in Neighponese. 

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Noble Persona


Noble’s tone switched to a remorseful one as he let North’s comment slide. “I should properly introduce myself before we go any further. Lord Noble Persona. And I’m sorry to say, but I don’t think that excuses Miss Kanon at all. You see, I’m the head of a noble family in Canterlot and her insult offends me on a personal level. In any case, her birth does not entitle her to insult others, regardless of their station. And Ice isn’t my wife.”



Kinetic Energy


Kinetic looked up and lightly tapped Eternity on the head with a small book. “Now, now, a nice colt like yourself shouldn’t refer to others as ‘brutes’. It’s unbecoming of a scholar. Speaking of, I’m not really a scholar. I’m actually a scientist.”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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North Shine casually placed her hooves behind her head with a dull, surprised look and said,"Wow, you call that an insult?  You must've lived a pretty good life if "insults" like that hurt you THAT much.  I mean like I said, Kanon came from a rich family in Neighpon, but when she came here, she had to put up with insults on a regular basis!  All three of us at that!  I just don't get how what she said hurts you.  Guess we grew too numb to realize it."

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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Noble Persona


“Yes, because I don’t have feelings at all.” Noble muttered sarcastically. He turned serious. “You realize that makes her case worse, correct? It makes her seem like a hypocrite to be so quick to put words in other ponies’ mouths, which is, in fact, a grave insult.”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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North Shine felt the whole thing escalating and her instinct told her to end it.  So in a tone   "Well, I'm sorry for not being a good speaker or a good defense attorney.  Look, all I want is for you two to make up and move on.  It wouldn't be good for your families if they found out that you two tangled with each other, you know what I'm saying?  Besides, you saw what Star did when me and Kanon pointed our blades at Dorado.  Do you really want her to be around when you two begin to argue?"  Losing her wing blades to Star last night was kind of a big deal to her.

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@@Tricksters Pride


Monkshood's face became flushed with a look of guilt at Dorado's acceptance of his offer as he watched the haughty pegasus fly off to find their hosts. "I apologize Ice, I would not usually deal with such individuals, yet despite any earlier predications I must unfortunately have the mind-set of a business pony once in awhile" He spoke, though did not turn to face Ice, his voice rattling as if in a vain attempt to try and justify his actions more to himself than the mare beside him. Quick to try and change the topic, Monkshood tried to not a moment to think almost stumbling over his own words in the process. "Let us go and gather some of the supplies. I'm sure it would be in are best interest to try and get them while still early".

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Noble Persona


“I understand your intent, but I AM the head of my family so I'm not so sure that it would bother me much at all. Neither do I think that Star's intervention would help much should it come to blows, not that I would ever want to hurt her despite her words, but I'm not that dependent on my weapon. I'm not about to just up and forget an insult like that without good reason, but that does not affect anyone but Kanon. I'm perfectly willing to get along with you or Star, should you give me a chance.” Noble said, holding out a hoof to North.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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North Shine didn't shake his hoof, only folding her forelegs and saying, almost pleadingly,"I'll get along with you, but you'll need Kanon for this and her help won't come as easily if you two are on bad terms.  So please, I want you two to just make-up and move on.  You don't even have to forget, just forgive.  And I promise you this, the next time you run into Kanon, she'll try her very best to be your friend.  Just promise me that you'll try as well, alright?"


She then glanced at both Sonnet and Noble and added in a cheery voice,"Any questions about the mission?"

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Ice smirks and sounds amused though theirs a vaguely sympathetic tone in her voice as she speaks up. Even watching another pony deal with Dorado was painful. "Nothing to be sorry for, when i found out that i'd have to deal with a pony like that i asked for a bonus. Not worth getting along with that kind of pony unless i'm being paid for my patience."  *'Not to mention for the cost of the tea, I don't have the patience for that... interesting pony, in the first place.'* "... Though if your worried about price, don't. I have a rather large sum to spend and whatever remains when where done here is yours..... Consider it my sentiments for having to put up with him."

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Noble Persona


Why does she think I even want Kanon’s friendship in the first place, considering her words? Then there’s the point about needing help... Nopony who accepted this contract needs Kanon’s help. It’s Kanon and her friends who need our help to complete this mission. I could go home and all that would happen is I’d be bored again. I lose nothing.’ Noble thought. He gave a sad smile but responded in a friendlier tone. “No promises, but I’ll be polite. I can't speak for Miss Sonnet, but at the moment, I haven't got any questions. I’m still gift hunting, you see. Please don’t tell Ice. It’s a surprise.”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Oh, isn't this exciting? The drama! The tension! The intrigue! It's...'


'You know... I really hate you sometimes sister.'


'Don't be silly, this is a delightful time!'





Sonnet sidled up beside the gentlecolt with a sweet smile at the pair, and shook her head slightly towards North Shine.


"I'll keep an eye on matters regarding our friends... show them how to be properly civil to one another and so forth!" She chirped brightly. "By Celestia, manners are what make the mare! Or stallion... in certain cases..."


She really couldn't have feuds springing up already, that simply wouldn't do at all! There must certainly be some small detail which needed to be resolved - and she would be the one to solve it! She could hardly visit far off places with a cluster of bickering foals after all - it would spoil the atmosphere! With a slight giggle, she cast her discerning eye about the market again.


"Now!" She decreed suddenly - motioning through the crowd.

"I believe that I know the perfect gift for the filly! If you insist on not getting the poor dear flowers that is... shall we?"

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North Shine's ears perked up at the sound of Sonnet's comment.  The "PO others off for the lols" pony inside of her wanted to have some fun.  Besides, it would also steer them away from the conflict. For now at least.  


"Sooo, do you have a thing for this special some pony of yours?" she asked Noble with a mischievous smile.

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