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open Darkness Decending

Grimm Leaf

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As I do my routine monthly fly over Equstria i notice something weird and blue appearing out of nowhere in front of twilights library "oh it's Just some Philly playing with magic again" I think to myself, then I hear a strange noise so I go down to check it out. On the top of the strange blue box it's labeled "Police public call box" i didn't know what that meant. I raise my hoof to knock on the door but before i could do anything twilight bursts out of the library and runs into the box. I catch my hoof in the door before it could close. It starts to make that noise again so i make a last second decision and jumped in. I quickly grab one of the provided hoof-rails because it started shaking inside. "Glad you could make it Josh!" shouts twilight. I notice  a colt an, earth pony and shout back "Who's this?""the Doctor!" the colt says in an odd accent "Welcome aboard the TARDIS!" "Doctor of what?" i ask. "Everything." "Where are we going this time?" asks twilight. "2056 Phillydelphia.". A loud BOOM! The Doctor says "we're here" He opens the door and something says in a clear loud voice "EXTERMINATE!" then he slams the door in terror.




BRONYS WHOVIANS finish the story :D

rainbow is best pony :wub:

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