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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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"if you know warriors as you claim you would know I can't do that with disgracing myself You can't possibly expect such a thing from me" steel said " if you do then you are crazy and cruel" steel meant it he couldn't leave a warrior to crawl away he would never dishonor himself

"Look Steel I like you I do and I wouldn't want you to be dishonored but I can't let him have any. Anything I can take from them I will, I'll show you why..." He sighed heavily taking off his saddlebag and starting to dig through it. "It is very important to me, I never even take it out of my bag anymore so you'll have come over and look." Wander moved to give Steel space over the bag as he found what he was looking for.

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(Wanderlust would have been fascinated but he wasn't there and he's so caught up thinking about diamond dogs that he didn't even see the new survivor)


Ba-bump! Frostheart trembled what was she doing to him?! 'My heart! She is giving me a heart attack!? No, my heart is stopped. She's making it beat... She's making me feel alive again, she's bringing me to life?' Collapsing to his knees and gasping, "Wh-who are you? What are you doing?"

{{The Cuteness! It's killing you! Hnnnnnnnng!!! :P}}


"M-me? I'm Ice Crystal, and I'm not doing anything! Or at least not trying to..."


She ran to North's side. "Um, uh, anything I can do to help? I can't do much but create ice and snow, unfortunately."


She demonstrated by making a huge snowflake and placing it in front of North Wind.

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"I never knew you were a ninja, Chilly." Willow looked happier then she ever was before. "No need to attack, that voice you heard was Celestia's parents. Willow placed her hoof on Chilly Bones' Cutie mark, and ribbons of light came from Willows chest into his. Instantly Chilly Bones could see the joy Willow was feeling, and the pain and fear trapped in a small corner of her heart. Willow was crying again, but these were tears of joy. "I am tapping into your feelings, but I am showing you mine."


<Be careful, Chilly Bones. Fear and pain can still break her confidence. If that happens, she will have to find it again, without your help. Her heart will be shattered. Be careful. Do not fail us.>


Images of Willow lying on the ground, her body shaking violently, flashed in his mind.

Edited by Wind in the Willows


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Star Struck moves right next to him"i got hungry so i walked around the camp to find, when i did i eat it and came back here thinking about stuff like,how would i feel if they took me again if they ever could after saying im a deamon" she giggles and smiles.


Signature done by @Lunia

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Star Struck takes out an apple"here you can have this onbe,we cant let one of our good fighters go hungry now can we she giggles and blush then she looks at the night sky"even through we all we nerly killed by the storm and there is no sunanymore the night sky is just beautiful isnt it Steel".


Signature done by @Lunia

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{{The Cuteness! It's killing you! Hnnnnnnnng!!! :P}}"M-me? I'm Ice Crystal, and I'm not doing anything! Or at least not trying to..."

She ran to North's side. "Um, uh, anything I can do to help? I can't do much but create ice and snow, unfortunately."

She demonstrated by making a huge snowflake and placing it in front of North Wind.

Ba-bump, Ba-bump! "Urgh!" The feeling was tearing him apart he wanted to kill the little filly so badly, to freeze her and shatter her to pieces and spread them to the four winds across the world but at the same time something was stopping him. Somehow he knew that they were meant to meet and it meant something. Her power, even at this young age she was more powerful in controlling the cold and ice then had been at his death, her name, ice crystal something so fragile at first but as ice strengthened it could be so strong and sharp like edges that had broken his horn, finding her here at the heart of the crystal empire standing in front of the crystal heart; their was so much symbolism it hurt his head. She controlled the cold like no other pony and he embodied cold, he was cold but more than that her mere presence brought him warmth let him feel again. It all went back to the heart his heart which he knew was now linked to hers. She had his heart.


He looked at the snowflake in front of him, "it's beautiful," he said with genuine warmth. He let his wind catch the snowflake floating it about the room twirling it about playfully. He had thought of destroying this world purging it of life to leave it a frozen lifeless ball, but now he decide he would give this little filly the world, she would rule it in an icy glory that she controlled. He lowered the snowflake down to spin it in circles before her face it showed her reflection on one side and the other he used his magic to alter and show the filly as an alicorn in royal adornments, "my little Ice Crystal" he was warm now and his voice seemed truly kind, "have you ever wanted to be a princess?" The snowflake spun faster and faster blending the images till it seemed like a small alicorn of herself stood just in front of her.

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Star Struck blushes when Steel said"But bit a beautiful" and then she says"that would be great,i dont want that to happen again its really scary and your handsome and your skills are sharp like a blade, oh i couldn't believe i said something like but anyway its true,do you mind if i lean my head on you? you can say no and i wont mind.


Signature done by @Lunia

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Star Struck leans her head on Steel"its always on the table and i wont get mad at what ever you say besides looking after foals is much worse the talking about problems and im willing to talk to anypony who has a problem, so what your problem? im all ears.


Signature done by @Lunia

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Steel sighed "look I dont need to know if it's that important to you then I'll leave " steel said walking MacBook to camp I'm truth he thought that the dognhad died he seen star was up and Sat by her "hey I thought you was asleep what happened " steel asked d

"Oh, thank-thank you. Yeah it's really important to me." Wanderlust's hoof still grasped the long thorn in his bag as Steel left and was out of sight, "there isn't really anything as important left to me." He released the thorn glad he didn't have to use it on Steel; the pony would have probably never forgive him for something so underhanded if he had. He sighed he hated this but he could never let himself forget or forgive even if it meant losing a friend. Besides he had taught many warriors the lesson before a trickster is little use on the battlefield but in the real world they were the most dangerous opponent, that stallion would have to learn it sometime and if it was from him at least he would be kind enough to let him feel no pain and wake up later.


He put back on the bag and started to follow the blood he couldn't decide if he wished more that the dog be already dead or still alive and suffering... And it hurt to know that either way he wouldn't be happy at what he found.

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"the truth is when I was born I was possessed by a demon" steel said " then my parents abandoned fearing the demon but the worst part is he still posses me he lives in me iv been able to keep him weak because he feeds on anger he's never been able to control me but im scared he might "

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Star Struck hugs Steel "i see well you have to let everypony know even if it means reliving him because there could be less of a risk him coming out and if other ponys say some about it i will be right beside you lo... i mean Steel,no matter what i mean i every word".

Edited by Lighting Split


Signature done by @Lunia

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Steel sighed "I can't im telling you because I trust you and Im sure if I told you to leave me you wouldn't he almost got out earlier remember when you hugged me and the whites of my eyes where black that was him trying to get out " steel said he didn't notice her goof " and thank you "

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"thats what friends are for,helping and not telling secrets and yes i remember that and i..im sorry you have to live with him but that doesnt change my mind how i feel about you"Star relise   what she said and covers her mouth with her hoofs trying not  to speek.

Edited by Lighting Split


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Steel assumed she meant she still thought he was kind brave and liked him as a friend "thanks star but if I tell you that you need to get away you need to listen I don't know what will happen if he gets out and I don't want him to hurt you " steel said $(he's oblivious in matters of love lol()

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Wanderlust finally reached the diamond dog; it lay face down in the ash. Wanderlust walked over to him and roughly rolled him over, his eyes were unfocused and looked about crazily. Tooth was deep in shock from his blood loss, "damn Steel slowed me down too much. You can't probably even understand me now. My way would just be a waste of valuable resources and a mercy to you now." He yanked the head roughly but the dog made no signs of having heard him so he simply let him drop back down, "just know that your kind brought this kind of end on yourselves. The black mountain pack, you can blame them."


He watched the diamond dog draw his last breathes and when it was done he rose and said somberly, "I'm sorry Galiena I couldn't make this one pay and I was a coward today you'd really give me an earful." He then headed back to camp.

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Wanderlust came back into camp spotted Steel and headed for him, "thought you should know that the dog died how you wanted, I didn't kill him." He looked down at the sleeping Star Struck and smiled, "aren't you glad you came back to camp now?" Wander started to sit down himself but stopped as he spotted a new survivor, "where the hay did she come from?"


He started across the camp toward Winter Willow, "where the hay did you come from? And when?" He realized how rude he was being today had really thrown him off; so tried to backpedal sheepishly, "wait sorry it's been a stressful day, I'm wanderlust." He offered his hoof.

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Star Struck stops dreaming of the horrors and dreams about Steel and talking in her sleep"oh yesi will be your mare friend  i love you too" Star rolls around to find a comfy spot in her sleep. she then rolls again and again still dreaming about Steel and how handsome he is.


Signature done by @Lunia

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"I never knew you were a ninja, Chilly." Willow looked happier then she ever was before. "No need to attack, that voice you heard was Celestia's parents. Willow placed her hoof on Chilly Bones' Cutie mark, and ribbons of light came from Willows chest into his. Instantly Chilly Bones could see the joy Willow was feeling, and the pain and fear trapped in a small corner of her heart. Willow was crying again, but these were tears of joy. "I am tapping into your feelings, but I am showing you mine."


<Be careful, Chilly Bones. Fear and pain can still break her confidence. If that happens, she will have to find it again, without your help. Her heart will be shattered. Be careful. Do not fail us.>


Images of Willow lying on the ground, her body shaking violently, flashed in his mind.

"No I'm not a ninja....just...being myself I guess..." He was slowly turning quiet as his mind was at ease. He couldn't believe that, when he heard that voice, he would've never guess it to be celestia's parents. Slowly he saw the joy and happiness she felt, but he also saw the pain and fear that came with it. Wasn't a pleasant feeling, but the images made him curious.

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