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private Life in Canterlot

Nurse Slava Medik

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(OOC link:http://mlpforums.com/topic/84101-life-in-canterlotsol/)



Star arrives in Canterlot by train to see the festival but shes was 3 days early"whops looks like im here early oh well the more reason to see Canterlot and all of it glory. i know i could of flyed here but i wanted to see what it looked like coming by train.

Edited by Lighting Split


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Sweet ol' Canterlot. Architectural Dream looked around the city. It hasn't changed much since he left Canterlot a few years ago. The same shops, same ponies. And now he's back for the festival. It seemed like Canterlot is hosting a rather large one. And Architectural Dream was excited for the festival.


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Architectural Dream was distracted in where to go when Star Struck bumped in him. He spoke, a bit confused, "Uh? Hmm? Oh, it is fine ma'am." He then got a good look of the mare that bumped into him, a pegasus mare. Not half-bad looking at that, "Were you looking for something?"


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After a long ride from Detrot She finally got off the train in Canterlot. She was looking forward to her vacation and the festival. It been a while since she had some down time from training and running the gym. She heads out the station and takes a walk around the city.

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"yeah i was looking for a place to eat,im hugry from the train ride, really hungry i could eat a big tree" Star giggles" and were you from and what are you doing in Canterlot? Star askes the stallion,she then say"your coat color looks nice,so does your mane and tail" she smiles

Edited by Lighting Split


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"Must be rather hungry eh?" Architectural Dream chuckled, "And where am I from? I'm from here in Canterlot to participate in the festival. And thank you, you don't look bad either. Then he spoke, "So I know this nice cafe shop not too far away from here, if you want, I could show you there. If you don't mind that is ma'am."


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(playing half life 2 in garrys mod lol)

"not at all sir,lead the way" Star smiles as she follows the stallion"so your here for the festival to? so am i, i love festivals" she flaps her wing uncontrollabley"she thinks" wow there must be alot of ponys comeing here".

Edited by Lighting Split


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(Playing Warthunder :3)

"Ah yes. When I heard there is a festival was coming to this city, I had to come. Can't miss a Canterlot festival if I'm from Canterlot can I?" Architectural Dream said as he led Star Struck to the cafe he was talking about. It was ran by a old couple, nice and quiet, the food was also good.


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"Star Struck eh? Nice name, I'm Architectural Dream at your service!" Architectural Dream bowed a little before standing up a bit smiling, "My name isn't as good as yours ma'am, not one bit." They were close to the cafe that Architectural Dream had mentioned.


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Regal was laying on his bed thinking about things. He was born here in Canterlot, but it never felt much like a home to him. Sighing he picked himself from his bed. He knew the festival was three days away,but he had nothing to do until then. Picking up his bag he placed a few things in it and headed out. 
"I wonder if anything will happened today" he said to himself as he walked outside.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Snowdream stepped of the train from Manehatten. She looked around her and came to the conclusion that Canterlot hadn't changed muh since he lived there two years ago. In fact, it hasn't changed at all.


She rolled her eyes as she watched the snobby ponies walking on their dainty hooves, snouts pointed up, all with a certain look of superiority, oh yes, they all thought they were so much better than every pony else.


She trotted through the crowd, though her trotting seemed clumsy and disruptive compared to the gentle precise steps the ponies from Canterlot took, she in no way stood out from the crowd. She levitated her small bag infront of her, occasionally bumping it into other ponies who glared at her like she'd given them the plague by touching them. Snowdream laughed gentley to herself, she was the kind of pony Canterlot hated, loud, brash, unruly, everything that ticked Canterlot ponies off, and oh how she loved it.


Snowdream sat down on a bench to observe the city that she had once called home. She pulled out a map to confirm the location of her apartment she would be staying at whist visiting the festival.

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"I sound like a prince? Do I? Hmmmm..." Architectural Dream wondered a bit before speaking, "My parents have always drilled me manners and the importance of knowledge. And a foal? Horrible little creatures if I do say myself, though some of them are pretty nice. Where are you from ma'am?" Architectural Dream had opened the door to the cafe and was waiting patiently for Star Struck to enter the cafe.


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"From Canterlot, and you're from Manehatten? That is nice, been to that city a couple of times, very fantastic!" Architectural Dream replied, following Star Struck into the cafe. Architectural Dream then proceeded to pull out one of the chairs via magic, "For you ma'am." If there was one thing his parents had taught him throughout his life, it was to be a gentleman of all kind. Doesn't matter who the pony is, stallion or mare. Though his mother had always insisted at the expense of his father that he should make sure the mares should get the highest of all treatment.


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Thank you, it is but but if one thing goes like taxis brake down there can be trouble and that but i look after this cute little unicorn, but poor dear cant walk or talk good but i help her no matter what,like a second mum to her you know and her name is Sparkle Star"Star takes out a picture of her and Sparkle Star


(Sparkle Star is a cute little that might melt your heart i made up from ponycreator when i was bored)


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"Poor little filly," Architectural Dream replied looking at the photo. He almost felt as if his heart will collapse upon itself, which it usually does not do.  Architectural Dream spoke, "Is there anyway I could help? I could transfer a large amount of bits to you, if you want." If there was one thing Architectural Dream had in great quantities, that was bits, and lots of it.


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Regal walked around looking at every pony passing him. He was staying in the city to see the festival. it was easy for him to move from one place to another, he only had a few things anyway. Still, he had no idea where to go after the festival. reaching into his bag he pulled out a small gem, a gem he found on his travels, it meant a lot to him. Putting the gem back in the bag he headed out to the park. To him it was a good place to waste time for a while.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"well i would like to get her some leg braises and a speech thirpist to help her walk and talk better again"she is every talented with  magic and she gets bullied too because of her talking and walking problems but me or her parents cheer her up so thank you" Star smiles

Edited by Lighting Split


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"Leg braises and a speech therapist? Consider that done," Architectural Dream replied, already calculating how much it'll cost from his bank account. Then he heard the talent with magic, maybe even a future College fund. He slowly sat on in his seat before speaking, "I'll forward around five-thousand bits, how does that sound?" At times like these, he had to congratulate himself for choosing a really good job.


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Star Struck eyes go wide"w....wow thank you!, i bet her parents and her will be pleased to hear,do you have a scroll and quill i can use to wright them  a letter?Star Struck askes. She thinks again"wow handsome kind and he will help the unfortunate,who ever marrys this stallion is lucky". 

Edited by Lighting Split


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"No need to thanks. And a parchment and a quill? Hmmm. Let me check," Architectural Dream opens up his saddlebag, which he carries nearly everywhere. He found only a fountain pen and a parchment. He placed the two items on the table, "I don't have a quill, but I do have a fountain pen."

Edited by Demirari


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"its ok i will maybe wright one were when i get to my hotel hand... i mean sir" Star blushes"we should oerder our food now,im getting every famished from the train ride i could eat all the grass in Equesrtia" Star giggles"well after this i better go to my hotel unless you want to come with me so you know were i will be staying if we ever want to meet up again".


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