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private (1x1) A Throne of Hate.

Mr. Critical

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Aaron was sleeping in the tent, sharing it with Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. He wished there were more than two tents, but at least they made up for it for warmth. Maybe he and Rarity should have raided some blankets. In the distance, Aaron could hear rain. He loved the rain. The very sound, the smell, the beauty and fury. He loved every second of it. He could also hear Rainbow and Siris talking, but he shut them out for personal reasons. He let sleep take hold of him once more. Though in the distance of the hospital of what was once Equestrias capital city, was now dark and ominous. Within the castle was a lord of hate incarnate. Walking into his throne room was the familiar family. Green fire surrounded them and revealed their true forms. The changelings approached the king.

"My lord, we bring news on the creature that raided our patrol."

The king looked to them with piercing green eyes. His voice echoed through the halls, bringing their fears to surface.


The changeling female began first.

"The creature that attacked was with the elements of harmony. He was carrying some of our militias weaponry."
the king looked angered.
"Are you telling me that some unknown creature, wielding our weaponry, travelling with the elements, singlehandedly killed a platoon of nine changelings. Plus two scouts."
"Um... yes."

Sombra looked angered, like he was going to take his frustrations out on them. But sat back down.
"Very well then. Send a squad of twenty to deal with them."

"Y-Yes my lord."

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Rex was looking around, he wondered how this place prospered before, how much longer did they really have to live like animals? Scavenging while changelings torture the pony's who lived here. Rainbow take a few more steps closer to Rex

(Rainbow Dash)"You seem like a pretty cool guy Siris, I bet if you gave the others a chance to get to know you better they'd like you"

Rex turned around and gave Rainbow an empty stare, "I'm not here to make friends, that's not why you summoned me here....... I'm here to help fix a broken land...... And that's what I'm going to do". He walked past Rainbow and back into the hospital building. Rainbow stayed outside and looked into the air, as if looking where her once beautiful home Cloudsdayle used to be. He walked in to see every pony sleeping except for Twilight. "Twilight shouldn't you be resting?"

(Twilight)"Resting from what? You and Aaron did all the fighting yesterday"

"True, but we're going to be doing a lot of walking today"

(Twilight)"I'm rested enough for walking"

Rex nodded and sat down near the door


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Aaron awoke in the tent with the others. They were still asleep, but not for long. He may not have known what Fluttershy and Pinkie went through yesterday, but Rarity could use a little extra time to sleep. Slipping out of the tent he saw that Twilight, Siris and Rainbow were already awake. He grabbed his bow staff and headed for the door.

"I' going for a walk. Be back in a few minutes."

With that, Aaron began to circle the hospital. It was still stormy outside, but the sun shining through the clouds was providing some kind of visibility. He came across the tool shed. Hesitant, he walked over to it and shakily motioned his hand to the door. Opening it he found that the inside was... just a tool shed. He backed away and closed the door and shooed the memories away. He began to tred back to the others to see if they had awoken yet.

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"......Hold on, Hold on, what are you babbling about Pinkie?"

(Applejack)"It's here Pinkie Sense, she gets twitches and others thing a when something bad is about to happen, it's real trust me"

"Honestly I think that's insane, but if you truly think that something bad is going to happen, what do you suppose it is?"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Aaron returned to find Pinkie shaking and shivering. He ran over to her to make sure she was okay. He heard something about a pinkie sense.

"Twitcha twitch! Twitcha Twitch."

"Would some pony explain to me whats going on."
"Our dear friend Pinkie has a bit of a sixth sense. Or... various other senses."
Aaron thought this was amazing. He had heard that this kind of thing existed. Didn't think he would see it in action.

"Okay, so what does this one mean, exactly."
"Last time this happened, it involved a hydra. I don't want to think of what this one could mean."

The group became wary. Siris, Rainbow, Twilight and Applejack became battle ready for anything that may happen. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie, who was still twitching, stood behind Aaron.  Waiting for anything and every thing. And all of a sudden the window smashed open as twenty changelings landed on the floor. They were all grunts, but none the less dangerous. They looked to the two humans. Their leader looked surprised.

"I thought there was only one hairless ape. Doesn't matter. Attack!

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Rainbow pointed her shotguns at the changelings along with Applejack, Rex didn't have any shots left in his pistol so he drew his sword preparing himself for combat. Rex made the first move in a changeling it dodged a few of its attacks before he finally landed one. Rainbow Dash had already engaged and was taking a few shots with the shotgun. Rex had taken down two when he was smacked in The face by a changeling that had took his shape.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Aaron faught off the changelings. Striking as they came to him. Each one charged with a powerful force. Aaron saw one of them try to sneak away from the battle. He threw his staff as if it were a spear, impaling the changeling. However, this left him without a weapon. Taking his fighting stance, Aaron began to use what knowledge he had acquired from the books Twilight had given him. Luckily there was a thing or two about changelings. As the first came to him, Aaron struck the changeling at his exoskeleton's crevice. Sending his hand into the changelings torso. It screamed in agony as his hand found its beating heart. With a mighty pull, he removed his hand from the insect. The Changelings that were left became weary of him now. The three watched as the insects backed away in fear of the warrior. All but one. Another flew towards him, making a move for one of the elements of harmony. Aaron would not have this. Grabbing it in mid jump, he flung him to the ground. Aaron standing above it grabbed its wings and pulled them off, and what ever they were attached to. Threads of nerves and blood came along with the wings and a blood curdling shriek could be heard throughout the building. The three mares looked to the warrior in fear. He was not the friendly human they knew. This was a savage being capable of horrors they could not fathom. Aaron returned to the battle, taking on many strikes from the enemy, some got through but did little to phase him.

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Rex saw that Applejack had dropped her shotgun, a changeling was trying to get to the pony's, he grabbed its shoulder and put the shotgun to its belly and pulled the trigger sending blood puddles right into the pony's faces. Most screamed except applejack trying to wipe the blood off themselves. Rex ignored the screams and picked up his sword and slashed the changelings into pieces. There was one left the commander, it was trying to run, Rex lined up the shotgun with his leg and pulled the trigger sending his leg flying off into pieces. The commander laid on the ground in pain, Rex stepped on his back and turned him over, shotgun at his skull the commander pleaded "mercy"

"Mercy!?" Rex yelled, "You come in here planning to kill everyone in there ruthlessly? Then beg for mercy? Your pathetic"

Rex pulled the trigger sending the commanders brains everywhere. Rex walked back into the room without saying a word.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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The team was done. Blood and gore streaming the room. Aaron looked to his three friends. Their faces held that of horror at what they had done. Aaron saw this and his face became heavy as well. He didn't like to do that. He looked to the changeling implaed by his bow staff. He brought it to his face, the insect whimpering with fear. He brought it close so it wouldn't miss hear what he was going to say.

Do you fear death?"

Aaron threw the heavily injured changeling to the ground. He was about to end its life until.

He looked to his side. Rarity  Fluttershy, and Pinkie were standing before him. He looked at his current position. The tip of his staff at the cracked chitin of the changeling, crying into a pool of its own blood and and other fluids. Aaron hated to take the lives of the those who couldn't defend themselves. Removing the staff, Aaron knelt down and whispered into its ears.

"I will spare your life this day. But if I see you again. I will find you, and I will kill you."

The changeling nodded and ran into the trees. He knew that he would go to his masters, and he was counting on that. Hopefully he would describe in detail of what happened to his brethren. He felt something soft wrap around him.

"Thank you for showing mercy."

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"Idiot" Rex took the shot gun and blew the changelings face everywhere, "Next time you want to show mercy maybe you should think about there intentions first". Rex dropped the shotgun and walked away, watching as everyone shot him fearful glances. Rex didn't care what they thought of him, he wasn't here to make a good impression. Aaron looked at Rex with a bitter taste on his mouth. Rex wiped his face from the blood and walked around the hospital with his black cloak on.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Aaron let out a sigh. At least he wasn't the one who had to do the final blow. They all began to gather the supplies once more so that they may depart. It was still early in the morning. He looked over everypony to make sure they were ready. Fluttershy was first to approach him. I'll be it hesitantly. Twilight was next, then Applejack, then Rarity, Pinkie, and finally Rainbow. They were ready to go. Aaron and Siris didn't need to pack. Their stuff was already on their backs.

"Alright, lets go."
The group began their walk. Siris bringing up the rear as always. They all walked for hours, none wanted to break the silence first.

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Rex started to walk next to Aaron, he began to speak, "Some are born into killing Aaron, that why I'm here to make the tough decisions no one else will, making the decisions that would make you look bad". Rex stopped Aaron in his tracks and whispered, "I dint know why your wating your time trying to make friends, we're here to guide an army not to make friends, I'm surprised someone like you didn't realize that by now" The rest of the group if pony's stopped after a while looking at Rex and Aaron talking.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Aaron was a bit annoyed by Siris.

"And what makes you think I haven't.

The group watched as the two spoke to each other. All of which were expecting a fight to break out between the two. But it remained verbal for now.

"I may not know a lot about you Siris. And frankly, I don't really care. But I can tell that you and I are two different kinds of people. You fight for your reasons, and I fight for my own. I make friends because I want to. Because I am not expecting to go back. I have made peace that my world is lost to me and I have found solace in myself."
Aaron began walking once more, but turned back to face Siris.
"And if you have a problem with the way I do things, feel to feed your complaints into a shredder."

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Rex wouldn't be passing this one off easily with a well developed argument, he had a solid attitude, Rex smirked and watched as Aaron walked by him. Rex had started to walk away when Rainbow Dash came trotting up to him, "What was that about?" Rainbow asked

Rex gave her an empty glance "Nothing I just wanted to understand his reasoning"

(Rainbow Dash)"I've been meaning to ask you, what's it like where you come from?"

"Nothing like this" Rex responded while starting to walk away, the blue Pegasus started to follow him

"What do you mean?" She replied

"No grey skies, life prospers with few interruptions" they stated getting into a conversation about the planet earth.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Aaron was agitated. He didn't like to explain himself to others. Rarity walked up to him.

"Are you all right, Aaron."

yeah. I'm fine."

Fluttershy and Pinkie were the next ones to join.

"Really. Because that argument with Siris said different."

"I said I'm fine."

They were silent for a few seconds. Then the question came.

"Why did you spare that changelings life. And we know its not because I asked you to."

Aaron stopped in his tracks. He turned to face the three mares.

"Do you know why I taught myself the way of the staff?"

"Because you were bored."

"Not exactly. Because it is hard to kill your opponent with it, harder than a gun or a sword. Yes it still hurts, but its harder to kill with it. I don't like to kill ladies. I don't get any pleasure in it. I fight to defend, not for pleasure."

He turned around to start walking again.

"And that one changeling?"
"He was making a move to harm you all."

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...so why did you kill him?@

"Because it had evil intentions in the first place"

"But why not show mercy"

"Because it would just leave to kill some other pony's obviously Aaron doesn't understand that, a sword and gun are quick and most if the time painless"

"I guess when you put it that way"

"Aaron uses a staff because he's afraid of turning down a dark path of senseless killing"

"Some are born killers Rainbow remember that"

Rainbow Dash nodded and looked at Rex's shoes

"Woah those are cool" her eyes glistened

"What these?" Rex stopped and looked at his shoes

"What are they?" She asked

"It's a shoe type, called Nike Air Max"

"There colorful"

"Eyup I like these colors too, neon orange and light blue."


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"Aaron. Do you feel that we're a burden to you."
"Of course not. Why do you ask?"
Fluttershy retreated a bit, but held her ground. Aaron had no Idea where this was coming from.

"W-Well. That changeling would have... have killed us if you weren't there. So, do you feel that we are holding you back because we can't fight."

Aaron kept walking. 

"No. You three are no burden to me."
She seemed to lighten up a bit. Whatever was bothering her was gone for the moment.

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"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's to keep traction on the ground"

"But you shouldn't need traction"

"Maybe if your not a pony, but we human have feet and feet don't have a lot of traction"

"Oh how are feet different then hooves"

"On our feet we have sensitive skin, which means we can't run or walk a lot him bare feet because it would cut out skin here for cutting our feet"

"Oh makes sense"

"How come your not afraid to fight like the others, besides Applejack"

"Well mostly because I'm not afraid of a lot of things, and well if I die I'll die defending my friends"

"I guess everyone else has there own personality..... It's starting to get dark we should set up camp" Rex jogged over to Aaron, "Aaron it's getting dark I suggest we set up camp" suggested Rex


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"Agreed. Everypony, lets stop for the night."

The group were almost to the forest. The group sat next to a lake. There Rarity and Twilight began to set up their groups tents. This time, Aaron started the fire.

"Hey, Aaron. What kind of food, do we have?"

"Well, I only managed to get some loaves of bread. Until we get to the town, its all we have."

Pinkie looked disappointed. But it was true. Within minutes, Aaron got the fire started.

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Rex took a seat next to Aaron, "just spent the last half hour trying to explain shoes to a pony, sorry about before"

(Applejack)"I suppose right now ain't the best time to tell a scary story"

(Twilight)"Considering, sure why not?"

Applejack sat closer to the fire and began indulging everyone in a scary story


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Aaron gave a chuckle.

"Think nothing of it. At least you didn't have to explain anything awkward."

They gathered around the camp fire. All eating a slice of bread with a little butter. It wasn't much but it was something. Applejack suggested some scary stories.

"Very well Applejack. Who wants to go first?"

Aarons friends sat next to him Rarity on one side and Fluttershy on the other with Pinkie.

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Rainbow took a seat next to Rex, "Come on Siris you've gotta have a scary story where you came from"

Rex shrugged, "I guess I might have one, it all began with a boy.......*10 minutes later* not knowing what he had done he pulled off the mask only to see the bloody corpses of his parents" Rex watched as every pony was shakin in there seat everyone Rainbow Dash, Red could feel his seat shaking, "Bit scared?" Rex asked with a small grin

"What me?! No! I'm just cold is all"

Rex nodded, "Sure"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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The two mares next to him were squeezing his arms in terror. They had never heard a story like that before. And hopefully they wouldn't again. But so much for that Idea.

"That was... horrific. But luckily that's over."

Fluttershy let out a small meep. Pinkie was on the edge of her seat. Literally. Aaron had enjoyed Siris' story. The guy could scare, that's for sure.'

"I must admit. That was terrifying."

The two mares let out a sigh, knowing that they weren't the only ones scared.

"But I think I can do better."

The two went wide eyed. How could their be any story scarier than the one Siris had told. Was it even possible.

"This my dear ladies and gentleman is the tale of the Sullen Grey. The man who sews flesh."

A minute later, the group was watching with sunken in eyes as he described each detail to its fullest.

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Sick, the story was nothing other than sick, and twisted, he didn't know such vile words could be used in order like a symphony,

".....the end"

"Well have fun sleeping tonight ladies" Rex said as he stood up, "I'll going to take first watch tonight, everyone else get some rest, another day of walking tomorrow, that means you as we Twilight"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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The four made it to the tent, each one shivering after Aaron's... deranged little tale. Even Rainbow was shaking like a leaf after that one. Aaron took one of the sleeping bags. Soon after, he felt the familiar softness curl around him. Only it was tighter and shaky. The three were terrified to the bone. Sleeping would be a miracle if nothing else. He tried to ignore them but it was to no avail.

"Girls, I'm sorry I went a little overboard with that story."
"I think you'll find overboard is an understatement here darling."

He got up, the girls slipping off. He wasn't going to sleep like this and neither were they. How about I stay to 'protect you' until you all fall asleep."

The three mares looked to each other and then back to Aaron. They agreed.

"Very well. What shall we do until we fall asleep?"

"How about a story?"

Fluttershy and Rarity jumped to Pinkie shouting "NO!" in a worried tone.

"Actually a bed time story would be good. But which one?"
Rarity and Fluttershy slipped into their sleeping bags, peaking over the edge.

"Ah, that's one. This my dear ladies is a tale of romance, rivalry, and treachery. This is the tale of Romeo and Juliet."

Aaron began to tell the story. After a while they were no longer shaking but feeling a flurry of emotions. They laughed, sighed at the romance. And at the end, tears of sadness were falling down their faces. Staining their coats.

"T-That was beautiful."

"Did you make that?"

"No. You've heard what that was like. That was a tale by a man named William Shakespear."

Aaron took the sleeping bag and got into his sleeping position. He wasn't going to sleep in his clothes again. Waiting till they had fallen asleep, Aaron placed his clothes on a corner away from their face. Now he was comfortable.

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