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(Oh, cool! Thanks!)


"Oh, hi there! I'm Midnight Comet. I'm looking for books on the Focus Stone. I want to retrieve it to enhance my telescope's power, so I can observe a distant planet that may or may not have life on it. Can you help me?" Midnight said with a bright smile.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Oh! No problem! I've got plenty of books on telescopes. In fact, I've got several telescopes of my own!" Twilight stated with a happy giggle. Meanwhile Thunder was looking around at the various books. He found a peculiar spell book, but decided to read it later.  

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"Oooo! A fellow astronomer! Have you seen, what I call, Delta 3 XQ? It's a small planet in the northern hemisphere, and I think it has life!" Midnight said with a look of interest on his face. "Maybe we could share and discuss observations sometime! And wait... are you THE Twilight Sparkle?"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Delta 3XQ? Sure I have. Did you know that there's actually a moon that circles that planet. If you focus really hard, you can see. Astronomers of long ago, called this moon Torian Z. It was actaully named after a remedy, that was used to fight off the great plague 500 years ago." Twilight explained. She had gone into full geek mode.   

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Midnight stood open mouthed. "How do you know so much?! I mean, I saw the moon, put... plagues? I'm amazed! What about, my personal favorite, Gamma 6 XP, or as I call it, the big cheese. You know, the big, yellow, cratered one?" Midnight asked.


"Geek mode. That's so cute..." Midnight thought to himself. "Midnight... you're blushing..." He thought as his cheeks awkwardly turned red. "Oh boy..."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Aurora sighed as he looked down at the ground,"Can...I tell you something...My wife...She died,a long time ago actually,right after I got out of my training...Right after Thunder left...I impregnated her,then,when she went into labor...she died along with the baby..."he sighed,he was very young,he looked sad as well now,he finally took off his mask to Lyrica...

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Lyrica hadn't realized that this pony had carried such a burden. It saddened her. She gently pulled a worn out teddy bear and bright blue handkerchief from her bag and handed them to him. 


"These things always make me feel better," she said naively, "Don't cry…It will get better."

Sometimes I get so weird, I even freak myself out.

I laugh myself to sleep; it's my lullaby~

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"Well, they say that ponies back then thought that "The Big Cheese" would come close to our planet and maybe become a comet." Twilight stated. Meanwhile Thunder was still looking around. He started reading a book on Equestrian history then put it down. "Anything else you want to know?" Twilight asked.  

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"Well, they say that ponies back then thought that "The Big Cheese" would come close to our planet and maybe become a comet." Twilight stated. Meanwhile Thunder was still looking around. He started reading a book on Equestrian history then put it down. "Anything else you want to know?" Twilight asked.

"Um..." Midnight was intrigued. "Well, I'm more of a 'modern astronomer'. I guess I should pay more attention to astrology's history..." Midnight smiled. "I would LOVE to hear more, but I'm here on an assignment... so anyways, what do you have on the focus stone?" Midnight asked, glancing over at Thunder-Dash. "And do you know who that is? I've seen him around, but I don't think we've been properly introduced..."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Oh, that stallion...that's Thunder Dash. He has an amazing ability. Why don't you go ask him about it." Twilight suggested as she went to one of her bookshelves and started to reorganize the books. Meanwhile Thunder was still looking at the different pony fiction books, since he had already finished all of the Daring Do series.  

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"Oh, that stallion...that's Thunder Dash. He has an amazing ability. Why don't you go ask him about it." Twilight suggested as she went to one of her bookshelves and started to reorganize the books. Meanwhile Thunder was still looking at the different pony fiction books, since he had already finished all of the Daring Do series.

Midnight walked over to Thunder-Dash. "Hey there! I'm Midnight Comet. And you're Thunder-Dash, right? The stallion with 'an amazing ability'? Midnight was a bit... out of it, you could say, as he stuck out a hoof to Thunder-Dash. "Nice to meet you!" Midnight said with a smile.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Yep..." Thunder started as he gathered electricity and made a cupcake appear from the blue. "That's me alright." Thunder finished. "Want a cupcake?" Thunder asked with a squee. Meanwhile Twilight was recalibrating one of her telescopes in preparation for observation that night.  

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"Yep..." Thunder started as he gathered electricity and made a cupcake appear from the blue. "That's me alright." Thunder finished. "Want a cupcake?" Thunder asked with a squee. Meanwhile Twilight was recalibrating one of her telescopes in preparation for observation that night.

Midnight's jaw dropped. "That's amazing!" He said, as he took the cupcake and shoved it in his mouth. "Thanks!" He said, dropping bits of cupcake out of his mouth. He swallowed it down. "Oops. I got a little ahead of myself... you see, I love baked goods..." Midnight explained. "Well, anyways, what do you do in Cloudsdale?"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"That's okay, and I actually live in Cloudsdale myself. I used to work at the weather factory as a storm wrangler along with my cousin Storm Rush and twin bro Electra Blitz, but beacause they weren't paying me right, I had to quit. Now, I just take any small jobs I could." Thunder stated.  

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"That's okay, and I actually live in Cloudsdale myself. I used to work at the weather factory as a storm wrangler along with my cousin Storm Rush and twin bro Electra Blitz, but beacause they weren't paying me right, I had to quit. Now, I just take any small jobs I could." Thunder stated.

"Hmm. That sucks. Storm wrangling, from what I've heard, is a grueling task. I'm an astronomer. I have an observatory west of Manehattan, where I spend most of my time. I'm here in Ponyville to look for the 'Focus Stone', a stone that... well... focuses things. I'm planning to use it on my telescope to observe distant galaxies! You know, they really could have come up with a more creative name for that thing..." Midnight said. He looked over at Twilight adjusting her telescope. He smiled a sighed a bit. He then looked back at Thunder-Dash and gave him a sheepish smile.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Well...aside from that my hobbies are making music, flying and...street racing. Yeah, I've got a friend who lives all the way up in Detrot named Nitro Spark. He's got a really sweet car that can do a lot of things. Boy...I sure do wanna go back up to Detrot sometime." Thunder said.  

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"Well...aside from that my hobbies are making music, flying and...street racing. Yeah, I've got a friend who lives all the way up in Detrot named Nitro Spark. He's got a really sweet car that can do a lot of things. Boy...I sure do wanna go back up to Detrot sometime." Thunder said.

"Detrot, huh? Yeah it's a pretty interesting city. I'm not really into street racing or flying... because, well.. you know. Wings! I'm in to video games, and, well, I stargaze, obviously. I'm trying to find more things to do, however. Maybe I'll learn to make cupcakes appear out of thin air!

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"You'll have to study magic to do that." Thunder stated. "But sitting cooped up in a room staring at a screen for long hours isn't for me. Although I sometimes find playing videogames entraining " Thunder stated. "Thunder's right you know. It's necessarily not good if you stay playing videogames for a long time." Twilight advised.  

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"You'll have to study magic to do that." Thunder stated. "But sitting cooped up in a room staring at a screen for long hours isn't for me. Although I sometimes find playing videogames entraining " Thunder stated. "Thunder's right you know. It's necessarily not good if you stay playing videogames for a long time." Twilight advised.

"Oh, I don't play for such a long time! I limit myself to about 2 hours a day. Besides, I have lots of planets to observe! And, you know, my studies keep me very busy." Ben turned to Twilight. "So, what do you have on this stone?" He asked, taking out of his bag a piece of paper with a shining, grey stone on it.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Hmmm...let me take a look." Twilight stated. Suddenly Thunder found a peculiar book. "I think I've got it..." Thunder stated gathering some electricity and levitating the book in his electric abilities. "It says "The Focus Stone: History, and General Knowledge." Thunder stated. "Looks like Thunder's got it." Twilight stated.  

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"Hmmm...let me take a look." Twilight stated. Suddenly Thunder found a peculiar book. "I think I've got it..." Thunder stated gathering some electricity and levitating the book in his electric abilities. "It says "The Focus Stone: History, and General Knowledge." Thunder stated. "Looks like Thunder's got it." Twilight stated.

"Fine job." Midnight smiled. "You should be a librarian!" He took the book from Thunder and opened it to the table of contents. "Let's see here... aha!" He turned to a page with a large picture of a cave and some text. "'The last known location of the stone was in'... oh, boy. The Everfree Forest." Midnight said, quickly frowning. "How am I going to get it now?"


(Sorry, I'm Ben in a different roleplay! Keep mixing them up!)

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Well...the cave is somewhere in the Macintosh Mountain Range. You're going to have to travel south past Los Pegasus, past Trottingham and then head east. It's gonna be a long journey I'm afraid. It'll take you nearly 2 months for you to head to that cave." Twilight stated.   

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"Well...the cave is somewhere in the Macintosh Mountain Range. You're going to have to travel south past Los Pegasus, past Trottingham and then head east. It's gonna be a long journey I'm afraid. It'll take you nearly 2 months for you to head to that cave." Twilight stated.

"Two months?!?! I'm NOT doing that!" Midnight made a disappointed look. "Well... I still have 12 days in Ponyville... might as well enjoy it..." Midnight turned to Thunder. "So, what does a pony do for fun around here? It seems I have some time on my hooves... and I'm clearly not getting that stone for a while." He asked him. He then also turned to Twilight. "Well, maybe we could so some observing together sometime?" He asked her.

Edited by Ducksquack

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Well, chariots come every now and than to take some ponies who don't have wings to Cloudsdale if they want to hang out there. But before they go, a special spell must be casted on them to enable them to walk on clouds. Of course...I have the alternative..." Thunder stated as he gathered electricity and fired a special beam at Ben. True pegasus wings sprouted on Ben's back. "Wha?! How'd you learn that spell?!" Twilight suddenly asked. "Oh...taught myself..." Thunder stated. "Okay...I am officially jealous!" Twilight teased.  

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"Well, chariots come every now and than to take some ponies who don't have wings to Cloudsdale if they want to hang out there. But before they go, a special spell must be casted on them to enable them to walk on clouds. Of course...I have the alternative..." Thunder stated as he gathered electricity and fired a special beam at Ben. True pegasus wings sprouted on Ben's back. "Wha?! How'd you learn that spell?!" Twilight suddenly asked. "Oh...taught myself..." Thunder stated. "Okay...I am officially jealous!" Twilight teased.

(Ben is a human in another RP! Don't get messed up by my mistakes :P)


"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Midnight looked at his wings in amazement. "Umm... did you just turn me into a pegasus? And... err.. if so, how do I control these wings?" Midnight then looked at his horn. "Wait a minute... does this mean that I'm an alicorn?!"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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