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open A Pony Alone

Solar Shadow

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(OOC: Shoot, sorry)


"For now. Because you're a unicorn, you can revert to normal form with a revert spell. Right Twilight?" Thunder asked. "Yep. The revert spell isn't as hard as the convert spell Thunder used on you. Thunder knows way more about flying than I do. He'll show you. Also, here's a little secrect he shared with me. He's what's called a "hornless alicorn" because even though he has no horn, he still has magic abilities." Twilight shared. "Alright then, I'll take you outside and show you the basics." Thunder said to Midnight. 

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(OOC: Shoot, sorry)


"For now. Because you're a unicorn, you can revert to normal form with a revert spell. Right Twilight?" Thunder asked. "Yep. The revert spell isn't as hard as the convert spell Thunder used on you. Thunder knows way more about flying than I do. He'll show you. Also, here's a little secrect he shared with me. He's what's called a "hornless alicorn" because even though he has no horn, he still has magic abilities." Twilight shared. "Alright then, I'll take you outside and show you the basics." Thunder said to Midnight.

"Oh, I know the revert spell! I used it on my friend's dog when he accidentally turned it into a pigeon!" Midnight stated. He started to slowly move his wings. "Wow... this things sure do feel weird..." Midnight said, making a strange face. "Okay, I'll follow you, Thunder!" Midnight said, starting to head for the door.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Thunder went outside. "It may and will take some getting used to those wings. I've even been told that ponies who I use this spell on get wingboners in the middle of the night when they're sleeping." Thunder said with a small giggle. "Alright then. Try flapping your wings like this to see if you can get a little height." Thunder stated as he flapped his wings and slowly rose in the air. He then stayed in the air.  

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Thunder went outside. "It may and will take some getting used to those wings. I've even been told that ponies who I use this spell on get wingboners in the middle of the night when they're sleeping." Thunder said with a small giggle. "Alright then. Try flapping your wings like this to see if you can get a little height." Thunder stated as he flapped his wings and slowly rose in the air. He then stayed in the air.


"Wingboners?! Well, that's an odd side-affect..." Midnight said, giggling a little too. He watched Thunder-Dash carefully. Midnight attempted to actually feel his wings first. When he finally had located them, he attempted to move them up and down, straining, he began to float a little. Then, suddenly he fell, and his wings shot out straight. "Oh, GREAT. Sleeping, huh Thunder?" Midnight said as he tried to push his wings down, blushing in front of ponies passing by. "A little help here?!"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Thunder tried to hold in a laugh but some of it still escaped. "Well, I forgot to mention that sometimes when ponies fall, they get them...try again. You'll get it soon enough. Remember, control is the key here." Thunder stated as he flapped his large wings, rose in to the air and came back down smoothly. 

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Thunder tried to hold in a laugh but some of it still escaped. "Well, I forgot to mention that sometimes when ponies fall, they get them...try again. You'll get it soon enough. Remember, control is the key here." Thunder stated as he flapped his large wings, rose in to the air and came back down smoothly.

Midnight grimaced at Thunder for a second, and then started to laugh hysterically. "Well, THAT was embarrassing." He used his magic to shove his wings back down again, and then restarted. "I think these wings have minds of their own! Alright, I'm going to try again. Midnight pushed himself again, but not as hard, and his wings slowly began to flap. The speed increased, and soon enough he was about a foot or two off the ground. "Hey, I'm doing it!" Midnight smiled.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"That's it! Stay with it. Now...try moving forward slowly...like this." Thunder stated as he continued to flap his wings and slowly moved forward. "Don't lean too forward though, or else you'll lose control." Thunder stated as he stopped and turned around to face Midnight.  

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"That's it! Stay with it. Now...try moving forward slowly...like this." Thunder stated as he continued to flap his wings and slowly moved forward. "Don't lean too forward though, or else you'll lose control." Thunder stated as he stopped and turned around to face Midnight.

Midnight nodded. He slowly began to lean forward, inching his way around. Of course, he pushed forward too hard, and he did a spin, falling on his face. He felt his wings springing up again, but he was able to control them and pull them back down. He used some magic to heal a small cut on his face. "Oww..."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Told you what would happen if you leaned forward too much...you alright." Thunder asked as he noticed Midnight heal up. "I see you know some healing spells, those are very handy." Thunder stated. "Now, try again, but think control." Thunder stated as he demonstrated again.  

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"Told you what would happen if you leaned forward too much...you alright." Thunder asked as he noticed Midnight heal up. "I see you know some healing spells, those are very handy." Thunder stated. "Now, try again, but think control." Thunder stated as he demonstrated again.

"Yep, I'm fine! Alright. Focus is key. Control." Midnight cleared his head of all his thoughts. Of astronomy, of work, of everything. He closed his eyes. He again slowly inched forward, this time being a lot more careful. He began to move. He gained speed at a slow pace, gradually getting faster, to the point where he was moving a good 20 feet an hour. "Hey, I'm flying!"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Yes! That's it! You're doing it! Now try turning. The key here to maintain the same control." Thunder stated as he showed Midnight how to bank. "In order to turn, you have to perform what is called banking. Banking is when you lean your body to one side, like this." Thunder stated as he banked right and turned around.  

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"Yes! That's it! You're doing it! Now try turning. The key here to maintain the same control." Thunder stated as he showed Midnight how to bank. "In order to turn, you have to perform what is called banking. Banking is when you lean your body to one side, like this." Thunder stated as he banked right and turned around.  


Midnight slowly began turning to his right. He slipped up a little, doing a small roll, but maintaining control. "I think... I..." Midnight did a sharp turn, banking to the right. He slowly smiled, trying it again to the left. "Wow, I think I'm getting the hang of these things!"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Wow, you are getting the hang of this!" Thunder complimented. "Next, we're gonna do some basic weaves and dives. What we're about to do is very fun." Thunder stated as he went up in the air and brought down three clouds. "Alright, what we're gonna do is weave through these clouds. Remember, control when banking." Thunder stated as he demonstrated, gracefully weaving through the three clouds.  

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"Wow, you are getting the hang of this!" Thunder complimented. "Next, we're gonna do some basic weaves and dives. What we're about to do is very fun." Thunder stated as he went up in the air and brought down three clouds. "Alright, what we're gonna do is weave through these clouds. Remember, control when banking." Thunder stated as he demonstrated, gracefully weaving through the three clouds.

Midnight nodded. He closely observed Thunder-Dash, making beautiful, precise weaves. "Alright, my turn." Midnight flew back and forth a bit, gaining speed. He then turned and went for the clouds. He went past the first one beautifully, and dodged the second one by a hair. He smiled and turned to Thunder, but completely forgot about the third cloud. He went right through it, getting lots of water and stuff in his face. "Oops..."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Watch that third cloud." Thunder stated as he went to fetch another cloud. "Try again, but this time make sure you weave through all three." Thunder stated as he went on the side in order to watch Midnight. 


(OOC: Don't know where Solar is, because this RP has to do with his character getting along in Ponyville.) 

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"Watch that third cloud." Thunder stated as he went to fetch another cloud. "Try again, but this time make sure you weave through all three." Thunder stated as he went on the side in order to watch Midnight. 


(OOC: Don't know where Solar is, because this RP has to do with his character getting along in Ponyville.)

(Yep, I think he abandoned ship. Should we go get him?)


Midnight focused. "Alright..." he said to himself. "Three clouds. Three weaves." He started again, dodging the first, second, and evading the third. He stopped, looked at Thunder, and smiled. He did a flip in celebration. "Haha! Yes!"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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