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"I came for something i lost..." he said as he walked over to a table and picked up a Butterfly knife, flipped it around and put it in his pocket. "Can't grab my piercing yet now..." he thought.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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As Kill-O-Watt made it back to his base, he went into his Vital chamber to recover. Insane as always he tore open the door rather then regularly opening it. He laid down in a pod & began healing. Soon a soldier walked up with some documents in his hands as Kill-O-Watt was recovering. He sat down & waited for Kill-O-Watt to recover.

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"im not sure, this is the first time ive really got to examine the crime scene, but who ever it was must of been strong, the rocketeer had super strenght as well as the ability to shoot lightnign"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Huh, sounds like a powerful person..." he said. "Did he not see it yet or something..." he thought.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Shadow shrugged "Alright." he said as he turned around and began to walk to the door "Man he is really stupid to not notice..." he thought.

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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As Kill-O-Watt finished healing, He looked over at the one solider. His name was Von Veclkich. An S-Rank soilder on his main squad. He placed the documents on the bench he was on & got up & faced the direction of the door. Kill-O-Watt got up & grabbed the documents. Looking through them he smiled & gave a groaned chuckle.

"The battle data from earlier today?" The soilder didn`t move one inch as he responded.

"Yes sir. We gathered everything we can from the bomb data & ones who attacked you." Kill-O-Watt only hesistated at the pages of paper he had.

"Excellent..." He gave a smirk. The sloider cleared his throat & spoke again.

"Although. We got a vast reading from the female. Her powers are extrodanary." Kill-O-Watt got up out the Vital chamber he was in.

"Yes. Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes, it seems so. We must capture her at all costs." Kill-O-Watt then took his leave out the room & turned the corner with Von Veclkich. As they walked down the hall, they enter the labratory. Everyone there was busy building & gathering data. Kill-O-Watt spoke up to everyone in annouce.

"Everyone! Redirect all attention to the super-hero so c-c-c-c-called as Weiss. She is a very powerful orgasmin in our current research! She must be apprehented at all costs!!" Everyone in the room listened to Kill-O-Watt & returned back to what they we doing. Von Veclkich put his arms behind his back & spoke.

"Are your sure we should be taking our focus on this one person?" Kill-O-Watt looked at his armor in the spot were Weiss had stabbed him.

"She pierced through my Wonder Armor. Only such sorcery is achieved through mass power." Kill-O-Watt looked up at a chamber that had a Bio-Weapon inside. It was a man, but no ordinary man. This one was special.

Kill-O-Watt walked up & looked at the chambe with such insanity. Von Veclkich walked up & looked inside as well. The man inside the chamber puked red & black blood as he was locked inside.

"Sir. Are you sure?" Kill-O-watt paid much focus on the man inside the chamber.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes...im so very sure." The man inside the chamber then somewhat combusted into a stream of bladed tentacles as they surrounded inside the chamber & retracted back to him.

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shadow is defenantly a suspect now, his questioning, the expression on his face, the fact he grabbed a butterfly knife, i still want to continue investigating to make sure, but he is a major suspect now


night hawk thought to himself, searching the bottom floor for anything of interest

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Shadow looked at Night before he exited the building "You know I could just tell you who did it." he said as he teleported away.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Shadow began to look around for Killowatt "His stupid monster almost wreaked my place!" he said "Beyatch need to know who is running this city."

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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*Weiss sat on top of the tower, looking out over the city. She felt a cool breeze flowing through the sky.* "I wonder what will happen next." *She said to herself.* "Im kinda upset that Shadow ignored my date request, but maybe he will go for it next time."

Edited by Apollo

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Night Hawk drove back to the wearhouse, once there he got out and sat on the couch, it was 4:00am "doc, i dont know how im going to do it, but shadow is a major suspect in the murder of the rocketeer"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Shadow thought "Man, Weiss seriously needs to find someone else, i'm not even from this world......" Shadow suddenly began to rapidly smash his head into a wall "get. out. of. my. head. Rain!" he yelled as he did so.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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As the sharp tentacles retracted the man looked normal again. Von Veclkich turned back to Kill-O-Watt & spoke.

"Are you sure no one will recognize him?" Kill-O-Watt turned to Von Veclkich.

"Of course n-n-n-n-not. He looks like a normal man. Unless if you count t-t-t-those red & black eyes of his." Kill-O-Watt turned & walked away to his post which was a very techno looking chair & he sat in it. Von Veclkich walked up & spoke to him.

"But Sir...he`s not ready. What if he gets killed easily?" Kill-O-Watt looked at his scientists working at their lab tables.

"Dr. Ribocore!" A man in a spkiey hairstyle turn around with his arms behind his back. He had green goggles & white hair as if he was old. He took notice of Kill-O-Watt`s call.

"Yes Johnathan?" Kill-O-Watt rested his head on a palm with his elbow on the arm of the chair.

"Bring out t-t-t-t-the G-34" Von Veclkich walked by Kill-O-watt`s side as Dr.Ribocore took out a Black brief case & opened it.

There was a Syringe. It was filled with a Green liquid chemial & red blood inside. Von Veclkich spoke up.

"Are you planning to inject him with it? What if he doesn`t survive it?" Kill-O-Watt look as Ribocore walked towards the Chamber & the other scientist put a collar around the man inside the chamber with robotic arms inside the chamber. Ribocore walked inside & injected the man with the G-34 chemical & exited the chamber.

"Alr-r-r-r-r-ready done." As the man was injected, his veins glew green & red & he started to shake violently for a couple of second before calming down. The arms came back & took off the collar. Went they did the man jumped all the way up & easily tore off the robotic arms & landed down with them in his hands.

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Shadow got up, his head was bleeding. "I-im s-sorry Rain" was all he said before he kept on walking.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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The man tossed the Robotic arms & sat back down in his chair with an attitude. Kill-O-Watt looked pleased by the actions of the Bio-Weaponized man. He got up from his chair & clapped. The man felt somwhat annoying but just followed along.

"Have him r-r-r-ready by tomorrow morning. w-w-w-we take down those heroes..." Dr.Ribocore simplly folded his finger through each other.

"Of course. Of course...we`ll have him ready tomorrow morning."

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Rider didn't see Weiss on the other side of the tower as he watched over the city. There was a light breeze, and it flowed through his hair easily, slightly parting it in the middle. He liked it. Not as much when he was flying, but still very enjoyable indeed.


Toothless silently landed behind as Rider rested his elbow on the railing. It's going to be a while before he'll see this city again, he thought. He might as well enjoy it while he could. He took a slow breath, and held it in, wishing that he could hold that breath of air forever.


The city was beautiful at this time at night. There was nothing like it. After about ten minutes watching the night sky, he opened his backpack, fishing through it for a notepad, and one dull pencil. He then quickly scribbled a note down, and weighed it down with a rock. It read, "Leaving town for a few days. Wish you all the best of luck. - Rider"


Rider then tied down his sleeping bag, and other supplies onto the dragon, safely securing it for the long ride ahead. He then looked eastward, refering to the map he now held in his hand. He nodded, confirming his memory with the map, and climbed onto his dragon, double-checking everything before he felt content. After giving the signal, the dragon took off, into the vast, unknown night. Before the glittering city disapeared into a tiny speck in the distance, he made an oath to himself.


"I'll be back... I promise..."

And stuff.

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Shadow was stumbling from smashing his head against the wall, it was bleeding profusely. "That was stupid.....but it worked i guess." he said "If i don't have to think about....her...then she cant bother me." he said with a crazed laugh. His sanity was going down by the second.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Scipio walked around the city, looking at the wreckage Shadow had caused the night before and the one that Kill-O-Watt had caused today. He rubbed his fingers together, alternating them between human fingers and symbiotic claws.

"#You better stop that, people are going to notice..."

"Eh, so what?"

He looked around, not knowing what to do at the moment.

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Shadow was still almost staggering around the block, laughing crazily "Y-you cant get t-to me anymore Rain!" he yelled.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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