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= club music

Shadow's symbiote alerted him. "Alright we should go up and see what he wants. He teleported up "Well, what are you doing here?" he asked not seeing him. The symbiote hid with him.

"Come on i can sense you" he said. Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Scipio "bouncer" disguise was removed as he smiled at Shadow.

"All I came in here for was a drink, mi amigo," he said as he grabbed a bottle of Tequila and chugged it down.

"#We know you're hiding something.... Do you even know what my kind can do to you?"

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Shadow looked at Plague "Well, fell free to stay...." he said. "Even though i may be a super villain, that doesn't mean that we cant be friends." he said. "But what can i be hiding?" he asked.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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(Dude, if I was Plague, people would be freakig out xD)

"Ah, you think I'm stupid? You have another of his kind... Different, not spawned like Corrosion...."

Scipio let out a loud hiss which frightened away some of the nearby dancers.

"Nice music you got here..."

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"Thanks." he said "So, you came he to do what?" he asked "Tell me something and what? get me to hand Famine over? What about Corrosion, what did you tell him a few hours ago?"



(I grew a habit of calling you Plague.)

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"# Ah so that's what it named itself huh? I'd be careful with it if I were you, some symbiotes are not as friendly as I..."

Scipio turned and walked away into the dancing crowd. He sat down in a corner as he simply watched the ongoing activities.

<Just a little more, and I'll have the secret entrance!>

Scipio got bored and decided to talk to Shadow again. He walked behind him and purposely tapped his shoulder.

"# So lad, hows business?"

Edited by Kreinbahthur
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Shadow looked at him walk away. "Fire, activate the entrance" he thought to him. The entrance was shut down, every door and lock was put on it, and a cyber wall filled it and the passageway. "Good, its now impossible to use until i want, teleportation is the only way for now" he thought "Cant have him get in there that easily"


The song then changed


Shadow walked to a chair and sat down.


Shadow felt Scipio tap his shoulder. He turned around. "Good." he said. Famine was beginning to try to bond to him.

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Scipio sat in chair diagnally across Shadow.

"So friend, you into dubstep as well? Oh yes, I needed to ask you something... TURN UP THE VOLUME!!"

Scipio grabbed Shadow amd threw him towards the speakers.

"#We need to try and shake it off him!" the symbiote snarled as it sent a temdril towards the volume control.

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Shadow nodded. "Ask away." he said with a smile. Shadow was flung towards the speakers "Well that was not very nice." he said. A white symbiote tendril shot out and stopped Plagues. Shadow unloaded a few bullets into the speakers destroying them


Everyone began to run out of the club.

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"Give it to me," Plague snarled as he sliced the tendril. "You'll thank us later..."

He jumped near Shadow and grabbed him by the neck.

"It's goig to try and consume you, it isn't stable!"

He threw him towards another active speaker and hit the volume.

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Shadow hit the speaker and smashed it, the Symbiote let out a small snarl at the noise before Shadow broke it. It began to speak "Yes! I can speak to you now. It is trying to get me off of you. we cannot let this happen!" it said. "Alright" shadow said back.


"Please you are just scared of what power i may have after it bonds with me." he said to Scipio.


(i'm going to use blue until i can think of something better)

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Plague sliced at Shadow's chest with a poisonous tendril.

"Listen to me! The cells from Anti-Venom and Hybrid slowly kill it! It binds itself to a host not to help it or control it, but to devour it! If you let it bomd to you, it'll slowly eat you away!"

<Why am I even trying to help him?! Isn't his death what we want the most?>

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"Lies!" it yelled "I may have been made from them but you are wrong!" it said. Shadow began to laugh "Why do you care?" he asked Scipio "As far as i know, if it kills me.....Good!" he said. "I may finally be able to return to her!"



(im the 1337 poster! VICTORY SCREEECH!)

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"#Really?" the symbiote growled. "#Brock named himself Anti-Venom for a reason! His symbiotic cells kill you!"

Plague sent a tendril towards Shadow and began to rip off Famine from his body.

"And if anyone's going to eat you, it's going to be US!"

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Famine began to regrow as fast as he was ripped off. "They are very convincing to let them help us with that 'Were going to eat you' thing" it chuckled. Famine sent a tendril that morphed into spear straight at Scipio. and a axe shaped one that cut the tendril that was ripping him off to pieces.

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"B*tch please, I can do that too!" Plague snarled as he sidestepped the spear and sent one of his own towards Shadow.

<#If we can't get it off him like this...>

<Then we'll have to resort to Plan B...>

<#Don't remind me...>

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A tendril morphed into a shield and deflected the spear away.


Fire teleported next to Plague and stuck him with an explosive. it blew up on him a few seconds later. Before Plague could recover Famine smashed his chest with a giant hammer shaped tendril.


"You could barely defeat my friend here alone! Now that im here we will have some fun! it seems to be 3 versus 2 you should run!" it said

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Plague grabbed his chest in pain. His head was throbbing, and he was really dizzy.

"... CORROSION!!!!!!!!"




Corrosion crawled out of an airvent and landed in the middle of the two combatants.

"~Yes father?" the symbiote asked childishly.




"#Whoever takes the freak out first is the best symbiote there is!"



"~Oh boy! I love a challenge!"

Corrosion snarled and shot a glob of acid at Famine's shield, making it drip away. Plague took this chance and sent a poisoned tendril straight through Shadow's side.

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The tendril hit his side, Shadow let out a snarl as it did. Shadow looked at Corrosion "What are you DOING?!" he asked "I had a feeling that that one was going to betray us!" Famine added. Shadow looked at Fire. "we need to get out" he said. Fire teleported away. and shadow teleported outside of the club to recover.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Corrosion roared in surprise as he heard Shadow's name.

"Wait, that was Shadow?! Oh no... that thing is starting to consume more of his mind by the minute... I couldn't even tell!"



"You're catching on 'son'..." Plague said as he walked towards Corrosion.

"# We need to go after them! There's no telling what that twisted symbiote will get Shadow to do now..."

"Oh gosh...."



Corrosion and Plague swung out of the club together in search of the symbiotic Shadow.

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Shadow was stumbling around from the poison "The poison effects should subside any second, im still new to this so don't blame me!" it said with a laugh.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"#Goodness gracious, this is the one time I'd actually want Weiss to be all, 'Shadow, oh Shadow, please love me!!!' "

"No kidding, if we can trigger back one of Shadow's 'prized' memories, then maybe he'd be more willing to fight the symbiote off his body..."



"I don't think he even cares for that girl..." Corrosion added in.



"He somewhat does... I learned a little something from him when I swallowed him whole..."

"#And the way he reacted when we swallowed Weiss...."



Corrosion let out a crazed laugh.







The two symbiotes looked at Shadow from a distance.


"We could also try to force it off him, but that would kill him... Oh wait... That might not be such a bad idea..."

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Shadows pace began to return to normal "You can heal me faster than i can!" he said with a chuckle looking behind him "Well they still want a fight" it said "I was going to think they might let us catch a break for a while"

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Plague and Corrosion simply watched Shadow as they stayed perched on the rooftop.



"I knew there was something wrong with that thing..." Corrosion snarled as his fangs dripped acid.




"You've been around him much longer than I have kid.... What do you think we can do?"



"I know just as much about him as you do..."



Plague sighed as he clawed at the roof, leaving deep cuts in its surface.

"I'd mimic Weiss' form, but I personally don't want to be swallowed by you..."



Corrosion spat a stream of acid at Plague, which he skillfully odged.

"I've got that, you've got poison...."



"If we work together, we can get that thing off him," Plague said as he sharpened his claws.



"You poison, and I'll burn..."

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"They are going to attack us" Famine said. Its tendrils turned to two swords, they seems to drip with some sort of purple liquid. they solidified and detached from Famine. "Use this if they do attack, i want to see what happens!" it said joyfully. Shadow picked up the swords. "They should know that they cant force me off, they will try to trick you, do not believe anything that happens"

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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