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private What happened last night.


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Traveller walked for another minute before taking to the air. He followed the wolf up to the light blue pony's house. He saw the two talking and landed quietly behind Iris. He stayed silent as they spoke. When Dash allowed the wolf inside Traveller tried to come in. Dash stopped him and looked him over.


'Can I come in?' He asked with a slight irritation.

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Rainbow Dash eyed the colt, then turned to Iris sitting on the couch in the living room. "Hey, you know this pony?" She called out.


Iris walked to the door, already knowing who it was. "I'll just be a second Dash." She reassured her friend as the pony walked to the living room. Iris then looked to the stallion. "Look... I just need some time to... let stress go. After everything that has happened, I wanted to talk to Dash here. I... I would like it if we were alone." She said.

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Traveller nodded. He understood. Spreading his wings, he took to the air once more. He began traveling out to a pond he had always camped at during his visits to Ponyville. Might as well enjoy his last day of freedom. He landed and trotted into his camp. It wasn't even a camp. It was a blanket and a burnt out fire. Sighing , he began to walk around, trying to make the most of his time.

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Iris walked over to the couch where Dash was already waiting for her. She sat down with a slight slump.


"So, what's with the stallion at your tail?" Rainbow asked her troubled friend.


"Well... that's what I came here to talk about." Iris admitted.


"What, did you and him have a one night stand?" Dash jokingly asked.


"Apparently we did." Iris said.


"What?!? You? And him? I don't know if I feel jealous for you or sympathy." the pony exclaimed.


"Well I would like sympathy. You remember what I told you of wolves."


"Right... oh." She said. There was an uncomfortable silence as the situation sunk in. "So... are you pregnant?" Iris looked strait at Dash, wondering if she was serious or genuinely concerned. 




"I'm just asking. Knowing you were't expecting this... you might also not be expecting... well, a kid." She explained. "If you want to know, I have a test kit."


"I haven't really given the thought of being pregnant a though..." Iris admitted.  "But...I fee I should know. Also, should I ask why you have a test kit?"


"Come on Iris, not all of us are wolves here." She said, turning towards the bathroom. "I'll get the testing stuff set up."




After doing the necessary tests, both Dash and Iris sat at the edge of their seat as the results came in. Dash looked at the results and the n back at Iris.


"Well?" Iris begged.


"Well... you are...pregnant." Dash finally said.


Iris didn't know what to say. Every feeling a wolf could have was flooding into her mind at that one point. She just stood there, looking at the ground. "Oh..."

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Traveller sat on the blanket silently. The birds called around him. The stallion sat there, thinking. About everything. The one night stand, the ensuing chaos, being here...he sighed. Everything had gone down the drain. He regretted coming to Ponyville. It had always been one of his favorite locations...yet it had ruined his life.

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"This is great!" Dash exclaimed. "You are going to be a mother!"


Iris looked up to see Dash's enthusiasm. "How is this so great?"


"Well," Dash began, flaying over to the wolven goddess and hugging her. "For one, it's exactly what you've been asking for."



"Think about it. You have been saying you wanted a loyal mate. Well, now you have one. Any normal stallion would leave you on the spot, but this guy is sticking with you."


"And that's the best you-"


"And... you are going to have a kid! Kids are awesome! Plus, it is going to have a mom who is a goddess!"


"Well... I guess that's...good but... what happens if this colt leaves me, alone?"


"Then you stay with me. With everything that you have been through, I owe you that." Dash promised.


After a second of thought, Iris spoke. "Thank you, Rainbow. You have always been there for me."

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Traveller say for another moment before standing up. No reason to sit around feeling sorry for himself. Maybe if he found another job or task to keep him occupied he would stop thinking about it. He looked around the cleared camp. Nothing of value. That's all that he described his life any more as. Nothing. He flapped his wings and took to the air. Maybe he'd fly for a bit and go back to Rainbow Dash's house

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Iris hugged her oldest friend, as she departed for her house again. Her spirets were higher than they were when she arrived, but she still was unsure what to think. The winged goddess flew as a peaceful pace, enjoying the sight of the town. If there was one thing she liked about being a winged wolf, it would be flying over towns, watching the ponies go about their lives.


Iris landed at the door, opening it up and jumping on the couch, hoping to catch another few hours of sleep she needed.

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Traveller moved through the air, lost in thought. So much had happened since the morning...or last night. He landed on Rainbow Dash's house. He knocked twice and the light blue mare came to the door.


'Uhm, could you show me which way Iris' house is? I don't remember...' He asked as his voice trailed off, embarrassed that he had forgotten his way to her house.

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Dash opened the door expecting Iris to be back. At the sight of the stallion, she scowled. "You not only got her pregnant, but after promising your life to her you forgot where she lives? You are pathetic!" She turned away from the colt as she began relieve stress. After a second, she returned. "Across town. Look for the tallest building on the outskirts. She lives in the white house. And before you go...Just know that she is a good friend of me and you might have ruined her life. She has had a vary stressful life. If you do break her soul, may Celestia have mercy
on you." She closed the door in the ponies face.

Edited by arkman575
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Traveller opened his mouth to protest but held his tongue.


He was in absolutely no position to argue.


Traveller hung his head low and sighed. Yeah, he screwed up a lot. He flapped his wings once more and took to the air, going over the directions.


-10 minutes later-


Traveller opened the door. Yep, it was her house. He creeped inside, trying not to make too much noise.


'...Iris?' He called to the house.

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Iris sired at the sound of the stallion.  She opened her eyes and looked over the couch to see Traveller. She couldn't say she was amused to see him, but it did bring some relief to see him be here at all. She slowly stood up and greeted the pony. "Hey..." She said. "Well... I guess I am with pup..." Iris stated with a half-hearted smile.

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Traveller stayed silent, surprised. It really did ruin his entire life. What was he supposed to say?


'...s-sorry. For everything.' He said quieter than usual. All he ever seemed to do is mess up, and his mistake had taken both their lives away. He looked around for his bag but didn't see it. It was probably still in the bedroom.

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"It's...It's ok... It took the two of us to be here now, so you cant just blame yourself here. I probably had a hand to play in this too. I'm... sorry for dragging you into this. But if you still want to stay with me, we should at least make the best of it." She said, giving him a light smile. "You really seem like a nice colt an all."

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'Thanks...' Traveller said with a weak smile. He moved into the bedroom and saw his saddlebag in the corner, the blue notebook still sticking out. He say down next to it and pulled it out. Flipping through it, he smiled. Memories of his travels came back. Ever since day one he had recorded everything. He turned the pages, skimming over all the days. At first he had thought to throw it away, but he'd keep it. For now.

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Iris fallowed the colt into her room, finding a bit odd for him just to walk in. She tried to keep herself quiet, as to not be heard. She snuck up behind the pony and looked over his shoulder at the book he was holding. It seemed to contain logs of travel. Seeing as it interested her, she said, "What's that?" hoping to scare the stallion. 

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Traveller jumped at Iris' voice and moved forward slightly. He turned and looked at her.


'This? This is just my journal...or something.' He replied, flipping it close with a sigh.


'Dont suppose it will be very useful or interesting or anything now...' He said as he placed it on the ground.


'Look through it if you really want to. Has some of my thoughts, stories, pictures, and other stuff.'

Edited by Delernil

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Iris looked from Traveller to the book. She walked over to it and opened it half way, seeing a younger Travleller flying over cities and into what looked to be the northern mountains. She turned to the next page, seeing a log entry of his day, along with an eagle feather, simulator to the one tucked under her ear. She turned the pages, seeing other entries and adventures. She was amazed with  what the stallion had done with his life. She looked up to the pony in question, seeing his saddened expression.


"Travle... Why would you call this useless? It contains everything you have done. Don't you want to keep these memories and fill it with more?" She asked, not understanding his hurt.

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Traveller closed his eyes.


'No. I don't.' He answered simply. It would just cause more hurt and longing.


'Its because it has everything I've done that I don't want it. It has everything I've done since the day I left. I don't want to remember that anymore. It's not going to do me any good now.' He added, hoping she'd understand. He couldn't travel, so why keep it and continue to wish he could?

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"Why on earth would you want to forget such fun memories?" She asked, still ignorant of what the problem was. "Look at these pictures. Each one tells it's own story of how you did something amazing, fun, and impulsive. I don't get why you would want to throw it all away like that."

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Traveller opened his eyes and looked at her without expression.


'Because I messed up. I don't want to remember that, because I'll just want everything to go back to the way it was.' He said firmly. He wasn't usually this mean or rude but this wolf had messed up his life-no, he had-and asked why he didn't want to remember everything else.

Edited by Delernil

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"Travel..." Iris said, seeing the stallions troubles now. She waled over to him and draped one of her wings over him. "You still have your life. It's not like I am going to hold you on a  leash. You are a free stallion. I... I couldn't bare to see you waist your life because of me." She looked away, feeling guilty for the stallions misery. She looked back for a second. "You know we can still travel."

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Traveller looked up.


'But all your friends and special somepony's and Rainbow Dash and Seth...' He began as he protested. He wasn't going to make her travel and leave behind people even for a second just because he traveled. He grabbed the notebook and threw it aside.


'I don't have my life anymore! My life was just traveling. I had no friends and the last time I talked to my family was over a year ago. It's not like I had much to go back for...besides, I'm not going to travel with what I've done here. I messed up your life and I will not make you leave Ponyville just because I'm a bit sad.'

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Iris took a light smile. "Traveller, don't you remember? I told you I was a diplomat. My job is to travel. The only reason I stayed in ponyville for this long was because I was on leave for a mandatory holiday. As for Seth... that was more meant for you to fell guilty... I never was going to mate with him. I am banished from being with any other wolves as long as I live. He was just a dream. Dash? She always begs me for her to join in on my adventures.


"You see" She said again. "You need to travel, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Plus, it's traditional for a pup to be raised in travel." She smiled at the pony, hoping for his forgiveness.

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Traveller nodded. He still felt bad about taking her away from Ponyville, but he would come back instantly if she said she wanted to.


'O-ok.' He said as he grabbed the notebook. He slipped it back into his bag and set it against the wall.


'I guess we can stay in Ponyville for a while...so anything you need to do you should do it now.' He said. He hoped she was used to this. He would often sleep for five or six hours in one town then leave. He didn't stay in place for long.

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