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open An Equestrian, NonCannonacal,Nonsensible, and Hilarious Rp

Toon Richard

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(OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/89261-an-equestrian-noncannonacal-nonsensible-and-hilarious-rp/ [is actually the real OOC])

It was a fine, sunny day in ponyville, when a mysterious and big red shiny button appears in town!

"Wonder what that button does.." Shardz said, and virvidian shrugged.

Richard, who was curious, Examined it closely.

It says right on the side "DO NOT PRESS."

"But.. BUTTON!!" He said, angrily.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Loner Joe would be falling from the sky landing awfully close to the giant button but missing it by an inch. "How did I even get here!" he yelled in anger "I was just walking around then suddenly I respawn 200 hooves in the air!"

"What is this button" he touches the side of it.

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Richard shrugged. he didnt know either, how this comically oversized button got here, he wasn't even sure of what it does.

"Its a button. I really want to press it.."Shardz and virvidian appear behind us. "What the??" Both shardz and virvidian say. "How weird!"

They were curious.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Loner Joe Would keep rubbing the button trying to figure out what it could do.

"maybe it blows up the world?"

"maybe it kills everyone forever!"

"maybe it has candy!"

"maybe we all will get laid!"

"maybe somepony will just drop dead and I will get 1 million bits!"

S many idea's would just pop into his head of what the button could do!

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"What?" Virvidian says.

"Lets press it already!!" Shardz said, and pressed it. A mysterious thing happens to Shardz, but its not apparent.

Richard presses it and something mysterious happens.

Virvidian presses it, and something mysterious happens.

(Its the troll button >:] )

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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