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private Dating Rin


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"If he likes the company then he shouldn't hide it though maybe he really wants to be alone at the moment" Flame said. "Its best to wait till he comes around" Flame suggested


((Wow that has got to suck not being told that the internet is not available and not able to access))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Well I guess your right about that, every pony is different and that's why the world is round" Rin said with a smile on her face being true but silly.




((Yeah it does, and that's why when he does tell me if we won't have Internet I warn the people I'm roleplaying with))

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((So that explains why you said you wouldn't be on that one time))


"Heh that's a silly way to put it...but it is true" Flame said as he headed outside. "Yet the things we hide...are never always good" Flame said looking at the sky. "I wonder...do I have friends...or am I all alone" Flame said to himself.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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((Yeah but it dosent happen very often and when it does I hope that I and tell my roleplay people, wow at my place there's thunder and lightning))


"Well I like to make things silly, it's just the way I am" Rin said then licked Flame's ear and giggled a little because she is being silly.

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((At least you get thunder and lighting...where I live there is nothing like that and there is barely any rain))


Flame blushed before turning to her. "Listen Rin...there has been something I have been meaning to tell you but I have been afraid to" Flame said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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((Awww I kind of feel sorry for you, I have a dog that hates thunder and lightning, on days like that he runs around the house and keeps everyone awake))


"What do you want to tell me, there's nothing to be afraid of, and I promise that I won't laugh at you, so there's nothing to worrie about" Rin said.

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"Well...this time I kinda am afraid to tell you" Flame said as he looked down at the ground. "It's not that I'm afraid you will laugh at me or anything


((Don't feel bad for me I live perfectly fine even though some rain would be nice every now and then. I should be the one feeling bad for you))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Awww, well I know that everypony is different, and have secrets that they have and don't want to share with others, so I'm just going to drop the subject" Rin said with a smile.



((Well I like my life, and I can sleep thourgh the scared dog most of the time, and I have great friends))

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"Thanks Rin" Flame said. "There you go once again you had the chance and blew it Flame" He said to himself quietly.

((((I like my life also and I dont think I could sleep through a barking dog...Do you think Flame should Tell Rin he loves her now or should it wait?))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"No problem Flame" Rin said with a smile. "So now what should we do" Rin asked happily with a smile.



((Well he can tell her if you want, it just depeans on what's going on and stuff, but if you think he should wait then I'm not stopping you, so I think it should be your chose))

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((I think he should wait until the next day))


"I'm....not really sure what we should do now actually" Flame said. "In fact it's starting to get dark and I need to head home but I'll come back tomorrow" Flame said. "See you later Rin" Flame said before he flew off. He soon arrived home and went inside

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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((That's sounds good))



"Ok then see you tomorrow Flame" Rin was able to say before he compleatly dissapeard.


"Hey Rin, where's Haku" Dell asked.


"I have no idea, but it's a long day, and I'm tired, see you in the morning" Rin said heading to her room.


"Ok then see you whenever" Dell said.

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Flame arrived home and went inside his house before setting his guitar and amp down next to his bed. "Well...long day but I had fun today" Flame said as he laid on his bed. "I might go and see Rin again tomorrow" Flame said to himself. "And hopefully tell her tomorrow also"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Rin grabbed her mp3, and headphones, and headed for her bed. "Maybe I should make a new song soon, and I think I have a good idea for one" Rin said then put her headphones on, then started playing the music on her playlist, lessoning to music before falling asleep.

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Flame got up and remembered. "Almost forgot about something" Flame said as he grabbed his guitar and a new guitar string and  replaced the broken one. "Tomorrow I'll work up the courage to tell her" Flame said as he laid back in his bed. "I should probably sleep now"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Rin woke up with no music playing and decided to go to the kitchen to eat something. "Good morning Len" Rin said sleepy.


"Good morning" Len yawed then went outside.


"Ok he never did that before, he must be sleep walking" Rin said now in the kitchen grabbing an orange.

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Flame woke up and yawned. "Another new day...another chance to write music" Flame said as he grabbed his notebook. "I wonder how I am going to do this anyways...so far I haven't had any ideas yet and the ones I do have are not all that great..." Flame said to him self.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Rin piled the orange and went outside and ate it. She stayed outside for a while before going inside. "Hey Len, what have you been doing" Rin asked.


"Oh I had to hand in the new song I wrote" Len said sheepishly.


"Ok then, is that why you walked out this morning" Rin asked.


"Y-yeah something like that" Len said.

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Flame kept writing lyrics and crumpling up the papers before throwing them away. "Nothing I write is good...why am I having so much trouble making a song" Flame asked himself as he closed his notebook. "I wonder if I should just make another  song without lyrics..." Flame said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"We'll I need to do something SeeU later" Rin said heading to her room.


"Haha, ok then SeeU later" Len said heading to the main room.


When Rin got to her room she went to her desk grabbed a pice of paper and pincle and started writghting a song.



((Haha Vocaloid joke, do you get it there's a Vocaloid and her name is SeeU, it's pronced see you))

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Maybe I should just give up" Flame said before he wrote again and smiled. " Why should I just give up" Flame said as he continued writing in the notebook before closing it. "Finally I got something written but I think it still needs work on it though" Flame said as he went outside with his notebook.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Ok then, I don't think this is perfect, so I'll just work on it later" Rin said leaving her room and going to the main room. "Hey everyone" Rin said not really talking to them, but anoccing that she is there. "Where is Len" Rin asked herslf thinking no one heard her.

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"Maybe I can get an idea while I am outside" Flame said to himself as he went to the park again and sat under the tree. "Maybe I should go see Rin today...then again she is probably busy at the moment so maybe it would be best to w-" Flame stopped when he realized. "That or I can totally chicken out on going to see her because that is what I am doing" Flame said to himself

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Len is out at the moment" Dell said walking to Rin.


"Oh, he better be carefull, it's not like we will be here forever we do have to leave after the consert" Rin said taking note that he has a cigaret. "And you can't just smoke to get rid of your problems, you need to learn to face them" Rin said.


"This is how I face them" Dell said.

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Flame got up from the ground and decided to go see Rin. "Now...where did I need to go again...ah it was this way" Flame said to himself as he came up to the door and knocked on it."Hello...it's me Flame" He called out. "If this isn't a good time I'll come back later" Flame said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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