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private Fallout Equestria 1x1 Dead Sky's

OG Blaze

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It was a dark an gloomy day in Manehattan, as usual all that was to be seen from the streaks of sunlight and fires was the tarnished buildings and rotten corpses. Optyx walked through the streets with his hooves making a slight crunching sound on every step.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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My oc: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/reever-nar-rayya-r5415


Reever pulled his knife out of the eye slot on a steel rangers power helmet as he pulled it out a torrent of fresh blood flowed from the slot covering his armoured hooves in the dark red liquid he let out a groan and wiped his knife on a small bit of silk that was covering the dead rangers shoulder smearing the red over the white silk he then sheathed his knife and began to trot onward that ranger squad had slowed him down a little he had to move quick if he was going to catch his target a new introduction to the wasteland a new beacon of hope in this dark age a mare from stable 2 littlepip a pipbuck technician turned wasteland saviour and it was his job to kill her or ruin her reputation ether one

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Blue Optyx was walking cautiously through Manehattan taking note of every building he passed and every window that could have a vantage point in it. Blue Optyx heard small whispers and began to move to a small barricade to wait behind.

"I don't know what to do with her"

"She's ours we can do whatever we want" a small whimper rang out from the walls

Optyx turned on a sonar scan to view the entire room, '5 hostiles, all armed, one hostage....This is going to be easy'

Blue Optyx moved towards his first victim and carefully took out his sword and put it into a raiders head. The raider let out a small Shriek that alerted the other raiders, Optyx dashed away and waited till another raider walked away from the group


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Reever was walking across the third floor building as he got to the end of the floor he spotted a group of raiders outside and crouched he grabbed his 50 cal from his back he called it the last light he looked threw the scope and aimed at the center of the group the built in mic send whatever they said to a ear piece that reever had on the raiders had caught a mare they were deciding what to do with her he noticed one of the raiders get dragged away by another pony not a raider reever aimed the scope at the mare and sighed she was barely old enough to have a cutie mark and these raiders had her reever sighed and zoomed out so he could see the whole group he sighed and stood up he stuck his 50 cal back on his back and grabbed his 10mm pistol the quickdraw he raised it at the sky and shot a round off the raiders turning to face him

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3 raiders ran off to the sound of a gun shot, but one was late to respond and made sure the tiny mare was well tied up. Optyx took his opportunity and ran to the raider and stabbed him right in his back. The raider let out a small whimper, but Optyx silenced him before anyone else noticed. The mare whimpered in surprise and was welling up with tears. Optyx pulled off the blind fold and duct tape covering her mouth, "Go now, you're safe" the mare ran off, Optyx thought about where she was going to go I be safe and wondered if he should go escort her to TenPony tower. She was too far gone now, he would instead hunt down the other raiders.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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(OOC are we anthro or normal)


Reever watched as 3 of the raiders started to run off he fired a few shots at them as the ran his shots killing one and the other downing one of them he climbed down from the window and rand after the last raider he caught up to him and stabbed him in the leg dropping him he then curb stomped the raiders head ending his life he remember the other raider he had downed he started to walk back over to him

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Optyx heads a few more shots and saw one strike a fallen raider, Optyx races over to the fallen raider who has laying on the ground in a puddle of dirty blood. He was no unicorn so there was not a need to be worried about sneak attacks. Optyx slowly took out his sword again and put it to the stallions neck, gently and slowly carving a slit through the middle of the raiders throat, 'Raider scum" Optyx thought to himself. Optyx then saw another stallion racing towards him, must've been the one taking the shots at the raiders.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Reever was racing over to the last raider as he reached him the other pony from earlier slit the raiders throat a pool of blood forming under the raider he looked up at the other pony and grinned


"Damn you stole my kill you win I guess"


He holstered his 10mm pistol and offered a hoof to the pony


"Reever nar rayya"

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Optyx put his sword away, and kept eye contact with the other pony underneath his helmet. Optyx shook the hoof of the stallion, "Blue Optyx" He replied quietly to the stallion. Optyx looked around a bit to make sure it was clear and then proceeded to eye the stallions gear, Optyx wondered if this person was some type of hit man or something of that sort.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Reever shook blue optyx's hoof he let go and turned around and started walking he motion to optyx to follow


"So what brings you to good ole manehatten seeing the sights or are you just here to bully the local drug addicts and rapists"


Reever said while walking down a street

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Optyx kept his sentences short, "I could ask you the same thing, I'm here to get to a city, some pony I need to talk to" Optyx kept his pace up with the stallion and kept his senses keen on hearing everything and seeing everything. Just didn't know what to expect from the Wasteland anymore. "So what does bring you here?"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Reever caried on walking but looked over to optyx


"Well I'm a bounty hunter and I've been hired to kill somepony down at a place called tenpony tower I've heard its a really fancy place full of snobs and posh twats but its on the other side of manehatten so I've got a bit of a trek"

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Optyx stopped in his tracks, "A guessed as much" Optyx was heading to the same place and wondered what this bounty hunter planned to do to get inside and kill his prey. "How are you planning to kill this person? TenPony tower is highly guarded and they take all your weapons and ammo when you enter the tower"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Reever stopped and turned to face optyx


"I know that I just talk my way in and I'm sure I can find a weapon on site if not its a big tower I'm sure falling from one of the higher floors would kill her even then there are still loads of ways to kill her without guns"

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Optyx stated at Reever, "And just how do you plan to get "'Her?'" Away from the other people?" Optyx looked at his pip-buck and made sure there was no pony around, hostile or friendly.... You could never be sure in this wasteland though. Optyx put his pip-buck away and stated back at Reever awaiting an answer.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Reever looked back at optyx and grinned


"Who said I don't want to kill her in public I was hired to ether kill her or ruin her image killing her in public will end her legend everpony had been looking up to her and have been holding onto the illusion that she will save this land well I'm here to put a end to the hope"

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"You're hunting Lil Pip, the savior of the wasteland....." Optyx starts to draw his sword,'"I'm sorry, but u don't think I can let you do that..... Lil Pip is a symbol of hope and perseverance on this planet, you kill her....and everything that had been wrought will fall to shambles once more....Divert your path of killing for hire.....or perish for simple money...."


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Reever unholstered his 10mm pistol and chambered a round ready for if things got interesting


"You don't point a sword at a bounty hunter unless you know his skill set and you my friend didn't panic when I told you my name so I'm guessing you don't know now so Put the sword down shining armor or I'll take it from you"

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Optyx held his blank stare and kept calm with his blade still unsheathed and pointing towards the bounty hunter. "I've heard of you before, I just don't care.....I will protect her if it means my life, this wasteland needs a hero and that's just what Lil Pip is" Optyx's hit started to glow brighter. Optyx switched to his infrared and saw Reevers heart beating a bit faster.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Reever reached his left hoof to his belt reaching for a small sphere shaped container he kept his eyes on optyx and his sword ready to react.


"Keep moving hero or I'll paint manehatten with your blood now turn around or the wasteland will claim another life"

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Optyx saw what Reever was doing, he had to react fast and think of something. "I'm sorry you're going to choose this path....But I will protect the hero of the wasteland. An orb raced in front of Reevers face quickly and seemed to have caught him off guard for a second. Optyx began to move towards Reever


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Reever dropped to the floor to get away from the orb he then cracked the canister it realising a thick black smoke


"Nice try amateur but no dice"


He flipped a pair of heat goggles the white form appeared in front of him he aimed his 10mm pistol at optyx's left forehoof and took the shot.

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Optyx dodges the shot and rolled away from the smoke, it was thick and hard to breathe in. Optyx kept his stance and also kept his vision on the black smoke hoping to catch something with his infrared goggles. Optyx began to ready a spell and would be ready for Reever when he left the smoke


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Reever groaned as optyx dodged the shot he then spotted a couple of ponies about a half mile away so he decided to try getting out of dodge he sprinted out the smoke cloud heading for the door of a nearby building


"Screw you I'm out of here have fun with the new arrivals"

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Optyx dashed through the smoke and ran after the assassin, "Leaving so soon?" Optyx yelled after Reever while trying to catch up with him. Optyx grinned at the sight of Reever going into a closed off building, the shadows were Optyx's allies. Optyx tried to throw his flash spll to blind Reever and stop him in his tracks.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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