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private [Adventure] Island of the Dark Mountain (RP)


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Pat: "I...um...OK..."


Patterson hadn't really noticed what had happened to Atlas and Hunter for the past minute or so, until he turned and saw them narrowly escape the mast falling. But he was glad when Atlas dragged Hunter back up to the railing.


"We are approaching land. It would be wise to brace yourselves."


He said, peering over the edge, with River still clinging to him. He held tightly to River, hoping to absorb some of the impact, and protect her from debris.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@@Pat.Rio.T., ((I probably should have clarified, sorry. I meant to explain the construct thingy. Not the whole inches from death thing))


The ship rapidly approached the island at high speeds. Atlas braced for impact. He failed to notice Hunter was still lying on the deck uncounceiss. The ship creaked and shuttered as it plummeted. Impact.  The snapping and smashing of wood is heard above the storm and rain with the sound of metal deforming. The landing was hard to put it lightly. Entire decks were crushed by the sheer force of the impact dooming the ponies inside with no chance of escape. The hull of the ship torn apart leaving huge holes in the side big enough for a pony to fit through. Those on decks which had not be crushed were thrown against walls and floors killing many and giving others concussions. One of the smoke stacks for the boilers fell landing on portions of the ship above the main deck destroying the bridge along with most of the ship's senior staff that had survived the initial hit. In the bowels of the ship electrical wires ((I'm going to asuke the ship uses electric lights or the thing would explode from gas lamps)) snapped knocking out any power still up. Many maintenance shafts became electrified from their metal floors and walls making them inaccessible and killing anyone trapped in them. The ship's water supply despite it had been reinforced by sturdy Cloudsdale steel had ruptured and was leaking at a rate that would leave it empty within hours. The ship's water gathering system which took water from clouds was severely damaged beyond repair short of overhale. They had been lucky the boilers had not exploded on impact which they too were inaccessible but the danger wasn't over with them. Nopony attended them and the pressure would slowly build in them. Those lucky or unlucky enough to be trapped in areas where they could find food would last a few days if they didn't die from injuries such as internal bleeding first.

((If I'm controlling things a bit too much tell me like if the want the water supply to last longer or whatever. I feel like I'm controlling the situation a bit too much right now so please tell me if I am))




Slowly and painfully Atlas opened his eyes. He felt sand in his mouth which he spit out. He was on a beach. The air smelled of salt. He could hear see gulls in the distance. By now the storm had passed. Atlas pulled himself onto his hooves slowly. His bad leg was numb with pain and he couldn't walk on it at all. He turned around to see the ship. It was in terrible condition and would never fly again. He hoped the telegraph operator had gotten off an SOS before they crashed. He checked his surroundings. Nothing big. Just sand and luggage. Oh and a body. Atlas limped to the still pony. He check for a pulse. Nothing. He was a crew member and an officer at that. Atlas checked his insignia on his collar. 1st lieutenant. He quickly padded the lifeless pony for anything useful. Atlas felt a bit like a gravedigger as he did so but this was survival now. All he had on him was a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He threw the cigarettes of somewhere but kept the lighter.

"Pat! River! Hunter!" Atlas shouted. Nothing. The ship was at a tilt on the beach. They were lucky. If the crew had dropped sooner they would have been in the sea. Atlas flapped his wings to go onto the deck. he got about a foot of the ground before landing flat on his face. He opened his eyes. His fez lay in front of him. At least he got that back. Now his wing. his left wing must had taken a hit during impact. It wasn't broken thankfully. If he kept it under wraps for a day he should be able to fly again. He dug through some luggage on the beach and made a makeshift splint. 

"Pat! River! Hunter!" He continued to look for them along the beach.




He was stronger. Faster. Tougher. Hunter still had his equine shape for the most part but with some exceptions. (Pic below!) Hunter ran through the jungle at his top speed jumping over logs and rocks with ease. He let his inner wolf run free. He had feed a while ago. It was some dead animal carcass. He didn't know nor did he care what it was but it tasted good. He let out a howl that could be heard for miles. It felt good to be free. He hadn't had a run like this in a while. For the first time in ages he felt truly free. Not a pony to get in his way of his fun. He stopped. The others! He had let himself slip too much. He ran to the beach like a bullet. He easily found the ship from smoke coming out of the remaining smokestack. Hunter stopped at the forestline. He saw a pony walking about the beach. That was Atlas! He almost burst out and ran to him. No. If he did that he might get gutted. But he couldn't just leave them. He waited for it to play out.


OOC: I do NOT own this picture! That's kinda what Hunter looks like but it's Octavia. Despite the fact Hunter isn't bigger he's still stronger than a pony. Wow this post was a bit long. Meh.


Edited by Airbornepony

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Pondah was still hiding under the table, completely obscured from view by a long table cloth. The airship rocked and shook violently in the storm, catapulting everything in the cafeteria towards a wall. He winced as he slammed into the wall. Luckily, the table took most of the impact. It took some time to regain his bearings and Pondah attempted to rationalise the situation; a surge of adrenaline made that impossible.


'How is this possible? The hotel must've been ripped from its foundations after that gust hit. Unless... What if this isn't a hotel? There's nothing it can be that gets blown around like that...' 


Frantically, Pondah searched for another place to seek shelter and protection. Other ponies began to come round and seek safety as well. As Pondah scampered into a empty broom cupboard, he heard a booming voice from above.


After it finished speaking, he stopped. His question of "Where am I" had finally been answered. He exited the broom cupboard and squirmed on the floor in panic. 'How did I not notice earlier? The fancy decor, the shaking in the storm. This was obviously an airship. If I'd just let those ruffians attack, none of this would be happening to me. Now I'm going to die in an air crash. I'm going to be gone and it's all my fault!'


Pondah curled into a ball and began to sob. His tears soaked into the carpet and made a puddle around his head as he accepted his fate.


(@@Pat.Rio.T., I'll let you decide when the airship touches down.)

Edited by Filthy Cropper
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, ((OOC:  :blink: Dat post... er, anyway, I never really intended to be so specific, but I guess we can roll with it. And, yes I did know what you were talking about. Maybe I should have put the words differently. by the way, I hope you know that the airship is supposed to be pretty much the same as the one shown on the show itself.))


The storm was beginning to give way to beautiful skies once again, just as quickly as it had appeared. There was a stirring from a buildup of debris on the ship, then four large spider-like leg constructs emerged from the pile, coming to rest on the deck of the ship. The debris started giving way as the legs began lifting the center, where the legs met. Finally the spherical body emerged, which Patterson and River were inside, and they safely climbed down onto the beach.


Once they were safely on the ground the construct faded, and  Patterson was left sitting on the beach holding River. She was unconscious but fine otherwise. He laid her down in the sand and formed a bullhorn construct.


Pat: "Hunter! Atlas! Anypony still there?!"


He then spotted Atlas walking along the beach and called in his direction. 




(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Anala regained consciousness, her hat drooped over her eyes. She was on... an island? She looked back to see the wreckage of what was once the airship. "Well, this looks just like a movie scene. Ship crashes, passengers wind up on an island..." She got up on all fours and tried to find other passengers.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Storm awoke, under a large but light pile of luggage. He took about ten minutes to get out of the pile. "Hmph... Rough crash." The pegasus stood on the beach, then spread his wings. "Ouch," he murmured. The tip of his left wing was stripped bare. "That's going to cause a slight problem..." He huffed. "Great." Storm looked round, hearing another pony's voice, magnified in volume by a bullhorn. He walked towards the sound.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Atlas adjusted his splint he had made from driftwood and a white shirt from the luggage. "Atlas!"

"Pat!" As fast as he could with a bad leg he still couldn't walk on and an injured wing he ran to them. As he approached he saw River.

"Is River okay?" She looked okay just by looking at her. "We're lucky. Our injuries could have been worse. Now then. What the hell is this?! First you make some claw thing from thin air and now a bullhorn?! You aren't a firefighter are you?



That looks like Pat and River. They seem to be okay. Hunter kept watching the ponies. Atlas doesn't have his sword on him. Good. I can approach.

Hunter left the safety of the jungle and began to slowly walk towards the others. 

"Hey! Pat! Atlas! River!"

Atlas turned around to see Hunter walking toward them. He attempted to grab his sword with his mouth but much to his dismay it wasn't there.

"I don't want to hurt you!" Hunter shouted.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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, ((OOC: Sorry for replying so late. I was feeling absolutely terrible yesterday, and even now I'm not exactly feeling fine and dandy.))


Pat: 'Oh colt, there it is.' "No, actually I am a firefighter, but I also take on special... liberation missions of sorts. It's difficult to explain. And this suit allows me to create holo-energy constructs. To put it simply, light converted into a tangible projection, which I can control at will. I think of anything and it will appear."


Before Patterson could be sure Atlas at least partially understood what he was saying, he heard Hunter call out, and saw him approaching. As he got closer, Pat noticed Hunter's wolf-like features.


"So...were-wolf huh?"


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Pondah's body tumbled and rolled onto the beach. He had a fairly soft landing on some dry sand. When he stopped rolling, he slowly lifted his face. His tear-stricken eyes looked around at the devastation around him. There were large splinters of wood, sharp metal chunks and smashed glass all around. Hesitantly, Pondah stood up and was he was about an inch from being impaled by a metal shard. 


He walked towards the beach and saw the actual remains of the airship. The main skeleton of it was heavily damaged and the engines had serious water damage. As he got closer, he could see something worse. Tens of bodies littered the beach, all battered and some bloody from the crash. Pondah stared in disbelief before he bolted. It didn't matter where he went, he just needed to hide and think things through.


'I... It's actually happened. I'm stuck on an island. I'm trapped. There needs to be an escape. I can't bury all these bodies by myself. Their family need to know what happened.'


With short hurried breaths, Pondah continued running. As he did, he heard a loud voice from not too far away. With an relieved mood, he rushed towards it to see a few ponies with a bull horn. As he was tired from the running, Pondah approached slowly.

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Hunter:"If it wasn't obvious already then it sure is now. And I'm a lycan. There's a difference"@@Pat.Rio.T.,

Atlas: "I don't give a flying feather which one you are! If I had my sword on me and you hadn't saved me earlier I'd have a new pair of saddlebags right now!"

Hunter: "Watch what you say, friend! Don't think I'm weak!"

Atlas: "I don't have to submit to some ponyeater!"

Hunter looked a bit offended by the remark. "I will have you know that I have never eaten a pony nor do I plan to. Don't think I like being a lycan" The two stared each other down for a good minute. Hunter broke off the pointless endeavor after realizing the stupidity of it.

Hunter: "All right. All of you. Some ground rules. One: Don't scare me if I'm asleep or hunting. My reflex is to bit and that won't end well. Two: If I am up at in the middle of the night, don't worry about it. three: I'm going to eat meat so get used to it"

Atlas grunted in response. Hunter's ears perked up. He turned around and got into a defensive stance.

"You!" Hunter shouted at a distance figure. "Approach slowly!"@@Filthy Cropper,

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Pondah continued scampering towards the noise in the distant. When it started talking back to him, he stopped dead in his tracks. It didn't seem like a friendly voice; it seemed like an aggresive one. Although he could now see that the source was a pony, he began to doubt whethere it would be a good idea to get involved with them.


'That pony doesn't seem like a particularly kind one. Are they a bandit? Perhaps they used the storm as cover to ransack and pillage the airship. Maybe they have some dark intentionor use for me...'


As he thought about whether he should approach as commanded, he realised that, even if they were going to kill him, running would only lead to a slower fate. Cautiously, Ponah began to walk towards the pony with quaking steps.

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@@Filthy Cropper

Hunter sniffed the air. Despite the fact the pony was a good ways away he could pick up his scent. Didn't smell hostile but scents could lie. Hunter gave a loud bark scaring the whole group.

Hunter: "Atlas! Get over here! If this pony pulls anything you know what to do"

Atlas: "I still don't trust you, werewolf. And even if he does, I've got a bad leg, injured wing, and I lost my sword"

Hunter: "Just watch him" Atlas made a point by standing behind Hunter just in case. The pony didn't appeared to be unarmed. "Get over here! And don't pull anything!"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Pat: "Why are you so worried?"


Patterson was concerned when his... new-found companions began treating this new stranger like he was a suspected criminal.


"He's just another ordinary tourist who is now stranded here, like us... Well maybe we aren't exactly normal..."


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@ and @Pat.Rio.T.


Just as it scared the group, Hunter's bark frightened Pondah and he began to hurry his pace, whimpering with every step he took. He began to feel more and more positive that some members of this group had potential dangerous ideas and attitudes. His breaths grew ragged as he approached.


When he was close to the group, he heard what Patterson said. 'Phew...' Pondah thought. 'At least everyone here isn't angrry with me. Unless they're hiding it...' He frowned, hung his head and stood next to Patterson. Even if he was angry with Pondah, it very slightly relaxed him to be near him.

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@Filthy Cropper


Pat: "Hello"


Patterson said as the new pony came up and stood next to him.


"I'm glad you weren't scared off by my friends."


He said in a way to scold them subliminally for being so unwelcoming.


"I'm Patterson, that's Atlas, and... the were-wolf is Hunter. I'm pretty sure he won't hurt us. And..."


River: "Unngh... Pat..."


River slowly regained consciousness.


"Oh, Thank Celestia! River!"


He went to her, and immediately River grabbed him, still feeling very much frightened. Patterson hugged her back and tried to calm her down.


"Pat, what happened?"


"It's okay River, we crash landed, but it's over now."


She began crying from the stress of it all, and Pat sat holding her until she calmed down.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@@Filthy Cropper, ((You know Hunter is a werewolf right? Or is your OC just cool with it?))


Hunter loosened up as the pony got to them. He didn't have any malicious intent. The pony seemed to not care too much about his lycanthropy. 

"Sorry for giving you a hard time. Just being cautious" Hunter's mind was set in danger mode. The years of him being attacked while in his current form put him on edge. He heard River began to cry.

"At least she's okay. Could have been worse"


Atlas went to size up the new comer. Not hostile. Seemed normal.

"Like he said. I'm Atlas. Adventurer, treasure hunter, and now castaway" He gave a sigh. "Alright, ponies. I'm going to give this clear. If they got a distress call out we could be here for hours. If not... Months to years to the rest of our lives. This place isn't too close to shipping lanes so we can't signal easily. And if you're a picky eater, too bad. Until we're established we're eating everything we can get. Pat, get River calmed down. Once she's good come help me. We need to scavenge the beach for anything useful. We need stuff to make pure water, food, and shelter" He leaned in close to him. "And maybe a silver knife for you know who"


Atlas began to search nearby luggage but stopped next to Hunter.

"If lay a paw on Pat's sister I'll rip your throat out"

"And why would I do that" Hunter let out a low growl.

"Wolfs eat meat. And as far as I'm concerned we all look like meals to you" A fire lit in Hunter eyes. He kicked Atlas's hind legs letting him land on the sand.

"You associate me with one of those feral monsters and I'll gut you!" You are Alpha male! Show him!

"So you're telling me a pony who can become a flesh eating creature isn't a monster? Cause that's what you are" Hunter showed his teeth as was ready to strike his enemy's exposed neck. Atlas instead whacked Hunter's legs letting him flip then he pounced on top of him. Hunter knowing what he was doing flipped again putting Atlas on the ground as he stood over the know pinned Atlas.

"You're on thin ice. Now go find your supplies" Hunter got off of defeated Atlas as he walked off to the luggage. Hunter returned to the group slightly irritated.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Gradually, Pondah stopped whimpering and quaking when he discovered that this group were not an evil group with evil intentions. He stayed by Pat's side as he went over to console River when she awoke. With a despondent sigh, he looked across the sea. The sky was bright and visibility was high but there was not a single land mass in sight.


When Atlas finished speaking about making a plan, Pondah perked up a little bit. Knowing that there was a scheme in which he could help was a good prospect to him and his understanding of most things meant he could help in some way. As he thought about this idea, he caught a glimpse of the fight next to him. He shook his head.


'This group may not be the best team on the planet. Unfortunately, it seems this is the only way off the island. I'll have to stay with them.'

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, @@Filthy Cropper,

Pat: "Please guys, stop fighting! If anything at all, it will get us killed faster."

Patterson stated. River was beginning to stop crying.

"You haven't spoken a word."

He said to the pony next to him.

"What is your name?"

He asked. Just then he saw another pony wandering on the beach.

"There is another survivor."


Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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When Patterson lectured the two about fighting, Pondah felt a bit more calm. It was nice to know that at least one of the group wasn't intent on the domination of others. "It's Pondah,"  he replied calmly. He was still a little on edge from the violence and him and the constant worry he may get dragged it into it.


As he stood idly, Pondah began to become restless and fidgeted around. 'Nothing is going to happen if we stand around doing nothing. I need to do something. But what if it angers Atlas? That'd be bad for me. I'll just stay quiet.'

Edited by Filthy Cropper
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Suddenly, it was at that moment that a helicopter flew down to shore, and a wizard hopped out!!! "You will be mine! Forever and ever! MWAHAHAHAHAH-" He got cut off when he choked. He shrugged, and pointed a laser gun at everyone, a gun that, unbeknownst to them, would transform them into plushies!!!


(Ignore it if it's not very good, but "something drastic" needed to happen)

Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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