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private The power of friendship (1x1)


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Volt, without breath, was still able to send at the wolf a grin


"ponies? i don't think so! they were failures! they deserved to die!"


volt pushed his rear hooves on a pipe to gather some heights, to be able to breath more


"do you know? we used to make all the rainbows in the sky with them! It is easy once you get to know it! Eh eh you wanna know how we did it? We take failuresm those pegasi who aren't able to pass their easy flight test, we strap them into the conveier belt, each limbs get cut away to work better on them, then we drain all of their  blood, filetring it we extract the first part of the spectra, then we make the water on their body evaporate with high temperature, after that we grind their coat and mix the powder togheter with the extracted blood, and you get spectra! awesome isn't it? the more the pain, the more birghts are colors! because fear makes magic flow! isn't it awesome Seth? ins't i amsuing at all? that was progress until this idiot ownling this body done everything to leave that place and stop the production! stupid retard!"


As volt shouted, he kicked down the pipe where he was on, which rambled all down all the facility


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Seth's glare only hardened with every word. Even in the wolven code, this was beyond redeemable qualities. Continuing to grip Volt's throat, he looked at his limb with the V etched into it.


"So, when I was down, you tortured me and used me as your experiment. That's right, I remember. You put me through the same hell they were, only it ended quick for me. They had to suffer. And because of you," He shouted, throwing Volt across the room against a wall of metal pipes. "I now am them! I have their knowledge and pain of what happened there. That's what the hallucinations are: memories of their tattered souls"


Seth advanced on the pony, no longer held back by sympathy.

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ooc: you know that he is not the normal volt right? Volt would never do that


Volt hit the wall hardly, some pipes breaking and releasing steam


"tattered souls!" he spitted on the ground blood "they are nothing! they now are something beautifull and usefull! what is the problme on that eh?"


Volt thinked for a moment


"i have an order for you Seth.. eh eh... KILL. YOUR. SELf."


Volt bursted into a laught before stopping and dropping a tear






Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


As the orders came to Seth, the migraine returned in full force. Not only were his orders completely perpendicular to each other, but Seth's own conciseness was fighting on both sides as well. With both his mind torn and the programming being overridden, the chip failed and shorted out. With his mind finally free of both physical and mental pain, the wolf fell to the ground.

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Volt watched as his freind felt on the ground




Volt shouted getting up


"ahah without me you would be dead. DEAD! YOU ARE WEAK!"

"that means i need more power then!"


Volt turned around, grabbing a huge high voltage wire, he pulled it away from the wall


"what.. what are you hoing to do with that? You will not survive at that voltage idiot!"

"esactely, and you too!!"

As Volt talked, he bited with his theeth the wire, soon an electric ark and an explosion on a near power transformer, Volt was launched from the other side of the corridor, falling on the ground, his mane and hole body  smoking, Volt lost consciusness

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Seth instantly got up from the sudden arc and Volt flying across the room. Seeing the body steaming, Seth ran over to him.

"Volt. Volt!" He demanded of his friend. Bending down to his heart, he couldn't feel a beat. His anger grew as to fuel his actions.


"Fuck you, Volt! You are not taking yourself like this!" He yelled as he began beating on the pony's chest. "I have tried killing you, eating you, biting you, and torturing you, but I will not let this be the end of you! You are not going to die, you mother fucker!" He continued to yell as he tried to bring life into his friend. He needed answers for what Volt had done to him, but more importantly, he needed to have his brother live on.

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Volt found himself in a dark empty room with no walls


"this is getting old"


he said looking at himself trotting toward him with a rabbid face and foam on his mouth


"you may be stronger than me, smarter than me, but you will lose, you will be left burried here again, you know why? because i don't need to be like you, i have a strong weapon 'friend'"




"It is what you tried to bring away from me many times... it is calle friends..."


as Volt spoke, he looked up closing his eyes




Volt screamed getting up from the ground as each of his muscles twicthed, as doing so, he hit Seth's head with his own


"ouuch... darn... S..Seth?"


Volt crawled backward some centimeters, stil remembering the paws on his neck


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


"You are not going to di-" Seth yelled, but was cut off when Volt head butted him, causing him to hit a row of pipes behind him. As the migraine returned, he moaned in pain. The wolf rubbed his scull as he looked to his friend backing away from him.


"You just took a crap ton of volts through your body and I am the one who has brain damage." Seth muttered with a smile. His smile faded as he looked to his friend with serious eyes. "Volt, don't you ever pull a stunt like that again. I don't care if it's for the world, but I am not going to let you die bro. You may owe me a lot of explaining about my new body, but we have been through hell and back... I'm sorry for lashing out at you there." He said, looking ashamed. He didn't know exactly how to feel, as he just figured out he was now sharing the dead's blood, but ha also nearly killed his friend.

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Volt rubbed his head


"what^ you are apologizing with me? Are you crazy?"


he said without knowing where to start


"i am the one who can't thank you enough! thank you for everything... thank for being with me, thank you for existing Seth.. and... and sorry for everything.. it wasn't me... i.. i am sorry for what he did to your body... he is now gone... for a while... i hope... "


Volt said curling up a bit


"i.. nothing of that should have happened.. nothing.. and still.. i don't know why the allucinations... Spectra is only pigments, magic and DNAs.. nothing more... this... "


Volt covered his face with his tail


"i hate myself for not having tried to stop it before... i was too scared.. i still am.. i failed.. and i am gonna fail again... i know..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Seth stood up and sat next to his friend. He kept a paw to his head as it was still hurting, but the other he draped it along his friends shoulder. "Volt, we all have or weaknesses, but what makes us stronger is the bond that we share as friends." He said. He then turned to the pipes that were behind him.


"Not to sound anticlimactic, but we are still not done with saving the day." He said, getting up and running over to the valves. "I might need some help over here."

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VOlt jumped




Volt pointed his hoof to the ceiling, and all the lights turned on like a Heartwarming's tree


"at lwast now i am fully charged again eh eh....now, let's go Seth! "


Volt jumped on the wall and pulled the valve with his theeth, it started to move as sounds of water flowing everywhere started filling the room... well.. not only the sounds...


"oh shit... i forgot... ehm.. when we are done.. the entire lower level will be flooded... so we are gonna probably die here....." Volt said with a retard smile on his face


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Nearly finishing turning a lower valve, Seth looked up. "Oh now you mention it!" He said, going to the next. "Well, I hope you can swim Volt, because I am not going to die like this." He began to turn the next valve as the room continued to fill. AS if things couldn't get worse, banging could be heard on the other side of the secured door. "Well, the wolves and ponies found us." he called.

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"which makes a good news! At least we can choose ow to die! eh eh"


Volt said in a mocking tone


"and don't worry, those bastards will drown with us here, but.. thinking about it.... Seth... are you strong enough to bend those pipes?"


Volt asked locating the last but one valve


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


"Well, that brings up a topic, but to answer your question, I doubt I'm that strong." Seth called from his pipe.  "You could possibly heat the pipe by sending a current through it at a steady pace. Only problem is that it might end up electrocuting us. Speaking of which, isn't that a risk now that we are soon to be knee deep in water?"


He turned the valved and noticed that he was beginning to need to paddle to stay afloat.

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"i guess i will stop complaining on how much my job is boring.."


Volt said locking at the pipes in the ceiling


"uhm most of them are for th steam of the pressurelevelator... uhm those goes up with the condensers, no wait... those others are liquid.. that means.."


Volt knocked on a pipe to hear its sound


"... i  have an idea Seth.. but it is pretty risky... if it works... those guys on the other side of the door will have a very bad day and they will help us getting out... are you ready?"


Volt said finishing som mental equations


"yeah, pull down that green painted pipe, all way down if you can, i want it to touch the door"


Volt asked while opening a control panel near the last valve


"steam is water right? water conducts electricty right? let them see what happens when a slow-blo fuse meets an high voltage alternate flow eheh"


the insane pegasus placed one hoof on the panel and the other on the valve


"when shit happens.... take an huge breath and be ready to swim out Seth.. this wall... is right on the high level of the river out of the dam... i hope you are able to swim.. we are gonna get a liltte soaked very soon... or roasted..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


"You were always one for brilliant ideas, lets hope this is no different." Seth commented as he looked over to the pipe he was told to bend. It wasn't going to be easy, as the metal was completely rigid. Looking around, he spotted an only welder. Picking it up, he ignited it and used it's heat to soften the necessary joints. After a few slow minutes of this, Seth was able to push the pipe into place.


"Ok, the pipe's in place. What's the plan anyway and why do I need to swim?" He called to his friend, tossing the torch away and readying himself for a slash.

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Volt’s face morphed into a grin

“eh eh, you will see Seth”

Volt started to discharge all of his stored energy on the control panel, as he did, a transformer near the door started to hum

“you see Seth, have you ever tried to drop water on a frying pan filled with boiling oil? Good, figure this out, and multiply it by a factor on one thousand”

A siren started to fill the air as some spark came out of the transformer, soon, a dark gray fog was all around the machinery

“we will do the same, just with insulating oil… at over 3000 C°”

The Knocks on the metal door started to increase as more and more foes was trying to break in

“when you see the water, just run toward it ok? Locate where it is flowing, and try to emerge… the damn is almost 30 meters tall from this side… I am sure we can do it….”

The door broke down, revealing a big number of angered Wolves, they didn’t have even the time to aim, as Volt saw their noses, he opened the last inverse flow valve from the big pump,  steam erupted with a brutal violence from the pipe that his friend bended, covering them and hitting the transformer


(watch to the end XD)

For a millisecond, flames, steam and flesh were mixing together, as the time almost stopped, the transformer exploded sending pieces everywhere, ripping away pipes and creating an huge breach on the opposite wall… the wall on the hydro basin side


Volt shouted trotting towards the hell of boiling insulating oil in flames and water

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


Before Seth had a second to protest, he heard the blast. As the ringing in his ears indicated that he was near death, he looked up to see the cause. What met him made him wish he didn't. The water began to pore through the gaping hole, casting arcs across the electrical equipment. Seeing his friend begin to run into the water, Seth plunger in after him. As the current battled with him to take control, he forced himself further up. Using the slight webbed paws, he managed to pull himself upward and past the main current line. He battled with the current against time as he tried to swim to the surface and make it out of this day alive.


After nearly drowning to the current, he pulled himself to the shore of the dam and fell limp on the ground.


"Volt... If you  call this life boarding... Fuck you buddy." He panted for air. He didn't even care if he was there or not, he just needed to say it.

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Volt reached the shore floating like an empty barell, then he got up


"that... that was.. AWESOME!!!  WE NEED TO DO THAT AGAIN!"


Volt shouted while shacking his friend


"YUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHUUUU! AHAHA THANK YOU BUDDY! i never had so much fun in my dam before!"


Volt giggles laughting, then he sat on the ground thinking


"so, for the serious shits... the lower level is now flodded, all the retention valves are opened so the pumps will keep sending the water back to the other side instead than on ponyville.... i guess we killed lot of them with the transformer trick... i just hope that the guys remaining will not try to blow some stuff up.. so.. what is our next move Seth?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Seth slowly get's up from the coast, still very waterlogged. He shook himself dry for a second, then turned to Volt.


"You and I have very different ideas what 'fun' is." He said with a slight laugh. Then his expression turned to one more serious. Seeing as no one was trying to kill them right now, this might be the best time as any.


"Volt, if you don't want to talk about it now, then I am fine with that. Just know that I need to know about this. I will not be angry at you, I... I just need to know what this is." He said, motioning to his arm. 

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Volt's smile faded into a dark face, he then sighed


"i'll tell you while we walk back up to the dam... we have to check..."


he said kicking away a rock


"as i already told you... the corporation thoght that spectra, is not only good for rainbows, the ammount of magic inside it and the fact that it never fades away, gave them the idea to work with it for multiple stuffs... one of those.. were a special 'first aid kit'. Staminal Cells, Spectra and blood of the patient... so powerfull to be able to fix an entire body in a matter of minutes...  they never started the testing... i was part of the research group you know.. electricty was needed to start the reaction... well... more like lasers... jigh energy concentrated laser beams... but..."


Volt locked toward the everfree forest near the dam


"i guess me and Nightstrike were able to break out and destroy the facility before they could start testing it... but.. again... i am a fool... i kept the plans.... and i guess that.... the.. other me... thought it was a good idea to test the procedure on you for the first time.... you said... that you are seeing their memories right? .... it surprises me.. well.. not that much... the spectra must have been combined the remaining DNA in it. with the staminal cells, which got bended with you... i always thought that the idea of memories stored in DNA were horseshit.... but now.. now  i guess i were wrong..."


Volt stoppped locking at the dam and the smoke coming out from the breach, even after all.. it was a nice sunny afternoon, a tired sun was pecking from the other side of the massive building, filling the air with his heat... only wind stopped the melody of the songbirds.


Volt closed his eyes


"isn't it beautifull? Even after all... we still manage to control the weather..... sorry.... i guess that... now that the spectra is flowing in you.. even if in small quantity.. you are .. you are the carrier of their memories... of their broken hopes... and the horrors that happened in that factory...."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Seth listened to what his friend had to say. It was rather... effective... what he had said. He was basically a combination of the elements of fillies and colts that were harvested. what did this mean for him?


"Volt, I don't blame you for what you did." He said, looking to the water and at his reflection. "I doubt my life will ever be the same though. If these memories keep haunting me... I really don't wish to view all of which that happened there.I don't even know of the full effect of what I am yet."


As he looked at his reflection, his rainbow eye stood out from the rest of himself.


"I do ask one thing though... I would like to lock myself down for testing to see what exactly I am. If I am dangerous, I would like to know before returning to the public." He said, looking to his friend.

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"i see the skin and bodies of who i killed under pain and tortures every day, everytime i look at my hooves Seth"


cutted short Volt, walking a little faster without realizing it


"and Seth... why should you be dangerous? you have the memories of many innocents.... nothing more..." Volt sighed locking back at his friend


"I just wish to ble able to give all of them peace... i know.. it is stupid... but i still belive that their poor souls.. are wandering in the old buildings.. and in you right now... i wish that all of their pain.. all of their anger.. was used against who made this nightmare a terryfing reality"


the blue pegasis kicked another roclk that felt on the water, scarring away some songbirds... watching at them flying up in the sky he continued


"youknow what Seth.. i know that.. if their memories.. were actually their souls... i know.. that they would be more than happy to be part of an awesome creature like you.. really... even after all... i never saw a friend more loyal and full of honor than you... Loyalty can be a broken element you know? You can bend it.. you can change side.. from protect the flock... to KILL for the flock... but you.. you are the proof that we can still put our lives in the hooves.. or paws.. of others... and nothing makes me more happy.. to know that i have met a wolf like you..."


Volt jumped on the water on the shore, walking in it


"i guess that maybe i can find i was to extract it away... but.. it would probably kill you Seth... but you know what Seth? It is all of their memories... all of their life... i am sure that they would have hated to remmber only the end of their life... there is nothing more beautifull for a pegasus foal.. to feel the wind under his own wings... for the first time"


Volt closed his eyes


"Nothing makes a pegasus feel more alive and happy than that.. try to think at it Seth.. feel their never realized dreams.... i wish i could talk to them.... apologize with them.. and give my life back for the life that they never had..."


the pony ended with a tear flowing down his face


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt



Seth's heart filled with what Volt said. He felt raised by the feeling of the possibility of holding more than just horror within him. As the topic of loyalty came up, Seth walked into the water next to Volt. 


"Volt, the reason I am who I am is becouse of the friends around me. You have given me the most impact to be loyal to you guys. As being a wolf, we are to fallow loyalty to the end, but... with you guys... I am not just fallowing my ancestor's ways... I'm fallowing what I know is right. Friendship is loyalty, Volt. A true friend never let's the others fall.


"Saying that, the first pegasus I met must have been part wolf. She was stubborn, and as loyal as one. Good old Dash." He muttered to himself. "You always knew how to hold yourself in a fight, at the cast of pain to me."


Seth remembered his days back before all of this. The first days of diplomacy.


"Thank you Volt. You always know the bast thing to say. Truthfully, I would have bet you as part wolf. You are as crazy, challenging, and stubborn. But most of all you are loyal. You don't happen to be related to Dash, are you?" He asked.

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Volt smiled at his friend's words, then he giggled at the mention of Dash


"ahah no, not at all, i am not a good flier Seth! Well, i can fly pretty well, i am not fast at all but i don't lack  agility.. is just.. the damn orientation sense.. i completely lack it! i can lose myself in a small cloud! Let alone being a weather manager.. also.. My father was a scientist pegasus too.. while my mother was an earth pony... maybe that's why i am this stubborn eh eh, in every sense... oh hey"


the pegasus looked back at the dam


"look at the bright side of the think.... we still have lot of time to spend togheter... i just hope that those from Cloudsdale don't do much questions... i still wonder why the hell they wanted to flood the town... meh... now th sun's gone to hell too.."


Volt said as the sun hidden himself behind the gry massive building


"let's finish the work and let's gift this happy town another quite night shall we?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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