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open The Final Expense: Wrath Of The Crystal Empire (Romance/Action/Drama)

Paladin Butters

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@@Paladin Butters, @@Charcoal Embers,

Stonewall paused for a moment. There'd been a half formed thought in his mind, something about being angry at being ignored. That was pretty much gone in a puff of smoke as of now. Well, there was also the series of prepared magical incantations that had been meant to teleport Charcoal and himself out of the immediate danger zone. (That being directly in front of the dragon's fire.) In a split second his pause was over and he re-directed his attention to Fluttershy. That faint nostalgia he'd experienced earlier now crashed over him like a mudslide. The (imagined) ravenous howling of wolves rang inside of his head so that all else sounded muffled beneath it. The howling brayed to rend, kill, and consume.


The only hint of his inner savagery was a slight clench of his jaw, which soon disappeared when he spoke. "You're... one of the Old Ones," he said. There was neither reverence nor fear in his tone, only a statement of fact. "A pony from the Solar Era." Truth be told, he didn't know Fluttershy's identity. A feeling in his gut told him only that in front of him was someone powerful. Power that he hungered for. "Friendly to strangers he may not be, but certainly loyal."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@@Charcoal Embers @


The Dragon turned around and moved away from the three ponies. As the three ponies were left alone. Fluttershy looked down at the ground then back up at the two ponies. "Um, I don't know what you mean by that... But I haven't been around too long.." Fluttershy replied. Seven ponies fell down from the tree's above them. "These are the ponies Kilmoth was telling us about Rangers." Fluttershy told the Rangers.


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@@Paladin Butters,

"Perhaps I'm simply mistaken then," Stonewall replied with a nod, though he doubted his words. The feeling in his gut insisted that the mare standing in front of him was from an age long past. He'd not heard many stories about what he called the Solar Era. From what he'd been told as a foal it'd been a time of peace and prosperity, unlike anything in the present world. There'd been many ponies of immense power that stood side by side as kin. Above all, there'd been two Sisters that ruled the world with Wisdom. (Something not many ponies seemed to have any more from his point of view.) Other than that, the stories were confused. Some said that there'd been a natural cataclysm. Others spoke of internal strife. One had told about a massive invasion of evil. Whatever the truth was, no pony Stonewall had met seemed to know it.


"If it is suitable to say so, my name is Stone," he'd say politely when his attention returned to Fluttershy. "The mare here with me is Charcoal Embers. If you don't mind my asking, have the two of us perhaps trespassed on some border or land that was not known to us? Or... have you sought out one or both of us for some other purpose?" As he spoke, a certain posture presented itself onto his body. It was one normally possessed by those used to authority. Stonewall didn't seem to notice this, though it was a manner in which he'd have acted through most of his life.

Edited by Higurashi


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@@Charcoal Embers @


Fluttershy shaked her head no in response. "No, of course not.." Fluttershy replied. "Kilmoth is just a Dragon who returned from the Crystal Empire. He's not one to be quiet happy with ponies..." a Ranger moved her hoof in such a fashion all the Rangers but her left where Charcoal and Stone were. The one Ranger trotted over to Fluttershy's side and took off her hood. "I know the dragon asked this, but who do you serve?" Applejack asked.

Edited by Paladin Butters


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@@Paladin Butters, @,


Charcoal was at a loss for words. Never had she ever experienced what had happened to her just now. A pony having control over a dragon? Is she some sort of sorcerus? Charcoal thought to herself before the other pony walked up next to the first pony. She didn't even know their names and she was a bit afraid of them. "I... I d-don't serve anypony..."

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@@Paladin Butters, @@Charcoal Embers,

Stonewall rubbed his chin with his hoof. The Crystal Empire... now that wasn't a name he'd heard before. It sounded like something important and (probably) magical though, thus reinforcing his opinion that the two mares in front of him were quite powerful. Looking back to Charcoal, he trotted over to her and whispered in her ear. "Calm down lass, they'll be much more inclined to be companionable that way."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@ @@Charcoal Embers


Applejack gave Charcoal Embers a curious look "Look, we're just trying to make sure that you're not savage's." Applejack replied. Fluttershy looked at Charcoal Embers "Are you okay?" she asked softly.


There was another screech from the tree's, and more silence took place. The wind that picked up earlier is slightly going down.


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@@Paladin Butters, @,


Charcoal began to get less and less afraid of the two mares that were talking to them. Though, Stone's words hadn't really helped calm her mood either. She slowly stood up and walked over to the two mares. She was still shaking a bit, but that was because she was still a bit cold from whatever had caused the snow. "I... I'm not a savage..." Charcoal said to Applejack. "We were just passing through and stopped here for the night since it was late. Then it started snowing and then the dragon came... so... yeah..." Charcoal said.


Then Charcoal turned to Fluttershy. "And yes, I am... okay. I am a bit cold though..."

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@@Charcoal Embers @


Applejack nodded her head to Charcoal's comment.


Fluttershy rubbed her shoulder with her hoof. "Kilmoth is a Frost Dragon, he releases stress from making his surroundings snow." She replied.


Applejack waited for Fluttershy to stop talking. "Are you guys hungry? We have tree houses that we live in?" Applejack asked.


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@@Charcoal Embers, @@Paladin Butters,

Stonewall was getting an increasing feeling that he was at best going to be a spare wheel to this metaphorical wagon ride. It'd bothered him a little initially, but he'd begun to see some possible benefits. He'd be able to gather more information without being noticed if attention was not directed towards him. Thus for now he kept his mouth shut and stood by Charcoal, behind her and just a little to the left. It was more or less a standard position for an attendant (or knight in this case) to stand.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@, @@Paladin Butters,


Charcoal simply stared at the two ponies in from of them for a few seconds as she thought. Is it a really good idea to follow these two? I mean, they have a freaking dragon on their side. Maybe we should just avoid them for now. Charcoal thought to herself. "Well... I'm not really sure yet. How far away is this place and... will your dragon friend be there?"

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@@Charcoal Embers @


"It's up in the tree's, and it's right over there." Fluttershy said as she pointed too a opening by a tree. Behind it was a stair case. "And no, Kilmoth lurks in the woods he tries to find intruders." Fluttershy replied.


((@RainbowDashie I'll start role playing with the ships soon, just not this second.))


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@@Charcoal Embers, @@Paladin Butters,

Given Stonewall's position and current role in the conversation, he had little to nothing worth adding to the current topic. Instead he elected to consider his available options. The two old-time mares in front of him could prove valuable allies. After all, the yellow one commanded a dragon and the orange one seemed to have skilled forces under her authority. Despite the possible benefits from any possible alliances, he wasn't able to shake the hunger that emanated from his core; urging him to consume their abilities. Either way, he remained standing where he was until a conclusion was reached.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@@Charcoal Embers @




Both of the ponies looked at each other, then back at the two ponies who had entered the woods. Fluttershy looked at Stone, who was standing tall and waiting patiently. "You've been awfully quiet? I hope Kilmoth hasn't made you angry.. he does have a temper." Fluttershy explained. The snow started to fall again but this time it was very soft, and the winds were calm.


Applejack stood at attention.. Kilmoth screeched again and then growled to himself. Since the two ponies weren't any threat to the intruders they could see plenty of Rangers walking around, some of the carrying water and others carried supplies.  To their west there were ponies up in a tree making more houses up in the tree's, some creatures came out of their hiding spots and continued their natural life.


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@@Paladin Butters, @,


Charcoal looked at the two ponies with an odd look. "Look, I really appreciate the hospitality, but I don't think we could come along. I mean, we are missing one of our partners and he is pretty important. So I think we should wait for him before we even consider moving." Charcoal explained, not breaking eye contact with the orange pony, who seemed like the biggest threat.

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@@Charcoal Embers @


"well, I hope your friend will come back soon!" Fluttershy replied. "If you ever need us, you know where to find us." said AppleJack as she and Fluttershy left for their tree fortress. As they trotted off Fluttershy looked at AppleJack. "Is she the one who the High Ranger mentioned?" she whispered. Applejack kept trotting forward then she whispered back. "I honestly don't care.. but I didn't like how that 'Charcoal' one stared at me.." Fluttershy gasped quietly. "How could you not care about the High Ranger!?" Fluttershy complained. "That's none of your concern.." Applejack replied silently. As they finally got up the stairs they vanished and two rocks appeared in it's place. There was another screech from Kilmoth deep in the forest. As AppleJack and Fluttershy reached the main floor to the fortress, filly's ran up to them to welcome them. "How did it go?" A filly asked. "Did you like them?" Another filly asked. "What's their names?"


A few mothers came over and picked up their filly's by their manes and carried them off. They passed two guards protecting the main entrance, they wore bright colored camouflage clothing and had silver and magenta trimming. They soluted as they passed, the tree's were filled with Ranger and Pony life. As they went through they trotted in silence till they finally reached a high tower and entered. AppleJack and Fluttershy bowed in front of the throne before them. "High Ranger Princess.. we introduced ourselves to the intruders. Kilmoth got there before us." AppleJack said to the Princess. "Very good, Ranger AppleJack. was Charcoal among them?" High Ranger Princess Twilight asked. "Yes, she was.. she was w-w-with Stone." Fluttershy replied. "Excellent." The Princess replied.




@@RainbowDashie @@Mirage X Dash @


Captain Vincent was on the main deck of their ship, and all a sudden it jerked to a strong stop, a pony fell off the ship in the front. "What the Fu-" Captain Vincent said as he was dragged up into the sky by a tentacle and dragged into the ocean. "AHHHHHH!" He screamed as he vanished into the water. "CAPTAINS DEAD MEGREGGOR!!!!" A crew pony screamed as he was grabbed by a tentacle. "KRAKEN!!!!" Another pony screamed. "ALL HANDS TO THE DECK!!!" Captain Megreggor screamed. as the pony's on Megreggor's ship were running up the main deck of his ship, tentacles were starting wrap around Captain Vincent's ship, and Captain Megreggors.

Edited by Paladin Butters


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@@Paladin Butters, @@Charcoal Embers,

Stonewall continued standing by Charcoal until the duo of strange mares had left. It occured to him that he'd been a little rude in not responding to the yellow one's question, but there was not use crying over spilt milk. "We'd best be getting out of here," he said quietly to Charcoal. "It doesn't feel right to stick around here while there's dragons and other such strange things about. Though while we're at that, I'd best see if I can detect our missing companion. He'd be rather miffed if we left we behind, I suspect." As he said this, his horn began to glow softly, magic building up for a low level spell.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Thunder looked at the ship in front of him. It was being attacked by large tetacles. "So that's what he was after..." Thunder said to himself. He kept his ship at a distance, ready to sail away if it'd get too hot for him to handle. He grabbed a bottle of rum and took a swig.

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"Kill them!!" Captain Megreggor commanded. On Captain Vincent's ship was being completely wrapped around with tentacles, from a distance what a view of horror. "Fire the cannons!!" The Stranger demanded. As the cannons fired one after the other, there was a loud screeched from the Kraken. Then burnt tenticals came down slamming down on the ship causing major damage. "Megreggor, get yourself loose and get out of here!!" Screamed AppleBloom. Captain Megreggor turned and acknowledged AppleBlooms request. "Cut the tenticals off you bags of bolts!!" Captain Megreggor instructed. "Aye Capan!" Fen replied as he pulled out two long sharp daggers. Philip pulled out his daggers and a few others aswell. They went around the ship slashing tenticals. One after one the tenticals on Megreggors ship fell in the water. "Get us out of here!" Fen told the Captain. The ship jerked right and started to take off past Vincent's ship. As the ship vanished in the heavy mists. There was silence.. The only remaining was Vincent's ship.


Thunder could hear screams. After seven more minutes the ship was completely silent and the lights on the ship were out. Five tenticals unattached to a body remained on the main deck.

Edited by Paladin Butters


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Thunder watched in awe as this all happened. It seemed silen so he sailed his ship slowly towards the damaged one to see if there were any survivors. "Hello? Anybody be alive around 'ere." Thunder asked, waiting for an answer from any surviving pony on board.

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As Thunder sailed his ship closer to Captain Vincent's ship there was no response to his call out, and the winds and mists were picking up even stronger than before. There was a faint whistle in the air to the thought it could cringe the reflexes, but Thunder didn't cringe at all. The moon still up high casted light down at the wreckage on the sea. Vincent's ship started to sink very slowly.


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"Ah Jaysus there'd be good loot on that ship there. Tis a shame." Thunder sailed away into the thick mists, not knowing he was going right after the ship that had previously sailed away. He hummed a tune as he was sailing to lighten up the mood, though he had no problem with seeing dozens of ponies dying.

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