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open The Trotting Dead - A New Dawn

The Ponyville Critic

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OOC/Join Thread Here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/92767-the-trotting-dead-a-new-dawn-from-one-of-the-original-participants/#entry2459982


It has been a year since the outbreak happened, starting from who knows where, and spreading all over Equestria until uninfected pony-kind was scarce, if not near-extinct, a small group of survivors set up a camp in a department store in Manehatten, most of the supplies had been looted during the initial outbreak. The group were gathered around a fire, it was night-time and the undead were flocking the streets, they had to plan what they were going to do, supplies were eventually going to run out.


Critic had been sat staring at the fire for a long time, probably longer than he knew.


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Charm was sitting at the fire looking through his saddle bags taking stock of his supplies. Food wise He had two cans of beans a jar of pickled onions and a small pack of donuts item wise he had a lighter a crowbar and a small first aid kit. Charm closed his saddle bags and looked over to critic.


"What stuff did you found here then"

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"Not much, what was once here... was taken when the outbreak started, I found a couple of cans, nothing special." Critic replied, nopony really knew where the outbreak started from, only that it did, and it was dangerous, creating a whole army of undead ponies.

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@@The Ponyville Critic,@,


Blasted Nova had always been one for speed, and the exploration of Equestria. This outbreak wasn't exactly treating his love though. Scouring for food and supplies just didn't feel right. He was potentially stealing from ponies, ponies that might need it more than he did. But, for the sake of survival, he needed to...


Blast ran through the dead-filled streets of Manehatten under the starry night sky, dodging the undead every step of the way. When he finally came back to the department store, he had saddlebags of supplies. Though, it was all mostly cans of uncooked beans and the occasional bottle of water.


"Did any of you find anything else?" He asked, dumping out his supplies.


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Critic looked over their supplies and sighed, there wasn't a lot, it was clear they would have to find somewhere else, somewhere with hopefully more food, and with winter around the corner, they needed everything they could find.

"Nopony found much, just some cans, really, and a bakery, it was empty though." Critic replied.

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  • 4 weeks later...

KatanaSlash looked out from her hiding place in the trees. Her red eyes gleamed as they looked at the flickering fire and then to he ponies. Her red magic grabbed for her sword, and she leapt out of the shadows. She pointed the sharp point of her sword at BlasedNova's neck.
"Give me all the food you have. Now."
The lanky mare glowered down at him.

These endless scribbles in my journal mean nothing to you; don't read on....

It was the end days ago.


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