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Episode 1: 00:00PM - 01:00AM                                    

                              SPIKE (O.S.)                                

                    The following takes place between                      

                    12AM and 1AM. Events occur in real                    




          EQUESTRIA - NIGHT                       




          Inside an off-shore Military Bunker. A small number of          

          pegasi guards are keeping watch inside.                          





          EQUESTRIA - NIGHT        




          Guards are outside, keeping watch. It is raining.                

          Suddenly, a large number of pegasi in dark outfits descend      

          from the skies and a battle ensues. The dark pegasi ambush      

          the guards and begin to overwhelm them. GILDA, a griffon,        

          swoops down and breaks the necks of two grounded guards who      

          attempt to man their cannons.                                    


          Some of the invading pegasi are armed with spears. Others        

          are armed with AK-47 assault rifles and other sub-machine        

          guns. The guards are armed with M4A1 carbines and are            

          returning fire as best they can.                                


          Gilda takes a few shots to the chest, but she is able to        

          shrug them off easily, her hide tougher than most bullets.      

          She lets out a shrill cry. The invading pegasi land and          

          engage the guards on the ground with spears. They fight          

          through the guards with Gilda and make their way inside the      






          EQUESTRIA - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS                                  




          Gilda and the pegasi storm through into the bunker. The          

          guards panic, suddenly overwhelmed by the brutality of the      

          attack. Gilda uses her claws to tear the head off an unlucky    



          She lets out a battle cry and the pegasi kill the guards one    

          by one. They are powerless to stop them.                        

          The invaders reach their prize - an experimental                

          magi-nuclear weapon. Four pegasi work          

          together to lift it out of the base and into the air, where      

          they all flock together behind Gilda and head back towards      

          the shore.                                                      


          A single guard is still alive, and crawls, mortally wounded      

          to the emergency telephone and picks it up desperately with      

          his hoof. With his last ounce of strength, he speaks into        

          the receiver:                                                    



                    Higaldo is gone. Armageddon is here. This is the                        



          He falls forward and dies, a pool of blood expanding            

          underneath him.                                                  








          Rarity and Sweetie Belle are sitting in the flying chariot.      

          Sweetie Belle is now a teenager, too young to drink alcohol      



                              SWEETIE BELLE                                

                    I can’t believe you’re dragging me                    

                    all the way to Manechester.                            



                    I don’t really have a choice. I’m                      

                    not exactly in the position to                        

                    refuse a direct order from the                        



                              SWEETIE BELLE                                

                    No but why do I have to come?                          



                    Because if you think I’m leaving                      

                    you in the house on your own, you                      

                    can jolly-well think again.                            


                              SWEETIE BELLE                                

                    Awww c’mon big sis! I’m sixteen!                      



                         (rolling her eyes)                                

                    Exactly. And that’s why when we                        

                    touch down I’m dropping you off                        

                    with the Apple family. You can stay                                              

                    with Applebloom until my business                      

                    in Mancechester is finished.                          


                              SWEETIE BELLE                                


                    Applebloom? B-but we haven’t spoken                    

                    in ages! Not since...                                  



                         (thinking quickly)                                

                    Not since we moved to Canterlot?                      


                              SWEETIE BELLE                                

                         (dips her head, sadly)                            



          Rarity puts a hoof around Sweetie Belle, comfortingly.          



                    You never parted with her on bad                      

                    terms and I’m still good friends                      

                    with the Apple family. You’ll be                      



                              SWEETIE BELLE                                

                         (mumbling, sad)                                  

                    If you say so.                                        



                    Chin up, Sweetie Belle. We’re                          

                    almost there.                                          


          The chariot approaches the large city of Manechester and        

          dips into a dive.                                                








          TWILIGHT SPARKLE and SPIKE are playing chess in the library.    

          Twilight is a unicorn in her late twenties, SPIKE is a          

          dragon who is the equivelant of roughly thirty pony years        

          thanks to a sudden growth spurt. He is slightly taller than      

          Twilight Sparkle, has a set of small, but usable wings and      

          has well developed muscles and powerful claws. He is no          

          longer a baby dragon, but a small adult one.                    


          Twilight and Spike now live in Manechester, an amalgamation      

          of Manehattan and Ponyville which was created due to massive    

          urbanisation. Manechester has a population of over 8 million    

          and is populated by Ponies, Griffons, Zebras and more.          

          Twilight places Spike’s king in check with her bishop.          


                              TWILIGHT SPARKLE                            




                    Damn it, Twilight.                                    


          He studies the board, then makes his move.                      

          Twilight smiles wryly and checks him again, this time with      

          her Queen.                                                      


                              TWILIGHT SPARKLE                            



          Spike growls, irritated.                                        



                    Not again.                                            


                              TWILIGHT SPARKLE                            

                    You could just give up? Checkmate                      

                    in two moves anyway.                                  



                    We’ll see about that.                                  


          He moves his rook to block her Queen. She checks him with        

          her knight.                                                      


                              TWILIGHT SPARKLE                            



          Spike moves his king. An act of futility. Twilight              

          Checkmates takes his rook and checkmates him with a              

          combination of Knight and Queen.                                


                              TWILIGHT SPARKLE                            



          Spike studies the board. Suddenly, he feels a letter coming      

          and burps it up, scorching the chessboard and reducing all      

          of the pieces to ash.                                            


          Twilight looks down at the board in horror. Spike smirks        

          slightly as he unrolls the letter.                              



                    What a shame.                                          


          Twilight looks concerned.                                          


                              TWILIGHT SPARKLE                            

                    Who is that from at this hour?                        


          Spike reads. His eyes widen.                                    



                    Pinkie Pie. We’re needed at ECTU.     


                              TWILIGHT SPARKLE                            



          Spike gets up from the table and pulls on his leather            








          INT. ECTU HQ - MANECHESTER - NIGHT                              




          ECTU: Manechester, Equestria’s Counter Terrorist Unit is a      

          federal agency dedicated to stopping terrorism.                  


          ECTU personel arrive in dribs and drabs. FLUTTERSHY is          

          already there, working on her computer station. APPLEJACK        

          comes in with RAINBOW DASH. Spike and Twilight are next.        

          RARITY and PINKIE PIE are in Pinkie Pie’s office. Pinkie Pie    

          is jumping around while Rarity is trying to talk to her.        

          Other ponies are there in the background. When everypony is      

          gathered around, Rarity and Pinkie Pie emerge from Pinkie’s      



          Pinkie Pie is the acting Director of ECTU. Twilight Sparkle      

          is the Senior Special Agent, former director who recently        

          stepped down from management due to health concerns. Rarity      

          functions as the royal liasion officer and is not                

          technically part of ECTU. Fluttershy works communications.      

          Rainbow Dash and Applejack are field agents along with          



                              PINKIE PIE                                  

                    Alright listen up everypony because                    

                    this is super-duper ginormously                        



          Everypony stops talking.                                        


                              PINKIE PIE                                  

                         (talking quickly, hyperactive,                    

                         ticking nervously whenever she                    

                         says "bombs")                                              

                    Now, I know it’s late and we all                      

                    need our beauty sleep and BOMBS!                      

                    but something simply terrible has                      

                    happened and it’s awful and BOMBS!                    

                    and everypony at ECTU needs to be                      

                    super-duper focused and listen and-                    


          Rarity cuts her off:                                            



                    Let’s give them the abridged                          

                    version, eh?                                          


          Pinkie Pie nods silently.                                        


                              PINKIE PIE                                  

                    WE’VE LOST A MAGI-NUCLEAR BOMB!                        




          Twilight and Spike exchange glances. Rainbow Dash is            

          scratching her head, puzzled.                                    


                              RAINBOW DASH                                

                    What’s a Magi-nuclear bomb?                            



                    Twilight? Care to explain?                            


          Twilight Sparkle clears her throat. Everypony turns to her.      


                              TWILIGHT SPARKLE                            

                    A Magi-nuclear bomb is a concept in                    

                    theoretical magi-physics. You                          

                    combine a magic trigger with                          

                    nuclear fuel and it creates vast                      

                    quantities of energy with minimum                      

                    waste. I wasn’t aware that a bomb                      

                    had actually been created?                            



                    Neither were we until half an hour                    

                    ago when we were briefed by                            

                    Princess Celestia herself. Codename                    

                    Higaldo-45 is an experimental                          

                    magi-nuclear bomb. It’s got enough                    

                    force behind it to level cities to                    

                    dust in seconds. It cancels out any                    

                    magical forcefield or energy                          

                    protection spells that may be in                      

                    place. No pony can survive it.                        


          Worried glances.                                                



                    Y’all mean to say the princess                        

                    authorised the construction of a                      

                    super powerful weapon right under                      

                    our noses? How in the heck did ECTU                    

                    not know about it?                                    


                              TWILIGHT SPARKLE                            

                    It must have been done covertly.                      



                    Indeed. And frankly, I’m rather                        

                    hurt they even kept me out of the                      



                              PINKIE PIE                                  



          Ponies start to shout and talk over each other. Suddenly        

          Rainbow Dash flies upwards and starts screaming:                


                              RAINBOW DASH                                

                    Wait a second!                                        


          Everypony shuts up.                                              


                              RAINBOW DASH                                

                    Who cares who knew about what? The                    

                    point is, we have a nuclear magic,                    

                    or whatever BOMB missing? How the                      

                    heck does a BOMB go missing?                          



                    Umm... it was stolen.                                  


          Everypony turns to Fluttershy. She lowers her head,              




                    At around midnight, umm... one of                      

                    our military bases was attacked by                    

                    a squad of... flying ponies.                          


                              RAINBOW DASH                                




          Fluttershy nods, awkwardly.                                      



                    Y-yeah. Pegasi. At least, that’s                      

                    what witnesses saw - a cloud of                        

                    pegasi leaving the base. We’re                                    

                    assuming they took the bomb with                      





                    How does an entire military base                      

                    that is guarded by highly trained                      

                    soldiers get overwhelmed like that?                    


                              TWILIGHT SPARKLE                            

                    Spike’s right - you’d think that                      

                    security would have been tighter.                      



                    I think the base’s best defence was                    

                    its anonymity. Nobody was supposed                    

                    to know about it, but somehow that                    

                    information got leaked.                                


          Disturbance and chatter. Pinkie Pie calls order.                



                    The fact of the matter is, if we                      

                    don’t get this bomb back and it                        

                    goes off somewhere in Equestria, or                    

                    anywhere else in the world for that                    

                    matter... we’ll be looking at                          

                    Armageddon. Not even magic can                        

                    protect us from this bomb.                            


          Nervous glances.                                                



                         (arms folded)                                    

                    Do we have any leads yet?                              



                         (acknowledging him)                              

                    Only one.                                              




                    They carried it back to shore where                    

                    they presumably stored it in a                        

                    wagon. Only a few types of wagon                      

                    are large enough to carry a                            

                    magi-nuclear bomb, and one was                        

                    reported stolen in Manechester two                    

                    hours before the bomb went missing.                    

                    It’s a safe bet that whoever has it                    

                    is coming back to Manechester with                    




                    We’ll liaise with the police, see                      

                    if we can get them to track it                        



                              TWILIGHT SPARKLE                            

                    Fluttershy can try and pick it up                      

                    on satellite. I’ll coordinate the                      

                    intelligence. The existence of the                    

                    bomb was highly classified - even                      

                    we didn’t know about it. We need                      

                    the names of everypony who did.                        


          Ponies are nodding all around. Pinkie calls order and            



                              PINKIE PIE                                  

                    I don’t think I need to tell you                      

                    ponies how important it is that we                    

                    find this bomb and get it back from                    

                    whichever nastypants pony decided                      

                    to take it. We’re going to be                          

                    working round the clock until we                      

                    can find it - understood?                              




                              PINKIE PIE                                  

                    Alright - let’s go to work                            



          Fade to clock.                                                  












          END OF TRANSMISSION                                


Episode 1.docx

Episode 2.docx

Edited by facemelt91
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