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private 1x1 RP "Days Past"

Seaweed-Headed Dragon

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Whirl spun around just in time to see one pony take a slash of his fur. The attacker jumped back and goes for another stab


"What the hay?!" Whirl screamed as the other pony goes to stab him again. Whirl dodges as it cuts off some of his mane. Stubbling back, Whirl tried to buck the other guy but missed.


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire jumped back, staring wide eyes at the attack. She gritted her teeth and started charging up a spell. She fired it at the pony that was attaking whirl, but it missed, flying into a nearby building and creating a green exploshon. She jumped back words and racked her brain to find another spell

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Whirl jumped back as another pony came by with a knife. 


"Attackk!!!" He screamed to the other pony as they both charged toward Whirl and Sapphire


"Sapphire!!!" Whirl shouted and jumped over to her to defend her. He pulled out his sword and tried to fend off the attackers 


The two other ponies aimed low for the hooves


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire ducked out from whirl, charging another magic bolt and shooting it at the 2ed pony. It hit him in the wing, throwing him of of the cloud and into the air below. She ducked behind whirl as the first one started slashing. She glanced over at him "I hope you know what your doing!"

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The second pony was caught off guard as Whirl bucked him into the wall then off the cloud


He grunts as he retreats with the other one. "Don't get ahead of yourself!!!" He screamed as he flew off 


"Yeah!!! And don't come back!" Whirl yelled "Are you alright?" He said turning to Sapphire.


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire glanced over at whirl and nodded "Yeah, im fine...but what the heck? Why did those ponys just try to KILL us?" She said shaking her head "How strange, I wonder what has happend that has changed so much about us ponys, making us want to kill each other. Anyways, are you ok?"

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Whirl looked at the little cuts on his hooves but just blushes "Y..yeah I'm fine. But more importantly, I'm trying to think of where I saw those two ponies before....where..where....hmmm" He said pacing around. "We should shut off the rain before it's too late"


From the shadows, two figures stood. Watching


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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 Sapphire nodded as she looked around "Yeah, We cant have anymore flooding, lots more ponys might die if they cant get high enuff" SHe said shaking her head "I wonder who could do something like this?" She looked around "SO whirl, uh....Do you know how the rain works? Cus I dont"

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"Well....well" He smirked and walked over to the factory where rain was being produced. "Of course I do!...I'm a Pegasus pony after all.....all you do is...is...is..." He stammered blushing at all the different dials and switches "Um...you just....uh...ah....turns this knob..." He turns it as a bolt of lightning comes out




"AHHHH!!!" He jumps as his fur stands on end


"Ok ok I admit... I'm not a weather pony" He said blushing....


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire laughed as she looked over at him. She grinned and looked back at the clouds "Your hair looks really good when its all on end like that" She said with a laugh as she walked over to where he was. She looked down at the pannel and sighed "I got nothin, nowere in my books did it tell me how to do this"

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Whirl rolls his eyes and goes back to panel "This isn't the the time to joke about my hair!" He said flipping random switches as more thunder and lightning go off. "so many buttons!!"


He turns around and hits a button as the door closes "AHH!!! We're locked in!" He runs around in circles in panic..."no no no no no!"


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire looked at whirl run around and around. She sighed and facehoofed, then walked over to the panel, pressing one butten and all the thunder stoped, as well as the door opend. She chuckled as she looked at whirl "I think my wings will give out soon, we need to wrap this up"

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Whirl blushes and looks up from the brace position. He gets up and dusts himself off and blushes more. "Showoff" He said rolling his eyes. "Now that the rain stopped let's go back to Ponyville" He walks out of the factory "Come on Sapphy" He chuckles as he flies outside

Edited by RainDash S. Dragon


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire smiled as she followed him outside. She looked down, it seemed as if the flooding had stoped, and she was happy for that "Alrighty whirl, lets go" She said as she jumped off of the cloud, gliding down over to were whirls house was. She landed right next to it with a smile

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Whirl smile and blushes "Well our little adventure is far from over...but...wanna grab some dinner? " His belly does a loud rumble as he blushes more and holds on to his stomach. "I mean only if you want to. We could discuss what to do next and stuff..." His voice trailed off...


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire nodded quickly "Yes, I think that would be amazing!" She said with a laugh "After all, The last time I ate was at your place, and who knows how long that was" She said with a smile as she started walking off to one of the places. She glanced over at him and grinned like a child

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Whirl smiles back a silly smile as he blushed "So do you want to go to an restaurant I know at the edge of town?" He asked blushing some more






The two attackers ran around and hid behind the building watching Sapphire and Whirl.


"There they are!" One whispered

"I see em.."

"We stalk then attack"...


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire also blushed as she nodded "Yes, That would be nice" She said with a laugh as they started walking. She was walking a little behind him, and heard something. She glanced back, not seeing anything she turned back "Huh, I must be getting really creeped out by nothing" She said with a chukle

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Whirl chuckled and gave her a little nudge. "What? You still scared? Don't worry Your safe with me!" He boasted with a smirk and lead the way towards the road however deep down, he was feeling worried about everything. Who were those ponies?! What did they want with him and Sapphire...and why? Thoughts continued to go through Whirls mind 


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire blushed and laughed as she looked over at whirl "Sorry, I guess im just a little on edge. Heh, Im really glad that we stoped the flooding" She said with a chuckle as she shook her head "I have no idea what is going on, but what ever it is, it isnt good. I think we should find twilight first, she might be able to help us"

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Whirl nodds and looks over at the library. "Your right, Twi should be in her house..guess we don't have much time for a proper dinner" He put on determined face ." Come on Sapphire! " He smiles and runs to the hay burger to pick up a couple burgers. "We'll eat on the way!" He said throwing a bag at her.


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire grabbed the bag, half ripping it open as she nomed on a half of the hay burger. She smiled as she ran next to whirl "Awwww, I was really looking forward to sitting down and eating with you!" She said with a laugh as they got to the library "And here we are!" She said with a chuckle

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Whirl smiles and looks over at her. "Don't worry we'll have time for that later" He winks and nommed down his burger and stuffed the hay fries quickly and messily. Blushing he took a napkin and wiped his mouth. "We better knock" He knockes as somepony from inside yelled "Coming!!!"


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire blinked as she nommed on some hayfries. She smiled as she saw twilight open the door, she bowed "Hello, you seem to be the only princess not missing?" She said with a tilted head. It wasnt twilight though, it was spike. She blinked as she looked at him, tilting her head "were is twlight?

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Spike nervously looked at both ponies. "Wh...wh...o arw you two?"


Whirl step foward. "I'm Whirlwind and this is Sapphire. And we're looking for Princess Twilight"


Spike glanced from one pony to the other. "She isn't home right now..." He said his voice trailing off.


Whirl raised an eyebrow. "Where did you last see her?"


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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