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Ponies As Foals

Rainbow Eclipse

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(Im gonna start rp'ing. If your wondering why I put Scarlet great aunts and aunt's its because I was talking about Celestia,Luna,and Twilight)

Scarlet walked around Ponyville looking for her great aunts and aunt's Summer Sun Celebration. She asked a pony where the celebration was and they said it was getting set up for tomorrow.

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Cassidy trotted around Ponyville. It was a cloudy, uneventful day, and he was looking for something to do. It was then that he caught notice of a sign that read, "Memory Lane - a trip back to your childhood!" He raised an eyebrow, and curiously entered the building.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Scarlet wasn't looking where she was going and she bumped into a building " I haven't seen this building before" she thought. She backed up and looked at the sign that said "Memory Lane - a trip back to your childhood" "I'll try this.Its worth a try.It will probably help me relieve my stress. Scarlet walked in.

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Cassidy set hoof into the building. He walked up to the front desk to see a pegasus mare. "Excuse me. I was rather confused by the text on the sign, so what service does this place offer?" he asked.


"Well, sir, we specialise in age-regression, as such, ponies can be restored to their foal bodies. The effects last for 24 hours, and customers nap, are fed, and frolic in the play area with other ponies. All for but the price of five bits," explained the mare.

OCs: RileyAnala

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As Scarlet walked in she seen the pegasus mare was busy with another customer so she went to sit down in the waiting area until the mare was done with the other customer. Scarlet checked one of her bags for her change purse (not the receptionist's bag). She found 20 bits in her change purse she put her change purse back in her bag.

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Cassidy was taken aback. Technology capable of manipulating the age of a pony's body? It seemed so far-fetched. But a trip back to foalhood sounded pleasant. "Sure, I'd love to," he said, placing five bits on the desk.


"Wondeful!" replied the mare. She led Cassidy down a corridor and gestured toward a booth. Cassidy cautiously entered it. "Just close your eyes, and when you open them, you'll be a cute little foal again!" the mare told him cheerily.


She then walked back to the desk. She then saw a orange pegasus with a brown, braided mane. "Hello there, may I help you?

OCs: RileyAnala

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Scarlet walked up to the receptionist. "I would like to try the age thing to see what it is and to try it." Scarlet said in a confident voice she got out her change purse and got it ready so she could try the age regression. "What is it anyway?" She asked the receptionist

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The receptionist explained all about age regression, and the service that the company was offering. "That young man went for foalification just now. You definitely wouldn't regret this. The price is a mere five bits. What do you say?" she asked Scarlet.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"I'll try it!" Scarlet said. She placed five bits on the desk. She put her change purse back in her bag and she followed the receptionist to the foalification booth to get foalified. She opened the door to the booth and she walked in.She was so happy that she would get to relieve her stress and revisit her childhood

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Cassidy did as he was told as shut his eyes. A whirring noise was heard, gradually increasing in pitch. He felt his hooves shrinking, and his muzzle shortening...


After a few minutes, the transformation came to a halt. He tried to get back up, but ended up falling backward. He looked at his body.


Am I really just a foal now?


His question was answered when a unicorn mare picked him up and led him to a room that could only be described as foal heaven. There was a small plastic slide, foam shapes, a makeshift maze...


"First, we need to get you changed," said the mare, and propped Cassidy down on a changing table.

Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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After the other pony went into his/her childhood Scarlet waited for the receptionist to guide her to the foalification room where she would get foalified.She was a little bit scared and a bit confident that this would be alright and she thought about what would happen

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As Cassidy set to work placing the foam jigsaw together, he caught sight of a yellow pegasus walking into the foalification room. "Looks like I'm getting a new pwaymate," he said to himself, then realised what he had said, and began rolling around the floor, giggling like a foal.

OCs: RileyAnala

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The receptionist took me to the foalification room and I got in the booth and the controls pony turned it on and i felt myself getting smaller and smaller until I was in a daycare looking room.A mare picked me up and put a diaper on me and put me in the playpen

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(Can you stick to third-person, please?)


Cassidy saw the new pony being placed into the room, and tried to walk over to her... but fell flat on his face. So he simply resorted to crawling like the foal he was. "Um.. hewwo there," he said, blushing as his 'r's came out as 'w's. "Wat's your name?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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(k i didnt realize i typed I and is cassidy a girl or a boy just asking)

As she was placed in the playpen,she saw the other foal say hello."Hewwo." she said shyly. "My name is Scarwet" she said when she

found out that her L was a W. "Wat's your name?" Scarlet asked shyly as she crawled over to him/her. 

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(Cassidy is a guy, as the pronouns indicate)


Cassidy wasn't usually a social guy, but if this would only last 24 hours, might as well make the best of it. "I'm Cassidwy," he replied, then slapped his forehead. I can't even say my own name right! "Is thish your firss time hewe, Scawwet?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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Galatea was on her way home from a routine shopping trip, the saddlebags on her sides loaded with groceries and her mind weighted down with a scattered variety of thoughts as she walked. There were so many things on her mind, she didn't know how her head was able to contain it all. And as it was, Galatea was a mare easily given to stress; she had long since learned how to live with it, but it was still a bothersome burden for her.


It was then that she spotted the sign - Memory Lane, a trip back to your childhood! Galatea hadn't ever seen this sign before... was this place new? And what did it mean by "a trip back to your childhood"? Drawn by her powerful sense of curiosity, the mare went into the building.


When she went in, she was greeted by a receptionist that informed her of the same thing the others had been: That this was a place for age regression, 24 hours as a foal for only five bits. The idea sounded quite appealing - to be a foal again, and forget about all of her worries for an entire day. She checked her saddle bags to see how many bits she had left, and found herself smiling when she found enough bits to pay for the regression.


As she was led back to the foalification room, of course she had doubts somewhere in the back of her mind - would it really work? Was this a hoax? But, she dismissed those, thinking that at the least, it was worth a try. If it didn't work after all, she would only be out a mere five bits.

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Cassidy climbed up onto the slide and then he caught sight of a brown-maned red mare speaking to the receptionist, and then being led to the foalification room. "Hey, Scawwet, looks like we're getting a new pwaymate!" he said excitedly... then fell down. He began crying like a foal.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Diego woke up slumped across a bar top. This wasn't unusual for the unicorn stallion; most of the time, he woke up like this. An earth pony mare was nudging him with her mop. "Time to go," she said, briskly. "I've got to get this place cleaned up. Haven't you got a home to go to?"


He thought about this as he reluctantly peeled himself from his stool and trotted out the bar into the blazing sunlight which made his eyes ache. Diego didn't really have a home as such; he generally slept whereever he fell. Occasionally, he'd head round to his mother's place whenever he got sick of roaming around Equestria, but he didn't really have a place to call home. Diego's foalhood hadn't been very stable; his mother prefered the shadowy world of bars and gambling to motherhood and as a result, was rarely at home.


Diego hadn't made any friends as such; he was severely left alone by the other foals due to his mother's reputation, and after his cutie mark appeared, it had only gotten worse. Shunned for his talent for chaos magic, and unpopular, Diego had retaliated against his peers by playing pranks on them. He had learned to fend for himself back home, as his mother wasn't around, so was used to being by himself a lot of the time.


It was after he'd thought this that he saw the sign: "Memory Lane - A trip back to your childhood!". He snorted; he didn't believe a word of it. Still, he had the right amount of bits in his saddlebags, so why not try it? Had to be better than just wandering around for the rest of the day, or crashing out at his mother's house. He went in and after looking about aimlessly, walked up to the receptionist.


"Is this really true," he asked her, skeptically. "Or is it just some kind of elaborate joke? Cuz if it is true, I'd like to try it."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Bronycenfaur walked into the receptionists and paid the money, bolting into the foalification room at a speed the wonderbolts would have trouble beating. He sat down and felt himself shrinking down! He shut his eyes, when he opened them he was in heaven! The nurse picked him up and said "lets get you in a pull up, my little pony!" After the nurse had put him in a pull up, he went to find other ponies

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Cassidy saw that yet another customer was entering the room. He threw aside the foam jigsaw he was piecing together and ran over (falling down quite a few times) to him. "Hewwo, what's youw name?" he asked. He found his foalish way of speaking rather cute.






Diego woke up slumped across a bar top. This wasn't unusual for the unicorn stallion; most of the time, he woke up like this. An earth pony mare was nudging him with her mop. "Time to go," she said, briskly. "I've got to get this place cleaned up. Haven't you got a home to go to?"


He thought about this as he reluctantly peeled himself from his stool and trotted out the bar into the blazing sunlight which made his eyes ache. Diego didn't really have a home as such; he generally slept whereever he fell. Occasionally, he'd head round to his mother's place whenever he got sick of roaming around Equestria, but he didn't really have a place to call home. Diego's foalhood hadn't been very stable; his mother prefered the shadowy world of bars and gambling to motherhood and as a result, was rarely at home.


Diego hadn't made any friends as such; he was severely left alone by the other foals due to his mother's reputation, and after his cutie mark appeared, it had only gotten worse. Shunned for his talent for chaos magic, and unpopular, Diego had retaliated against his peers by playing pranks on them. He had learned to fend for himself back home, as his mother wasn't around, so was used to being by himself a lot of the time.


It was after he'd thought this that he saw the sign: "Memory Lane - A trip back to your childhood!". He snorted; he didn't believe a word of it. Still, he had the right amount of bits in his saddlebags, so why not try it? Had to be better than just wandering around for the rest of the day, or crashing out at his mother's house. He went in and after looking about aimlessly, walked up to the receptionist.


"Is this really true," he asked her, skeptically. "Or is it just some kind of elaborate joke? Cuz if it is true, I'd like to try it."

Cassidy was watching the whole scene from atop the slide. This is no hoax, you really can return to your foalhood, he thought.




"This is not a joke, sir. We really do offer a service where ponies can be regressed into foals and have all of their needs catered to. For but the price of five bits. Will you do it?" asked the receptionist.

Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@, "What the hell, why not?" Diego replied, not thinking about the concept in case he changed his mind. He used his magic to open a saddlebag and throw five bits down on the reception desk. "Do your worst. Whatever that is. Foalify me." He hoped tho, that it wouldn't hurt.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@, "What the hell, why not?" Diego replied, not thinking about the concept in case he changed his mind. He used his magic to open a saddlebag and throw five bits down on the reception desk. "Do your worst. Whatever that is. Foalify me." He hoped tho, that it wouldn't hurt.


"Wonderful! Right this way, sir," replied the receptionist, and then led Diego down the corridor and gestured towards a booth.
"Now just shut your eyes, and don't open them until the transformation is complete," the receptionist told Diego. "Enjoy your stay!"
Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@, Diego left his saddlebags in a locker, and followed the receptionist. He did as she said, and once the transformation was complete, was taken to where the other foals were. He still felt as tho he had when he was a foal; excluded and shunned. Why would this time be different?



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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