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planning Pokémon Gijinka Academy (PG-13) (Remake)


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(This is a remake of my original RP, Pokémon Gijinka Academy. I remade this RP, because I returned to the site not too long ago and I wanted to continue this RP.)


Pokémon Gijinka Academy




In the middle of an deserted valley lies a school. Not just any ordinary school, but something for creatures not like humans. This school is called...the Pokémon Gijinka Academy, and you can only get in if you're half human, half Pokémon. This school teaches young teenage Pokémon hybrids to learn how to embrace their true powers and potential.

Now that you're old enough, your parents are sending you to this academy. Get ready for your own adventure to unfold...



1.) No one liners or spamming

2.) Keep romance and violence to a PG level

3.) Stay active in the RP

4.) Fill out the form correctly

5.) 3 gijinka per dorm

6.) Enjoy yourself

7.) Follow all the MLP Forum's rules


Form to Join the RP



Character's Name:

Your half what Pokémon?:





Dorm Number:

Anything else?:


Dorms Occupied

None right now...



Signature by Me | Want One? | Just message me saying what you want!

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I actually wanted to join the last one, but couldn't. So, I will join this one.


Username: Pinkamena Dianne Pie


Character Name: Damian


Hybrid of: Umbreon


Age: 17


Gender: Male


Appearance (Unfinished until Q is answered.): Shiny version. (Blue instead of gold and bright orange eyes.) Wears a ash vest hoodie and black cargo pants with blue suspenders hangin on the sides. Wears over-the-ear headphones around neck.


Personality: He is a naturally quiet person who tends to stay to himself, unless he is either spoken to or needs to say something. Around strangers, he is normally silent, but around his friends, he is happy-go-lucky and quite the goofball. Even with his quietness, he is very competitive and it shows when a challenge arises. Somewhat timid around girls, but has guardian-like tendencies, not minding to show some chivalry. Usually calm and hard to aggravate, but if pushed too far, he will snap into a blind rage.


Dorm #: 3!


Anything Else: How anthro are they?

Edited by Pinkamena Dianne Pie


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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none of my other RP's seem to be doing anything as of now, so sure.


Username: Grapz224

Character's Name: Grapz

Your half what Pokémon?: (if legendaries are allowed) Deoxys (if not) Dusknoir

Age: 18

Gender: (if Deoxys) neutral (if not) Male

Appearance: ---(until Pinkimena's Question is answered, I'm not gonna say anything)

Personality: (If Deoxys) It has anger management issues, and can be provoked easily into a fit of rage. If they are calm, however, you'll find them to be very kind and passionate. They keep their good friends close, but tend to stay away from others.

(If Dusknoir) A HUGE practical joker, they will do anything they can to pull a prank on others. He also is a bit of a gossip, trying everything he can to get information on others. It's been said that he has been spotted doing very weird things at night, though.

Dorm Number: 5

Anything else?: Are Legendaries allowed? and if we are half-pokemon, do we gain their powers at all?

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