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As a great fan of Discord, I decided to write a little Fanfiction about how he was defeated by the Royal Sisters. Yes, of course, we know the final, but there was a long way to that for sure. So, what were the obstacles on the way? How did Celestia and Luna become Alicorns? And, most important, who is Discords Sister? All these questions (and some more!) will be answered in this story.



Also, please say if there are any mistakes whether in language (´cause this is the first fanfic I write in English), in form (´cause it only is my third published fanfic), or content (cause it is my very first MLP-fanfic)



So, now let’s get over with this babble, and get the story while it’s warm:






This is space, dark blue, dotted with far-away stars and suns. Some explode, some just get born. Myriads of tiny creatures, whether they live in trees, over the clouds, on the plains, or in a deep sea of mercury, are looking up to this magical panorama.
This sun we are looking at is of a distinct red, with some purple spread over it.
It seems to grow. Or is it coming closer?
Now it turns, slowly, full of grace and it turns out to be a star turtle, larger than the largest planet ever seen. On its enormous, meteorite-crusted back, it carries four elephants with bones of stone. Those carry a disc, and just when we thought we could make out several continents and oceans,
Great A´Tuin, the star turtle, suddenly speaks, in a booming voice, as deep as space, as loud as erupting suns, filling the galaxy with its magnificent words: “You seem to be in the wrong universe, my dear narrator.”

Ooops, that was awkward.
Now let’s see where our Universe is…
Ah, here!
We see a planet, a disc as well, but sadly not carried by a cosmic turtle.
Here is the largest continent on this world, bordered by oceans on the west and east, by ice in the north, by mountains in the south.
This continent, with all its forests and deserts, all its meadows and badlands, mountains and streams,
Is called “Equestria”.
And it is populated. Yes, populated by many creatures that couldn’t be more different: Gryphons and dragons, manticores and sea lions, breezies , timber wolves, diamond dogs, phoenixes, minotaurs and many more.

But most of its inhabitants are, as the name suggests, Ponies!
Earth Ponies, Pegasi, Unicorns, Crystal Ponies, even Sea Ponies, according to the legend!
Ponies of all size and color, of all sorts of personality.
And they all live in peace together, and…
But wait!
This is not true anymore.
From his ancient hiding place, deep in the earth, a spirit of Chaos has broken free.
He now resides in his twisted castle, wreaking Chaos all over Equestria!
He plays his games with the minds of the people, making them turn on each other, causing anarchy to rule.
And the unholy Name of this tyrant of Chaos is:

All of Equestria bows to him and to his creations, and nothing is safe.
All of Equestria? No! One small part of the continent is protected by magic as ancient as him,
And in this small part, the Everfree Forest, two settlements are placed.
One is a camp of rebels, all sorts of creatures, ready to fight the master of Chaos.
The other is a little village, filled with creatures of all sorts as well, but they only want to live in peace.
Now let’s take a closer look to this peaceful place: Surrounded by a small wall, just large enough to keep the wild creatures of the forest out is a congeries of small huts and houses, very diverse to accustom the different species. Through the village, a brook with sparkling fresh water is flowing, keeping the mill turning.
And in this little brook two young unicorns, supervised by their grandmother, are playing happily, ignorant to their destiny:
Ending the reign of Discord, and becoming the Royal Sisters of Equestria.



As of now, I only have the prologue, and most of the chapters after the first ready.

That first one I really have problems with, so I will go over it before posting it. That would be tomorrow or something.

Edited by YetAnotherDiscord
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