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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky
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Give me banner theme ideas! (+ Some OC stuff)

Kyoshi Frost Wolf


So, I am depressed, as many of you might know. I am trying to fight it off right now. Recently, my medical insurance thing finally went through so I might be able to get a counselor and some type of meds soon. Anything to keep these thoughts out of my mind, because they are only getting worse with each day.


To help combat this for now, I want to make banners. I like making banners, it makes me feel important to something for once, since I am not important to anything else in existence. Even though they probably will not be used for the site....I was hoping some of you could give me some ideas. Maybe for theme? Perhaps a specific pony or ponies to center it around? Something to give me a blueprint. Any suggestions are appreciated. In my current state of mind, coming up with these thing is difficult right now.



In other news, here is some information about my main OC Kyoshi Lonehearted. I have no other major OCs right now. I have mainly just worked on him. This is info that some of you might already know.



  • He is based off of two sides of my personality. His pre-transformation self is based off of my current personality, while his post transformation self is based off of how I wish I was.
  • He is from the Frozen North
  • He was a pegasus. then was permanently transformed by the Alicorn Amulet, which infused itself with him, going where his Cutie Mark should have been. (I actually came up with this idea in late 2012)
  • He never earned his Cutie Mark
  • His personality is also based off of internal conflict, which again is based from me.
  • His main skill of magic, once he learns it well, is the magic of creation. He is also skilled with hallucinogenic magic.
  • He later learns how to completely suppress his emotions with help from the power of the Amulet, but he is still very unstable, succumbing to those emotions every so often.
  • He appreciates the simple things or at least tries to. The snow of his homeland being one of his favorite things. His internal conflict damages this for him.
  • He often times sees himself as inferior to most other ponies, until the infusion.
  • After the infusion, he mainly becomes apathetic towards most things.
  • Later, he falls in love with two different ponies, both a different gender and a different pony race. This exemplifies his internal conflict.
  • He is never truly 'evil', that is not his intention.
  • Since the Amulet is infused with him, the very concept of corruption flows through his body. It is unclear whether or not he has control over it or it has control over him.
  • He later seizes control over the Frozen North, cutting off the light from Celestia's sun and Luna's moon, replacing it with his own. Again, these are not with evil intentions, just the drive of wanting to become something worthwhile, though this is taken in extreme form here and might be fueled by the amulet as well.


These are a bunch of different details that I have conjured up. Given the fact that I am terrible at writing, I may never actually write a story about him, as much as I would like to. I have these different ideas and I would love to come up with more characters, but again, my thought process is not entirely clear lately.


So, that is my blog post. I want to start making more. It is nice to make long random things like this, just to get some info out and whatnot.

  • Brohoof 5


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Your OC is really interesting. 


You could make a banner involving Princess Cadence. I don't think I've seen one with her in it yet. A Fluttershy one would be great, too. :)

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Glad to hear that you may be able to get some help soon. It's an awful thing to have to go through, and I hope things work out for you.


As for banners, I'm terrible with artistic things generally, but a Zecora banner would be sweet.

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Very nice OC. You say you're terrible at writing, yet some of your descriptions are very poetic. I'd say you're really good at it, actually.


Also, glad to hear that you're getting professional help for your depression. Hopefully it will make things better for you.

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While I hope your professional help will be of use, I warn against medications. Using drugs will change your mood drastically; mine gave me anger issues and pushed me to self-harm even more than I had done. I wouldn't swear by them just yet-wait and see how the actual counseling goes first. Best of luck.


Also, I'd love to see a Sapphire Shores banner someday, as well as a Snips and Snails one. Or a Twist one! :3

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While I hope your professional help will be of use, I warn against medications. Using drugs will change your mood drastically; mine gave me anger issues and pushed me to self-harm even more than I had done. I wouldn't swear by them just yet-wait and see how the actual counseling goes first. Best of luck.


Also, I'd love to see a Sapphire Shores banner someday, as well as a Snips and Snails one. Or a Twist one! :3


Good suggestions on banners.


On the other note, I have had some bad experiences with a medication in the past..but these thoughts are getting so bad at this point, whatever works will do. Just anything help me stop feeling this way.

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do a fairytale mlp themed one with each character as a fairytale character fluttershy is diffenitly snow white

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