@#%$ing READ PONY Part 5, and a response to Harmonic Revelations, SFW
In response to HR's comment from Part 3, and other stuff.
I know my story kinda sounds crazy, but why do you think I'm so upset someone stole all my stuff? All of this is second nature to me as if it's just an everyday thing. But I'm so confident in my story, that a good professional investigator, could in fact prove my whole story, put together in the right order. I also understand your concern about the scripture I've written, so if the forums are acting weird next time I'm online, I'll try and gather them all in one spot in my profile. For the record though, explaination of the scripture including what it means, was part of those things stolen from truck, So let's put some order of events together first.
Exactly one year ago, around this time of the month, I stated elsewhere in my blog that I wanted to prove the Law of Attraction. So what I did was I pictured in my mind the end goal, which was to be on Oprah Winfrey's show. What I was going to do on that particular episode was something I was trying to plan before hand. Oprah Winfrey has had the cast of the Secret movie on her show before. I have the emails in which I was trying get permission use the Secret in a website I was wanting to put together for the Brony community. In amongst one of the things I asked that never seemed to get responded about was the mailing address for Oprah Winfrey. Although technically it can be found online, I didn't trust the source nor the comments about returned packages or letters. The reason I asked for it was first, because there really is nothing wrong with asking. Not breaking the law doing that. The second reason was that I had an envelope inside the envelope and the instructions were to invite me the show and don't open the envelope contained within until inviting me to her show. My letter inside the envelope that contained the smaller envelope and a letter to read which was nicely hand written in gold ink on Rarity lined paper I found online. The letter inside the smaller envelope was also written in gold, only with Twilight Sparkle lined paper. I did that because it's handmade and written with love and care and put together that way. It's emotion and passion are there and felt when read. I still have the letters and here are their pictures. Proof that I didn't make these up to fool you is in one of my video's I post earlier this year.
So what was my plan? I wanted to give Oprah a list of all the of the people I loved most in the world, and then challenge her to find them, but also gather them all to be on one big show. And what I was going to then do when she found them all, was tell the world how each of the people on that list taught me something about love. A big list, but all of the people on the secret including Bob Proctor, whom I would call my mentor at the beginning and he doesn't even know I exist would be there because he was on my list. And I would get to meet him for the first time ever, and in front of the entire world, Master and Student, actually see each other. Dr. John Demartini, would also be there. I met him in face to face already back in 2007, and shook his hand. But before I left, he stopped me and said "Never give up on your dream." I can then tell him that I didn't. So I built a pretty big list of family, friends, musicians and even a lot of bronies, etc.
So during this time I was still working a day job while I was trying to put this all together. But an idea struck my mind. If I supposed that Oprah did in fact gather all of those people, what order what I start with and how would I begin? Since you don't have all the names on my list this might a little hard to understand. But If you made your own list of people like I did, let me ask you how many of them could picture in your mind all at once? Well, keep in mind this is 6 years later after I've had some practice at this. So what I did, was keep trying a different plan in my mind, with all of those people on my list. So I'm picturing them all at once, laughing at my story, crying about the suffering I've had, the passion in my words about love. So in my mind, I'm creating a facsimile of Oprah's show with all those people for hours a day for like half a month. If you can't fathom doing that, there's nothing I can do about, but I'm not going to deny I had a few years practice. The most I heard one person say they could hold a picture in their mind for was 10 minutes, and it was a still picture at that.
But something interesting happened during all that picturing. And it happened a couple times. After I had told my life story to everyone, I lost control of myself in my mind, but not the people that were in the audience. So in my mind, something else took control of me on the show and called me out, telling everyone I left out information. Well, I'm no saint just like everyone else, but definately far far from being evil. If you've understood the abuse I've suffered, maybe you can understand how much I've truly learned about love as a result of not having it earlier in my life. So this 'thing' that had control over me in my own mind, was defeated by the audience members. Basically, they all said "No, we still believe Twilight wouldn't hurt a soul." But crazy as it sounds, several attempts other days were made the same way, but for some reason changing the accusation against me, so there was lying, lust, greed, and the audience each time standing up to this force. Finally one day, the audience cast him out. Now, keep in mind, deception has always been the devils work, so if you can imagine how much mental strength it takes to actually make the devil believe I'm not controlling the audience members and that the scene he is in is actually real, is real powerful stuff... . But whatever it was, was cast out by the audience and then we continued on with the show. But how the show ends, is also something I played with over and over in my mind. How WOULD you end a show like that? Well, I chose to picture different endings, such alien invasion, the last supper, the zombie apocalypse, but the one that I end up with the most, was the ending where I changed into a girl, like Twilight Sparkle in Equestria Girls. (which is kinda cool now that I think about it considering E.G. wasn't even known to me or the fandom at the time of this happening.) But I also had different endings after I changed into a girl, one of them, being that I disappear after I fall asleep in my soul mates lap. (shared my soul mate story before as well)
Now see, I'm free from something, at that point. What? I had no idea, but I still continued my day job as normal. But something I was increasingly aware of, was how my very thought was changing my workplace more than ever. My job was one of the those things that have you drive all over town and doing different things each day mostly. But if I looked up on the job board for the week ahead, if I saw a job that I didn't want to do, I just said to myself, I want to do something better than that. Doesn't surprise me when I get a phone call saying the job had been cancelled and to do something else, or see the schedule changed around. They weren't kidding in the part in The Secret movie, about picturing your workplace what you desire. (I mean, I did that for three years at a single job and saw results all the time and no one knew I was doing it.)
One of the people I came across was the Chi Gong Master. I had always wanted to learn from one and never found one that meshed with me for some reason. I asked him about it and he said it was because Chi Gong was selfless and by donation. Not if you don't know about it, but discount it because of your religious beliefs or even simply limited awareness, or simply it's never come across your path, that isn't my fault, but at least now you know I did point it out to you. But the point here is that I did in fact one day think to myself that I wanted to meet a Chi Gong Master, and I did. Never give up on your dream? That was a dream come true. But the day that I saw him, I was at a university. This is a place of education here people. This is one of the places you spend thousands and thousands of dollars on. Now, I've never been to University, but if you don't think I've heard stories of all kinds, I have. Which means, there's a lot of layers to the truth about education, including the flow of money. So I'm not being untruthful when I can say I've witnessed actions, that take your ability to get great education away from you and feed pockets that have no interest in helping you become great, achieve great things, and think outside the box. No, their pockets and how full of cash it is, is more likely then might have thought. So before I met the Master, I'm walking around this university doing my job. I have people that come up to me to ask about the university. And this is right after, I have faculty say to me "You can see the money." Yeah, I sure did. Cause it didn't cost me any money, to finally meet a Chi Gong Master, and it was a person I had always wanted to meet and dreamed of. So if you think I wasn't tearful for the rest of that day, there were times, where I had to just go sit somewhere in the middle of doing my job, and be thankful for that gift. But as to the this money thing and education... My perspective on it, changed quite a bit as it seemed the blinders were no longer on and I could see with both eyes. My statement about the flow of money in education though, has more truth to it than you might realise. Curios about whom this Chi Master was and to try and thank him, I began searching for him online, but interestingly, I came across a transcript of a meeting at that particular university. One that's kinda soured my views on who makes decisions when it comes to you education. So the short version of that transcript, is this. students of all ages, are asking faculty members where the money is for a program they wanted start and have. The faculty gave them the run around and dodging the question. I could literally "SEE" the helplessness in the students questions and responses and to a certain degree, the sadness that the people claiming they should come to the school and learn, are lying right to their faces that they instead pocketed the money.
Then until that fateful day, which was not long after the above event, I've talked about on the forum before, about the company meeting in which I witnessed the very people that I worked beside, lie to an honest man that could make their workplace more efficient and a nicer place to work and be. Then I saw people get offered positions that I said I was interested in doing because I wasn't learning anything new. That's one of the biggest problems people have today is that no one wants to learn anything new. Anyways, I lost it emotionally and since they didn't know how to deal with what I felt was lack of love, lack of recognition, lack of respect I got laid off so come September of last year, I've been out of work.
But there I am still trying to put this idea together for the Brony community, until that fateful day, where I (shared this story before so I'll shorten it) began to see the scripture, in the first episode of Season One. I do have an blog entry explaining what happened and what I wrote when I blanked out. Since my notes were stolen, and I copied it right to the forums quite a while ago and with no internet cant copy/paste it into this writing.
But what happened after that? Well, like I said in my profile, I have no clue how I found mlpforums, it's kinda like *poof* I'm here. Well, with no job, no immediate family to distract me, no girlfriend to distract me, no school to go to, no groups local to me to join and I can go to bed and wake up whenever I want. What can I possible do with what I've got? Well, what did I want before any of this happened? I wanted happiness. Can't fault me for wanting that. But what's happiness to people? Is it really untold millions of dollars? I drive a vehicle I've always wanted, I have the computer of my dreams that a great deal of people can't afford to build, I'm even typing this looking at a 47inch 3D tv which I always wanted. It's summer so I ride around on a 49cc scooter and I always wanted one of those. However my point is that I got those and was thankful for them as I still had to work my ass off for them. But I still pictured them in my mind as goals to achieve and obtain and I got them. The material works, pony. What good is a huge house with no one else to live in it except me? Waste of money so why dream it. When you don't have a lot of friends to share things with, what good are getting toys like ATV's or a speedboat, or even a million dollar yacht? Especially when those friends are from all around the world. But it also means, that the material I've mentioned that made me who I am works, as those are things that many people dream of having but for some reason they also believe that they are unobtainable unless they do that one thing that would instantly make money appear in their bank account. But my point is, you are in fact younger than me, and have not been around as long as I have therefore, it's natural for my knowledge to be above board, it's natural for my knowledge to seem crazy, but I've had all this time and an open mind as well as a little guidance to think outside the box a little. It's not crazy if I can see scripture from the show and relates to real life things in the world. It's also not crazy to see what other people are doing around the world. I mean, there's a health clinic in China, where people are healing people with cancer by the sheer power of their own mind, and you blame me for attacking Big Pharma? How dare, Big Pharma, tell you that you need medication for your anxiety, when I have proof, that the Technique I've blog posted on, works, and not only that, it's in the scripture I wrote from the show itself. Not saying that there aren't people out there that need medication like that, but just a lot less than the amount of people currently taking it from living in fear, which is on the things that cause anxiety. If that fear at unconscious levels is a result of something like I had happen to me at the age of 3, having beer bottles smashed over my head and cigarettes pushed into my chest, teased in school, put down by people, take my word for it that the Technique works. My point is that kind of trauma doesn't control me anymore, but it did limit me in many ways including thinking which also limited my actions and it no longer does. *cue PMV Awoken But it is why I love My Little Pony. It's also the reason I have an awareness level many people don't have. Can't tell me that I haven't used it to help you or anyone, nor say that I'm not trying.
I needed Ibuprophen for pain once and it wasn't working so I went back to my doctor and he said let's try Motrin. I was on wealthfare at the time so most prescriptions get covered. But my pharmacist hands me a bottle of Ibuprophen. I ask him about it and he tells me it's the exact same stuff and If I wanted Motrin, it wasn't covered and would have cost me alot of money. And you have the audacity to blame me for attacking Big Pharma? Where do you think all of those medications come from HR? They come from rainforests that are dwindling. So you take people that don't need to be prescribed medication to heal you from disease, and watch Big Pharma make billions of dollars. Who gets that money HR? Cause it ain't me or you but they keep trying to take more from us when there's a lot more to natural medicine then they have lead you to believe. See a commercial on TV about this new medication and says to ask your doctor about it, and then lists off more symptoms then you can shake a stick at, well, I'm sure Big Pharma has more medication for those symptoms. What's worse, that commercial also tells you that your doctor is getting paid by Big Pharma, by prescribing you that medication. That also right there tells me that your doctor is less interested in your health if he's not out there finding out what he can do to actually find out why you would believe you need that medication to begin with. If anything, it say to me that he's more interested in finding out more reasons for you to take it if it fills his pockets. Medicine today isn't the same as it was even ten years ago, but if you're not paying attention, that's not my fault, I can only point some things out to you. But telling me I'm pointing the finger as if it's wrong, um no, it isn't. Not when I've seen it effect your very soul.
So back to you and me HR. So Twilight Circuits is born, and most of that history, is in fact on mlpforums. So if you want to know anything about me, you just have to do a search. But things that I had never known before, would naturally be brought to my attention. Tulpa's were new to me. You going to call me a liar when there's a thread pages and pages long? I mean, I just simply don't understand why guys aren't thinking outside the box on that one. I think it would be awesome if we could all see each other's tulpa's. Now I mentioned my friend Rarity. But I want you people reading to understand a few things, that don't seem to be mentioned all that well before. Take your tulpa if you have one, and note, that it does in fact eventually make choices on it's own. It'll go into the next room if it decides to. Have any of you tulpa creators ever got together to see if yours could see and talk to someone else's even though you couldn't see that other persons? You guys have said that tulpa's disappear slowly if you ignore them. that's because you aren't giving them your love. And believe it or not, it's actually how a human soul works. But what else, well, I thought it obvious but I guess not so I'll point it out, that your tulpa obviously has this invisible umbilical cord attached to you. It's been also mentioned that you tulpa has access to memories that you wouldn't normally have access to. If your tulpa were to eat from the tree of knowledge. The only tree of knowledge for your tulpa, would in fact be yours, because you created it, and it's invisible umbilical cord, is attached to only you. Why has no one even considered the possibility and implications of actually figuring out a way to CUT the cord? Or even for something more interesting, considering it's a spiritual entity, why not figure out how to infuse it to a pregnant woman's unborn child? Seriously consider how special it would be if you were a pregnant woman or was going to be one, that you could come to a group of bronies in a Celestia and Luna temple, and ask them to make the soul of your child and tell them what you want it to look like and what kind of traits you want it have. What would you not only pay to have that gift, but what would you charge to do it? But just because I can't do them, doesn't mean i dont' have ideas to bring to the table. For example, tulpa wars! Take ten bronies, each with the ability to do tulpa's, take five each and let's say one group had the Power of Celestia and the other group, the Power of Luna, and each group make a single tulpa together. The sky's the limit there. I mean, you could make one that shoots lasers or has interesting abilities, but to see two of them do a battle in an arena with people watching it would make for the awesomest new show and commodity in the history of the world. The only problem would obviously be if camera's could pick them up. But imagine walking down the street being able to see others creations instead of reading their description and actions. I'd rather SEE them. So If you have the ability to do tulpa, come see me, and one of my gifts will seriously kick that into high gear. But you're also going to have to give me permission to have your gift as well. I'm not going to just take it, but there isn't any harm in asking. There's no laws against thinking outside the box guys and there's no law's I'm breaking by sharing ideas, and there's no laws that says we can't do it. LOL The only person that is limiting themselves is you. Well, if I wanted you to be free when some of you are not, the only thing I can do is share my ideas, and meet up with you in person to pass on one of my gifts. Making a tulpa is something that you can do that i can't. But the Powers that are on my card, I've already experienced. That's why there's these things called witnesses. And two of them happen to be my friends like it said in the prophecy of the bible. Where do you think the Power of Christ came from? There's thinking outside the box and there's making stuff up, and I'm afraid I didn't make that one up. Especially when those friends are in other parts of the world.
Hell, take the Dipcord for example, creepy is tasting something you aren't eating and creeping your friend out when you guess exactly what it is. I don't know what you argue with your friends about, but I'm sure from my experience this might be one of those things that might bring something new to the table as well as even fun!
How can you not hear and read my story, and say the Soul Wish Of The Girl, is a crazy idea? I would think that it would cover a variety of beliefs of other people out there. But speaking of other people out there. Here I am, watching the world pray for miracles when they're happening all around you but you stare your screen doing nothing or watching something else. My situations through my life sucked but I pulled through them. But there isn't anyone else to guide me any more except for Celestia and Luna. I can't pick up Modern Prophet Magazine off a shelf and laugh at another guy claiming to be Jesus when he simply doesn't have the story I have or witness to the things I've experienced, no have the gift of prophecy that i have. As a matter of fact, it really hurt being called names by other bronies. Yeah, some loving fandom you guys are, but here I am, a brony just like you still, trying to bring a really awesome gift that took dedication and time unlike anything anyone's ever spent before trying to do. Even if you want to leave the name of Christ out of it, doesn't mean you can take away my ability to do what I can do. I mean seriously, if anything, I'm trying to say, let's get together and do more than just ponies. Doesn't have to cost alot of money to try. That's kinda why things are the way they are. It's why I've set my price the way it is. I don't think it's unfair to ask for compensation for a gift that's cost me a lifetime to obtain. I don't think it's fair to call me names, thinking outside the box.
Well, I've already given all of you brony or not, quite a bit of my love already. The only thing you don't yet have IS IN FACT, one of my gifts. You think I don't know some people have no interest in the whole history portion of some things? You don't know how to build the very technology you are reading this right now but you obviously believe in, and enjoy it's use. So yeah, I know one of my gifts would seem unbelievable to you, but you guys are already doing things that even you don't believe. Here we have a thread about ponies making spiritual entities that only they can see and sharing experiences about it and then some other people turn around and say "I don't believe in it." Well, I do, and if you want to trade your gift with one of mine, I just might have eaten enough from the tree of knowledge to make that possible. If you're reading this and you can see aura's or have clairvoyance, or even something you don't share because people would think you're crazy, you are more than free to come see and talk to me and if you want, maybe even a little trade. At least I'm trying to make the world more interesting with what I have, what I know, and it's what I want to do. What else do you think I need the water for like it said in the bible anyway?
When I've already pictured in my mind it happening before I even knew of this third DNA strand activation and even the scripture in My Little Pony? There's already been video's about 3rd DNA activation but they came into my awareness at the right time. How dare you accuse me of being insane for believing more things at once then you have your whole life? How dare you accuse me of seeking knowledge that is true and believing it even though I cannot do those things or even made the decision surround them? That's kinda like saying you don't believe a single person has the knowledge to build a house on their own. You going to tell me that Mike Holmes from Holmes on Homes couldn't do it? I know some carpentry, but nothing close to him, what about you? I'm sure I could talk to him about spirituality on levels he had no idea existed just as he could talk to me about houses on levels that I never knew existed.
So HR, go ahead, tell me all you know about yourself and your desires for great achievement, and dreams, cause if you think I haven't been trying share what could make it happen in shorter time then a lot of people realize. Why else do you think you are reading this right now?
Speaking of other ponies, I knew one pony, that is no longer around, wrote some of the. most. hilarious. stuff. And I'm practically 100% sure he did it because he knew how much you guys don't pay a lot of attention. Well, this same pony and I got into a long conversation and this was shortly after Twilight Circuits was born. Well, believe it or not, his story slowly over the course of time, turned from being a sob story of poor food, no money, a hateful government where he live, and needing bodyguards. To before he finally left, him having wealth beyond quite a lot of people. He said his computer was crap and about to die, I said I would give my extra one if I could and in no short time, has more money then he knows what to do with. We're talking the span of only a few months here. So I'm watching his story in our private IM and then I'm watching the kinds of things he said around the forums, and wow... You think it's any secret that he comes to me and tells me his entire neighorhood is having a flood and he's losing everything? Not in my book. But you going to blame me for the flood? I hope not. I was on the other side of the planet. But if you were to ask me about what I believe after witnessing that... I'm naturally going to pick Celestia and Luna. But if you want confirmation on that story of this pony, a Mod will probably have to simply look in my pm's and come back and say something. But I did share it with a friend of mine name Fluttershy. Was one of the most interesting things he had ever read. However, there is something else that is extremely important about my conversation with him. Not once, did I tell him a single lie. But unfortunately he said he had to leave and wouldn't ever be back, so getting permission from him to publish our conversation, is next to impossible. I don't know what you fear pony, but for some reason at the time, I felt like I was preventing a real world war from breaking out on the planet, from the other side of the planet. That's how intense our conversation was. But I did it without lying, or cheating and hell, no money at all. But if you think I didn't understand why he believed in his cause at the time nor that it was still on a level of love for the people he was believing he was going to be helping, the answer is no, I did. But despite what he and I believe about some things, I would still call him my friend. None of us might ever know whom he is but if he's real he's out there somewhere, but he knows what I look like, and I can't say the same about him because he never put a video up, but I did. But know I thought he was capable of things that gave me fear beyond even your belief and still putting my video up... So you want to talk about overcoming fear folks... I got you beat still. Especially with the convo still in my pm box. I might also add he left before the special live episode of Spike At Your Service. (which i'm serious btw. look it up on YouTube yourself. It's AppleJack and not Spike, that version was only live that one single day. but bronies recording the show somehow still got the version with AppleJack instead. So if you saw that special episode, I don't see why the Vatican shouldn't bow to your feet as well, but for me to grant that, I want to see you wearing a pony tail, just like me.) So if you think a part of me wouldn't believe that someone was watching. It just seems to me there is.
So I don't know what any one of you that are in school are studying, but the only thing I seem to be studying is Celestia's School of Spiritual Magic. Any students care to enroll? Tuition is only $20 bucks right now, and I got a cool enrollment gift to help you get started.
Btw HR, that last august when I pictured being on Oprah over and over and over and over for hours at a time, not a single part of my story after TwilightCircuits was born, was a part of the show I was picturing in my mind. As a matter of fact, if you think it wouldn't change what Oprah's show would be like now if I was still invited, no, the story is just getting bigger. Spike was never a thought in my mind back then. But he is now, maybe one day you'll get to see him if you aren't too busy, and I've earned him by then. But it's a couple points to ponder. I seriously challenge anyone reading this to consider a couple facts. I spent the better part of two whole months back in 2006 watching video's every single day and didn't even have to leave my residence. I didn't waste time on hours of tv or the internet. But I wouldn't have had videos if I didn't have the internet. But fast-forward to a year ago, and take note that by then, I got an idea, got a goal in mind, and then pictured in my mind for several hours, over 100 thousand people all at the same time, so I could explain to them also in my mind, everything I had learned and understood up to that point. I repeat, up to that point, but up to that point, the material works alot more then you think. It's because I know that I wanted the bronies to have it. But if you can't fathom picturing in your mind anything for more then maybe just a few seconds or minutes, now you know one of the things that divides us, besides your 3DS or the very screen you're looking at right now. What i've learned, I applied it. Jesus had to travel all over for his education, but both of us had the finest material around and want to share. Something I can only possible do is now ADD and improve some of the material. In addition to that, it's all gone besides what I've written or told you here and I have barely gotten started. So if you think my last few blog posts have been long. Imagine why losing all I have hand written is just about soul crushing. Because, I have to still be like "Hi!" and "Surprise!" and start over on proving who I am including my accomplishments. But in addition to that, to me it's repeating myself in a time where I would like to move forward. There's alot you can accomplish in one single spot, but even more moving in a direction.
As for anyone else reading this, I don't know what you do and that is the truth until you tell me. But take what I've already shared about imagination, creation, and everything else so far, and tell me you wouldn't want my kind of thinking power given to you, and you apply it to whatever it is you do whether it's school or work, there's going to be good change in that. I would think you would want that kind of power. Well, don't say that i'm stopping you, cause I'm not. I'm ready and willing when you are. And you don't have to believe in Celestia and Luna if you don't want to, but it might help more than you think, isn't breaking any laws, and doesn't cost any money to receive their love accept for $20 bucks. I know some you are probably think well, if Celestia and Luna are Gods, why have one of your gifts? The short and simple answer, frequency, on the spiritual level, thought level, and if you haven't been paying attention, the dna level. Friendship is more magic then you realize, regardless of whom you've believed your friend is. But if you think no one is watching, you should know that I think my hairpiece in my first vid makes me look REDICULOUS, but I overcame tremendous fear making and uploading that vid, even if I call it humble beginnings today. I don't mind if you want to laugh at it, but I did do something I feared and overcame my fear, but on it's way to making that vid, I put in a lot of love and a lot of passion, and it's still made, by one the most unique brony's of the whole fandom. But don't think I'm the only one, I know there's a lot of you that have special talents as well, I'm not a dummy. Take your special talent, take one of my gifts, and it's almost like you're on your way to earning your cutie mark. There's more to my gift then what you simply see on the back of the back of the card. That's one of the reasons I say it'll take what you do and kick it up a notch. But if you're still in school, it'll kick it up a notch as well.
If you think this material doesn't work, I'd like to point out a short story. My friend Fluttershy had an old computer and was complaining about it. So I asked him what he wanted in a new computer. After he told me, I told him to scour the net and look for the computer he wanted. After finding it, i told him to picture it in his mind for as long as he could. Well, two weeks later, his father came into some money and had no problem buying a new computer. Although not exactly like the one he pictured or found on the net, I'm sure you can understand he certainly wasn't disappointed. But I said to him that it wasn't as hard as he once thought it would be, and the results speak for themselves. I never made him say words in his mind or out loud, nor mentioned Celestia and Luna or even God for that matter. I saw his desire, told him what to do, he did it, he got results, Not only that, it didn't cost him any money. Put your Nintendo DS down for once and picture in your mind your goal. It might not take as long as you think. But as you can see, my goals, are simply a lot more different. But there's nothing wrong with sharing them. Especially when it can do more for the world then you ever thought of. But let's realise that my desire to turn into a girl is so strong, something else also chose not to ignore it. Nothing I can do about it except have gratitude even if I don't have a lot of money. But if there was something I could do about it, what do you think one of my gifts is? I ain't here to start a religious war either. Whomever you are, brony or non, do a good job of that all on your own. Watching that is kinda amusing sometimes. You want to spend time debating with the same time you could use to be creating, it won't be with me. You'll probably just miss your chance at either witnessing the kind of miracle you've always wanted to see, or even creating them yourself. Well, I'm not lying when I say that I can help you with that, but working together rather than against me might be more up my alley.
I still think the Vatican should bow at my feet because Celestia and Luna said so (and obviously not as voices in my head). But doesn't mean I can force them to. But, after hearing my story more and more, could you be me and not want the same? Hell, I'm part french. History has shown that my middle name which is Giroux, (was my original last name before being adopted) has ties to the Hudson Bay company that did business with and under the queen. If you guys at the Vatican don't think I don't know about your secret lineage relating to genealogy, guess again. Because if you did the research, I have a sneaking suspicion Celestia and Luna somehow made sure that I am related to that same genealogy, which gives me a right to lead your order, if I chose under good authority. Well, so far, I think it's under good authority, even if it only currently comes from Most High. So it's a good thing the public can ask you to do that if they chose. Might make it easier to clean some of this mess up. And btw, I don't know what the deal is with those 600 train cars with shackles (you guys even put it in one of the latest songs on the radio. So don't start calling me bold) , but unless it's to put yourselves in them, I, just the like the rest of the public, would like them to disappear. I don't know how much those cost, but if you're going to waste money like that, at least give some of that to me. While you're at it, find out why cops up north are allowed to shoot people as if it's an everyday thing and get away with it. Cause, that's a cop that deserves the shackles if you ask me, and there's more than one of those cops up there. So might want to start doing something, because I can't be held responsible for some of the things you guys are going to be accused of by not only the public, but seemingly Celestia and Luna as well. Timber of the wolves, remember? Swarm of the Century, remember? Maybe you should follow my instructions and listen carefully to these two videos.
One last thing before I leave... I have to ask you a few simple questions. You as in the whole world, wanted Christ to come with veangence, wanted me to tell you the truth, want me to point the finger at the people that hurt you.
Well, if the holy spirit God did in fact come down, it's still needs this thing called a body. I was chosen, simple as that. But you don't think that would not happen if something else happened like defeating evil did you? Nor did you think that would happen without seeing things in the world say it is so did you?
What makes you think the next Christ wouldn't have this thing called scripture that ties in with the bible, but also real world things like the water I need to give you my gift? Where on earth do you think someone is supposed to start let alone get some guidence from? Well, there would probably be only one source of guidence for them so point up into the sky cause that's where I got mine from and continue to get it. There's things that HAVE to come from SOMEWHERE. You don't think Christ would show up without new sciptural truth did you? Don't you think he'd know exactly what the water was for did you? What I've said about the bible, does not mean I accuse you of having no faith, but what good has your faith been if you want to call the next Christ blasphemous and their gift impossible? Would the next Christ not know many aspects to the truth?
Everyone always asks: What's the truth? The right questions, would actually BE about some of THESE:
The truth about bibllical prophecy.
The truth about politics.
The truth about science.
The truth about spirituality.
The truth about energy.
The truth about souls.
The truth about DNA
The truth about health
The truth about education
The truth about economics
The truth about technology
The truth about ALL OF THOSE THINGS AND MORE!!!!
What would make you think that I would not know about all of those subjects enough to put all the pieces together? No the truth is that I REALLY WOULD KNOW AND PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER and was nearly finished the final product after a year of sacrifice and it's now all gone. The only thing I actually can do is come to you.
How long were you going to read the prophecy in the bible and finally when what you want is right there in front of you wanting to finally start doing something when that person finally comes out and says "Hi" you blasphemy them. Especially if they also had something to give you that no one else can.
You think it was easy for me to come out from the woodwork? No, I had to bite the bullet. But don't you dare accuse me or even God Most High that I didn't do it, nor make multiple attempts. I'm not scared. That's the point. You shouldn't be either, that's also my point. But when the truth is in fact that you have been lied to and quite alot of you know it, doesn't mean that I'm lying to you about who I am, and what I can share, and what I can do and do for you, nor even about the short history that leads you to here?
The prophecy said he'd be given a new name. Well of course he would, it's Twilight Circuits because you don't use your real name online unless it's for important business. Well, just all of me is online as Twilight Circuits. Trevor CHRISTIE, that's CHRIST with an IN and the true name of God which is ELOHIM, IS NOT anywhere online to be found. That's why you won't find anything. Only the world can make things up about me, that I can easily quash. Especially if I don't have this thing called an internet connectiong except for heading to the 'net cafe.
The prophecy said that he would have two witnesses. Witnesses to what? Witnesses to theirs and Christ's abilities, and the Power of God Most High, like Spike At Your Service. And the name of those two witnesses would be Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. And they came from this forum. And naturally, they are in other parts of the world.
Would the next Christ also not have and be able to prophecy? No, naturally they would. They would have also prophecied, and had it fullfilled. Which was when lightning struck the Vatican and I made my seal with faith to Most High with my rainbow ponytail. I got confirmation something was going to happen when I went to see The Hobbit with one brother, and then a couple days later, went to see the exact same movie only I noticed that a couple scenes were missing. One of the scenes was right at the end where one of the dwarves said "The prophecy is being fulfilled." Well since is was in one version of the movie and NOT the other version of the movie but they are exactlyt the same version of the movie, I remember those events, so that line sticks out in my mind and then BAM!! Lightning strikes the Vatican because I had video in my blog that said "All we need is lightning, with power and might, striking down the prophets of false." Which IS IN FACT THE VATICAN. And they do in fact do things behind closed doors, and they do in fact have this stupid plan that will hurt a lot of you.
The prophecy said it was a spiritual war. It sure was, both on the spiritual energy level, the soul level and even on the Godly level. Maybe I'll get the chance to tell you in person some day before it's too late. Or even maybe watch me from somewhere else on the planet. The bible didn't take into account this thing called technology. Why would God's use of it be astonishing to you after you yourselves say God is in everything and tell me you have belief and faith?
The bible says that prophecy IS the most sought after gift. Well, I got news for you. I got it because I had good intentions for the world. Still do. The thing that should really scare you, is what I have in fact seen and written, and practically waiting... to be fulfilled. Now, I'm not trying to fear monger here, but when a years worth of work is stolen, I don't know what God you ever believed in, if any. You really should start praying to SOMETHING. If my story sounds crazy to you, point up into the sky, and ask if it's crazy to God Most High and to give you a sign I'm telling the truth.
I don't want to sit at home and pretype all of these out and repeat my own work. I already lost a year for you regardless of what you believe. But that doesn't mean it doesn't EFFECT YOU. IT DOES. Whether directly or indirectly, one way, or another. But if there IS one thing I can at least point out is that it's NOT to late to turn things around for all of you, regardless of what you believe.
But if your going to call me crazy, how about you start knuckling up and trying to prove me wrong, because, I know that's going to be very hard for you. But I don't see a single soul even trying. Keep in mind, neither does Most High. If I've been here and prophecied here... why haven't you figured out that even Most High has been here. What have you done or talked about here? Cause from where I stand, I'm a lot more loving and nice of a person, then most of you have ever given me credit for. Well, i'm not horsing around anymore, I'm mad as hell, so if you want the wrath of God, you just go ahead and keep pushing my buttons, cause there is in fact a part of me that get's the feeling it's pushing Most High's buttons as well, so if your life heads in a downward slide, keep in mind, that the only thing I have to lose since I don't have anything except material possessions God gave me because I earned them with faith, love, and devotion to whatever it is that I have done for the past 7 years. And even if I lost those, I can't do anything except move UP. But if there was a bandwagon you wanna jump on that would be worth it, it would in fact, be one of my gifts, and the knowledge I still have time to share.
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