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The Batbrony's Thoughts And Musings When He's Not Fighting Crime

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Batbrony Reviews "S07:E 7- Parental Glideance"

Gooooood afternoon everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!!!  Well... right now, I don't know what else to say but this... Why is that?  Well, that's the first word that comes to mind regarding the latest episode of MLP to premiere in the U.S., "Parental Glideance."  This episode simply had it all, every single thing that I could possibly love about a single episode of MLP rolled into one.  It was just a delightful, perfect 22 minutes of television, and to



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E6 - Forever Filly"

Good afternoon, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  Today I'm taking a look at the latest Season 7 episode to debut in the U.S., "Forever Filly," a fun, albeit flawed, little slice-of-life episode.  Aside from this being noteworthy as being the first Rarity and technically CMC episode this season, there's not much else to say prior to getting into the review proper, so without further ado, let's begin.  This is "Forever Filly." So for the most part almost



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E5 - Fluttershy Leans In"

Good morning everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  Well today I have good news and bad news.  The good news is that this review shouldn't be all that long, but the bad news is it probably won't be that long because I thought this episode overall was just... eh, OK.  It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't amazing either, and I've seen far better episodes before about Fluttershy becoming more assertive or gaining confidence.  But let's not go over all of that here, inst



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E4 - Rock Solid Friendship"

Ahhhhhhhhhh, good afternoon everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews."  First of all, my apologies for not getting this review posted yesterday, I was feeling tired and under the weather by the time I was able to write it so it just wasn't happening last night.  That said, I am glad I waited and rewatched the episode, because I now feel much better equipped to review this one than after my initial watch of it.  Let's not waste anymore time dawdling about and dive right



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E3 - A Flurry of Emotions"

Good afternoon everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews."  Today we've got the first normal episode of Season 7 proper, following the two season premiere episodes, and I'm very pleased to say that this was a delightful episode indeed.  That's particularly important for the third episode of a season because, in past seasons, I've noticed that very often the third episode of any given season very much sets the tone for the general level of quality one encounters or can e



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E1 - Celestial Advice" and "S07:E2 - All Bottled Up"

Good evening everypony, and welcome back to another edition (and a brand new MLP:FiM season) of "Batbrony Reviews"!!!  Tonight, for the season premiere, I'm in the unusual position of having to review two episodes that were not a part of a single story arc.  Yes, for the first time in the entire running of MLP:FiM, DHX decided not to have the opening be a massive two-parter where the girls had to battle some threat to all of Equestria and... frankly, this change was probably a season overdue con



Batbrony Reviews "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Legend of Everfree"

Good evening everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! Tonight, I'm reviewing the latest installment of "Equestria Girls," a series which I originally loathed (at least in concept) but has steadily grown on me in its own way since it first came out. That's obviously not to say that the series as a whole is perfect, but it has certainly earned its place in the MLP-verse and I no longer mind seeing new installments added to it, if only for the things which it tends to d



Batbrony Reviews "MLP:FiM - Season 6"

Good evening everypony! Well, another year, another season of MLP. As we've come to expect from the quality of this show, Season 6, like virtually every season of MLP G4, was simply delightful in every sense of the word, and a fun ride to take with all you bronies and pegasisters as always. It was also capped by a very good (though not perfect) season finale, bringing to a close a great season with many exciting developments in the show for the story, characters, and setting. It's set the stage



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E25+26 - To Where and Back Again"

Good evening everypony! I apologize for being so late on my season finale review; my original plan was to post it together with my full Season 6 review, but it turned out that both reviews together were simply to long to post in the same blog, so without further ado, here is my Season 6 finale review of "To Where and Back Again"!   The Season Finale   After seeing the season finale, I find myself in a very strange position. 95% of this finale was an A+ effort in pretty much every single way,



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E24 - Top Bolt"

Good morning everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews," the penultimate edition of Season 6!!! Just like last week, we were once again treated to an absolutely delightful episode, albeit far less surprising than last week's was. It was a high flying adventure this morning set at the Wonderbolt Academy, so without further ado let's dive in, this is "Top Bolt"!!!   So let's get this out of the way to start things off: I didn't like Sky Stinger. I know some people ar



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E23 - Where the Apple Lies"

Awwwwww yeah, this older brother LOVES him some good ol' fashioned sibling rivalry!   Good morning everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." I'm very happy to say that this morning's episode was surprisingly delightful! Not that I thought, going into "Where the Apple Lies," that it would be bad or anything, just that I didn't really have any expectations for this episode and so wasn't sure what to expect. What we got was something very new, which is quit



"Batmare Begins" Latest Updates

Good evening everypony! I'm just here to let you all know about the latest updates to my fic, "Batmare Begins"! After a very long hiatus, I've brought back updates to it in a big way; in the last two weeks, I've posted 5 new chapters totaling over 40,000 words!!! I'm always looking for and happy to get new readers, so if you'd like to delve into a crossover that's earnestly trying to make crossing over the MLP universe with the Batman universe (and with Derpy in the titular role of Batmare, n



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E22 - P.P.O.V. (Pony Point Of View)"

So...             ...how was the trip???   Alright, good morning everypony and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! This week we've got a pretty standard episode, quality-wise at least, with a pretty unique approach to its execution. "P.P.O.V. (Pony Point Of View)" is actually a send-up to Akira Kurosawa's film "Rashomon" (a film I've never seen but read enough up on to know that this is definitely a send up to it), and in that regard it's a pret



In Which Batbrony Rants About The Terrible Idea That Is "The Lion King" Remake

So for those who haven't heard, Disney and Jon Favreau have confirmed that the latter has been pegged to direct a "live-action" (i.e. CGI) remake of their beloved 1994 classic, "The Lion King."     OK... I have some thoughts...     Sorry, needed to get that out of the way. Ahem, now that that's over, let me proceed to tell you all why this is a horrible, bad, terrible, no-good, rotten, dumb, asinine, and completely nonsensical idea. First, some background. For some years n



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E21 - Every Little Thing She Does"

OK, good morning everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." This week's episode was some classic MLP, a delightful combination of entertainment with a well-written story and a excellently executed lesson. It was also a nice return to form for Starlight Glimmer, as well as probably the most she's interacted with the entire group of Mane 6 this season. Without further ado, this is "Every Little Thing She Does."   So oddly enough, this episode was kind of a spiritual



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E20 - Viva Las Pegasus"

Hello everypony, I see you!   OK, good morning everypony and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! This should be a fairly short review today, but that doesn't mean there wasn't a lot to like here. Without further ado, let's get going, this is "Viva Las Pegasus"!!!   First and foremost, I would describe this episode as an exceptional experience episode. It didn't have a particularly deep message, if any at all, BUT it was just a whole lot of fun, and in that rega



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E19 - The Fault In Our Cutie Marks"

Good evening everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." First of all, I need to apologize for being so late on this one; I was busy last week travelling for a job interview, and this week just got away from me. That said, I'm very happy to be getting this written up now, because me oh my this was a DELIGHTFUL episode! Without further ado, let's begin.   So first things first, I don't think this was so much a Cutie Mark Crusaders episode as it was a Scootaloo episo



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E18 - Buckball Season"

Tired Apple pony is tired after sporting hard!   Good afternoon everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! First of all, apologies for being a bit late, but I have a good excuse this time; as many of you know, I'm sure, it's the first weekend of college football being in full swing across the country, and I was busy watching my Michigan Wolverines stomp the Hawaii Rainbow Warriors (apologies to any fans of Hawaii, though I promise you I am not making up that mas



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E17 - Dungeons and Discords"

We seriously need a sequel to this episode in which Celestia and Luna join the fun, that's the only way they could possibly top this one!   Alrighty, alrighty, alrighty, good afternoon everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! Sorry about being late to getting to this review, just been busy with some things since the episode. Thankfully, this morning's episode is not one which requires a massive review, namely because (1) it was so good, and (2) one need not t



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E16 - The Times They Are a Changeling"

Good afternoon ya'll, so sorry I didn't get this up earlier, been busy with the Ward Jenkins Q&A and some other Poniverse business. Anyways, welcome, welcome, welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews" and me oh my do we have a splendid episode to go over today!!! I really need to watch this episode again before I can determine whether or not I think it's the best of Season 6 so far, at least in my opinion, but I would say for sure that I definitely believe it to be the most exc



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E15 - 28 Pranks Later"

OK, good afternoon everypony, and welcome to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." Sorry for taking so long to get around to this review, just been preoccupied since the episode. This should be a pretty short review anyways overall, not a whole lot to say with this episode since, well, it was a pretty basic and simple episode. Without further ado, let's dive into "28 Pranks Later"!     Somepony, help me!!!   So let's get this out of the way, this is just an alright episode.



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E14 - The Cart Before the Ponies"

Alright, good afternoon everypony, apologies for taking some time to get around to this review. This morning we got what I would call an average episode with an exceptional ending, at least by Season 6 standards. That's not to say I didn't enjoy "The Cart Before the Ponies," but it hit beats that were very predictable in many regards, as we'll see. Without further ado, let's begin, this is "The Cart Before the Ponies."   So this episode's biggest problem really comes down to the type of sto



Batbrony Reviews "Suicide Squad"

Let's state this off first and foremost: I DON'T CARE IF YOU LIKE OR DISLIKE THIS FILM! Like what you like, dislike what you dislike, it doesn't matter to me as everyone has their own tastes. That's not to say that things aren't objectively good or bad, but you're not a worse person even if you like something like some of Adam Sandler's worst fare. I might think you have poor taste, but it won't judge what I think of you as a person. So yeah, this is a no-flame war zone.   So that out of the w



Batbrony Reviews "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" - Ultimate Edition

OK, so finally saw Batman v Superman's Ultimate Edition last night, and unsurprisingly, it vastly improved the film. There were things I couldn't even believe they cut, like a whole bevvy of scenes and clips which fleshed out and explained Lex's plan and motivations so much better (the one that really shocked me was about 30 seconds of dialogue he speaks right before letting loose Doomsday which made it ABUNDANTLY clear that killing Superman first and foremost was always his goal), or little sce



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E13 - Stranger Than Fan Fiction"

OK, good afternoon everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! Well, well, well, did we get a treat this morning to kick off the second half of Season 6, or what??? Oh my goodness, "Stranger Than Fan Fiction." It's been awhile since the show had a love letter to the fans, but man oh man, when they do a love letter they bucking hit it out of the PARK! Let's dive into a real treat folks, without further ado, this is "Stranger Than Fan Fiction."     Being nerdy



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