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The Batbrony's Thoughts And Musings When He's Not Fighting Crime

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Batbrony Update: So I Have an OC and Twitter Now

Good evening everypony, Batbrony here with some minor updates on, well, me. First of all, in some unusual news for me for those of you who know me, I actually have an actual ponysona OC now. Everypony, meet Silver Lining!     As you can see, this little cutie is a thestral (more commonly known as a bat pony, but I prefer the former name myself for their species). He's very friendly, outgoing, and well-read, and his special talent is writing stories, particularly ones related to subj



Batbrony Baltimore Batventures at BronyCon: Part 1

On Monday, when I got on the highway in Grand Rapids after two early morning flights, I balled my eyes out for about 30 minutes straight. I mean it, I was crying like crazy and just could not stop. These were not bad tears, though, no, no, far from it. These were some of the best tears I've had in a long time. My tears came from one place and one place only: the sheer shock I felt and still feel at how very much BronyCon 2016 met and far exceeded my expectations in oh so many ways.   I cannot



BronyCon 2016 and Real Life Update

Good morning everypony! This blog post isn't very much show related, but every once in awhile I like to fill people in on real life stuff going on with me. Certainly got a big one for ya'll this morning. About a week and a half ago, I had the distinct pleasure of graduating from Western Michigan University's graduate school after two years of studying there with a Master's in Public History secured!     Technically don't have the ACTUAL degree yet since no one gives real degrees a



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E12 - Spice Up Your Life"

Ponies + Indian Food = This     Now that that's out of the way, good morning everypony, and welcome to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews," our last for a while I'm afraid given that the Season 6 hiatus is upon us. Thankfully, I am glad to say that today's episode was most delightful indeed, even if it wasn't perfect. A nice return to the Friendship Map formula of last season with a fun pair of ponies we've already seen once this season, let's dive into "Spice Up Your Life."



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E11 - Flutter Brutter"

Hey! Hey! Listen! Hey! Hey! Watch out, watch out, watch out! Listen! Listen! Listen! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! He- SHUT UP, NAVI, I'M GETTING TO THE REVIEW, OK!!!   Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, welcome back everypony to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! We had ourselves a nice one today, very nice indeed; Fluttershy's first starring role since the start of the season, and my oh my was it a nice one indeed. "Flutter Brutter" has the distinction of being a very commendable episode despite having



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E10 - Applejack's "Day" Off"

Alrighty, good morning everypony, and welcome to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews". This was a pretty darn good episode we had today, though I did go so far as to vote that I loved it. I did so because I thought that the lesson itself and the way it was delivered earned that, even if the rest of the episode was just perfectly fine and nothing amazing. Without further ado, let's get into "Applejack's "Day" Off".     Sadly, contrary to what this pic suggests, there was no appleb



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E09 - The Saddle Row Review"

Shoosh Rarity, your episode already debuted   Good evening, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! My apologies for being so late in getting my review out, but I have a good excuse; I spent about 4 hours total driving yesterday so I could spend time with my family celebrating my mom's, grandpa's, and grandma's birthdays in Frankenmuth, MI, otherwise known as Little Bavaria, seeing as all of their birthdays are in May. I had some great food and a great time



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E08 - A Hearth's Warming Tale"

OK, sorry I'm a bit late to the party everypony, I just needed to absorb and process how amazing that episode was. Welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews". Today's episode is what I would describe as quintessential MLP; something that captured everything we love about the show to begin with while also doing something new (surprisingly considering this holiday, and the story they recycled, are both very well-established). It also highlighted what I love about Starlight's addition



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E7 - Newbie Dash"

Good afternoon, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." What's that I smell? A controversial, polarizing episode you say? Well now, this should be fun! Yes, Rainbow Dash has finally joined the Wonderbolts, and as I very much expected, this is going to be a polarizing episode that people either love or hate, so without further ado, let's dive into "Newbie Dash"!   First off, let's get the controversial aspects out of the way. I would describe this episode (as



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E6 - No Second Prances"

Good afternoon, everypony! My apologies for being late once again with a review, but once again I was indisposed on Saturday as I was away in Bay City, MI, judging for Michigan State History Day (which honestly was more exhausting than it was fun, if I'm being totally honest). But I got around to seeing the new episode twice now, and I have to say that I loved it. No Second Prances (aside from having a horrible pun in the episode title) was a very nice opportunity for the writers to give some



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E5 - Gauntlet of Fire"

Good morning, everypony, and welcome to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! First of all, I want to apologize for taking so long to get around to this review; last week was a nightmare as far as school work was concerned, and I had two honking big papers to finish up. Thankfully, that's all done, so that out of the way I now bring you my thoughts on "Gauntlet of Fire."   And... well, this might just be my favorite Spike episode ever. It appears the DHX folks have resoundingly learned fro



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E4 - On Your Marks"

Good morning, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." Well, well, well, that was a delightful episode,wasn't it? A very lovely introduction to the CMC this season, as well as a smashing follow up to their grand finale last season culminating in their getting their cutie marks. Without further ado, let's dive into things, this is "On Your Marks."   So I think the best way to review this particular episode is to first and foremost highlight its pacing, structure,



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E3 - The Gift of the Maud Pie"

Welcome back everypony to another edition of Batbrony Reviews. OK, third episode of Season 6 with a new team of writers. How did I think this turned out? Well, all in all pretty good, I'd say. This was hardly my favorite third episode of a season ever (and yes, I do categorize those because I think they play an important part in setting a tone for a season), but it wasn't awful, that's for sure. Without further ado, let's take a look at "The Gift of the Maud Pie"!     Seems legi



Batmare Begins: Three New Chapters This Past Weekend

Figured I'd publish a blog about this because why not. This past weekend I uploaded three new chapters for my ongoing fanfic, Batmare Begins. If you like fanfiction, or Batman, or Derpy Hooves, or a combination of all of them, and haven't looked at this yet, I'm always happy to get new readers. Hope everyone has a nice Monday!   Batmare Begins  



Batbrony Reviews "S06:E1+2 - The Crystalling"

Well, that wasn't long now was it? I already commented about this, but man, that was a short hiatus by MLP standards! They must've started work on S6 while they were still finishing up S5, cause it's only been about 4 months since we had new pony. Shortest hiatus ever, that's for sure.   Anyways, welcome, welcome, welcome back everypony to another edition of Batbrony Reviews! Today we'll be looking at the Season 6 premiere, and thankfully, while there's plenty to talk about, it's not what



Batmare Begins Update: Triple-Decker-Update Goodness is Coming!

Hey everyone, guess what?               That's right! After a Batmare Begins drought that's lasted since I last update (to my shame) in August, Batmare Begins is finally getting an update! And it's not just any update. It's... a Triple-Bat-Decker-Sized Update!!! Next week, in celebration of both Holy Week, Season 6 of MLP, and the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, I will be releasing on Fimfiction on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday three new



Personal Life Update: I'm Sorry

First off, don't worry, this is NOT a cancellation of Batmare Begins and I am NOT leaving MLP Forums or anything like that. I have every intention of getting back to my fic as soon as I possibly can (which will hopefully be sometime this week) and remaining an active member here. But I need to be open and honest with you right now, since I owe you an update given how patient you've all been.   Well, no easy way of saying this, so let me just be frank: I've bucked up. In a lot of areas of my



Batbrony Reviews "S05:E25+26 - The Cutie Re-Mark"

Oh me oh my, how time has flown by. First of all, I want to apologize everypony for taking so long to getting around to my Season 5 Finale and overall season review. Circumstances just wouldn't allow me to get around to it sooner, the season simply ended at a very inconvenient and busy time of the year for me as far as graduate school responsibilities are concerned. However, now that school is pretty much wrapped up for the semester, I have managed to set aside some time to both rewatch the seas



Batbrony Reviews "S05:E24 - The Mane Attraction"

Alright, alright, alright, good morning everypony, and welcome once again to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! Second to last "Batbrony Reviews" of Season 5 right here ya'll, and my oh my was this a memorable episode. "The Mane Attraction," first teased at SDCC this past summer, is an episode that pretty much all of bronydom has been looking forward to since then, and for very good reason. The last episode written by Amy Keating Rogers before she left working on the show, this episode deliv



Batbrony Reviews "S05:E23 - The Hooffields and McColts"

OK, sorry I'm late everypony, just been a bit of a crazy day so far. Welcome back everypony to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews!" Today we've got the last (presumably) cutie map episode of the season, and it certainly did not disappoint. I'll try to keep this short, but without further ado, this is "The Hooffields and McColts"!   So first of all, I'm usually not one for puns, but this episode's title is delightfully pun-a-licious. A hilarious ponified play on the Hatfields and McCoys, the



Pray For Paris

To our French brothers and sisters:   Notre Père, qui es aux cieux, que ton nom soit sanctifié, que ton règne vienne, que ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel. Donne-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien, et pardonne-nous nos offenses comme nous pardonnons à ceux qui nous ont offensés, et ne nous soumets pas à la tentation, mais délivre-nous du mal, car le ton est le règne, la puissance et la gloire pour toujours et à jamais, Amen.   And for our brothers and sisters worldwide:  



Batbrony Reviews "S05:E22 - What About Discord?"

Good morning everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." Well, honestly, should have a very short review for you all this morning, mostly because I just don't have a lot to say at all about this episode. It wasn't bad or anything, just... OK, in my opinion, and not a particularly memorable episode. Without further ado, let's jump into "What About Discord."   So the best thing I can say about this episode is that it has a really solid message, and I like that aspect of



Batbrony Reviews "S05:E21 - Scaremaster"

Hello everypony, and welcome to a super special spoooooooookkkkyyyyyy edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! First of all, a Happy Halloween and Nightmare Night to you all (and to any of my fellow Lutherans out there, Happy Reformation Day as well! ). That out of the way, let's dive into Episode 21 of Season 5, "Scaremaster"!   Overall, I don't have a lot to say about this one. Not cause it wasn't fun or didn't have a good message, oh no, I liked it on both of those counts, but I suppose it wasn't qui



Batbrony Reviews "S05:E20 - Hearthbreakers"

Good afternoon, everypony, sorry I'm late! I'll try to keep this review short seeing as I have some errands and work I have to take care of, but boy oh boy do we have a lot to cover! Let's not waste anymore time and dive right in, this is "Hearthbreakers"!   So what can't I say about this episode? Because seriously, there's a lot to say. We had a successor episode to both "Hearth's Warming Eve" and "Pinkie Apple Pie," we had the Apples spending the holidays with the Pies, we got to see the Pie



Batbrony Reviews "S05:E19 - The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows"

Alright, good morning everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews!" Got a pretty short review for ya'll this morning since, despite the major plot development, there really wasn't a whole lot to say about this episode beyond Pinkie's antics. That said, let's begin, this is "The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows."   So let's get the big, elephant-in-the-room plot development out of the way first: Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are having a BABY!!!!! ZOMG GUYS!!!  



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