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ER - Episode Repair: Amending "Amending Fences"

So, you're probably aware by now that I didn't find Amending Fences quite the magnum opus that many other fans did. Nor did I find much to enjoy in the character of Moon Dancer (Moondancer?), whose emotional struggles strongly resonated with many bronies. Nor Minuette, for that matter, but in her case, it's more a matter of personal taste. I don't like people (or ponies) who giggle incessantly; that sort of thing annoys me. "C'mon, let's fly! *giggle* Get it?" No, Minuette, because that is

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 5

Episode 103. “Amending Fences”: It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want to...

Twilight Sparkle! You old so-and-so! What are you doing here?! - Minuette Summary After Spike comments that Twilight was a bad friend before coming to Ponyville, she decides to make a trip back to Canterlot to find her old “friends” so that she can apologize to and reconnect with them. The two revisit Twilight’s old quarters, to “start at the beginning”. Apparently, it’s a very good place to start… I will give the writer a point here, for making a clever simile about how Twilig

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 5

Episode 101. “Princess Spike”: Twilight Snoozes, Spike Loses

I had good intentions! Honest! Until I… didn’t, any more… – Spike Twilight's hittin' the hay books. Summary Twilight has been making arrangements for an Equestria-wide Conference, to the point where she is asleep on her feet. Princess Cadance charges Spike with seeing that she gets some uninterrupted rest before the conference proper starts. Spike tries his best to keep the environs quiet: moving a noisy polo game elsewhere, convincing a gardener to stop trimming some top heavy Drag

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 5

Episode 100. “Slice of Life”: The First Cut is the Derpiest

… – Vinyl Scratch Summary Cranky Doodle Donkey and his love Matilda are set to get married on the morrow, when the aptly named one mentions that everypony is asking him if he is nervous about getting married… today! Realizing that the invitations are for the wrong date, the asinine pair (no, that’s not an insult, that’s literally the latin term meaning “donkey”) rush to finalize the preparations a full day early. Hijinks ensue. Memes ascend. The wedding eventually goes off without a hitch

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 5

Episode 99. “The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone”: Pride in Bits and Pieces

None of us care about that dumb old idol. Don't you get it? We don't care about anything, and that's the way we like it! – Gilda Synopsis Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are sent by The Map to the capital city of the griffon kingdom, Griffonstone. Twilight’s history books say it was a great city, united many years in the past by King Grover, using an artifact called the Idol of Boreas. When they arrive, however, the two find that the current reality is much different. The place is falling apa

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 5

Episode 96. “Tanks for the Memories”: A Mad Dash Episode

Who said anything about anger?! I didn't say anything about anger! I'm not upset! And I am not angry! Do I look angry?! – Rainbow Dash   Summary As the time comes to unwrap winter in Ponyville, with the help of the Pegasus ponies from Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash finds that her pet Tank is acting even more sedately than usual. Hearing from Fluttershy that he is gearing down for hibernation, Rainbow Dash is unable to accept that she needs to say goodbye to him until spring. When

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 5

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