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Colon Leftbracket's Reviews

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Video Game Critique: Pokemon Black and White 2

Alright so I'm just about done with my Pokemon Black 2 playthrough and I figured I'd drop by and tell you what I think of it.   Well if you know me I am by far not one of those Gen 1 fanboys. I never quite got them and why they hold these older generations of Pokemon in such high regard. I guess its a nostalgia thing. I always hear that each new generation is exactly the same as the last, but worse in some way whether its the legendaries or design of each new Pokemon. I hear a lot that the new

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Unique Critique: Pre-E3 VIDEO SPECIAL

Unique Critique has its first VIDEO SPECIAL!!!!!! I figured this would be a bit more special then my usual walls of text! yeah... my laptop has a pretty shitty Webcam, but the audio is decent. Let me know what you think, expect the E3 follow up Unique Critiques to be done in a similar fashion,

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Unique Critique: MASSIVE CHALICE! Kickstarter

So the other day I was on Twitter and suddenly I noticed Tim Schafer say they had something exciting to announce soon... Now if you don't know me, I freakin' ADORE Tim Schafer and I LOVE Double Fine, so things like this get me REALLY hyped up!   Needless to say a few hours pass and I see this...     Yep, you heard right! Double Fine launched their second Kickstarter project and it is called MASSIVE CHALICE!   http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/doublefine/double-fines-massive-chalice

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Unique Critique: Console Conundrum!

MAN! Have I been busy lately! Anyway Unique Critique is back and here to critique things... uniquely in some sort of way... I guess.   So how about them console launches lately! WOW!   Basically if you exist on the internet you've probably heard of the big new video game consoles that have been gather quite the buzz recently. Most of what I see is confusion, and perhaps a lot of the fog will be lifted when E3 comes around.   Though a video game console is a HUGE investment. There's the cos

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TV Show Review: Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles premiere

So one of the dumbest ideas for a TV Show ever is in fact Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Oh no don't get me wrong, its among my favorite cartoons of all time, but just breakdown that title. Teenage, Mutant, Ninja, Turtles... If anything came out like that in these days we'd just label it as trying way too hard to be random. Yet its is so perfectly stupid that it has launched one of the best TV Show franchises of all time. It worked so well that it made a full cartoon, a series of live action movi

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Today I Actually Pre-Ordered A Game *Shocker*

So today I did something that seems pretty common place for most people, but only happens once in a blue moon for me, and that is Pre-Ordering a game. Usually I wait for a week or so to see a few reiviews from trusted critics or play a friend's copy. Actually I hardly even buy big $60 games. I think the last time I bought a $60 full price new release game was... Duke Nukem Forever? Wow did I make mistake there. The one time waiting a few weeks would've saved me a ton and I decide to forgo that

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The Hype List: 2013's Top 13 Anticipated Videogames

THE HYPE LIST 2013's Top 13   So lately I've been doing a lot of looking backward which has made me feel like the old man who often complains that "they didn't make these like they did back in my day!" And well, I'm 18 and I shouldn't be acting like an old man. I should be looking forward to our future with youth and optimism.   And with video games we may have a good year a head of us. Yes, I've been looking back at my "Dolphin Days" nostalgia for a while now, but I shouldn't soon forget t

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The End of the Rental Era

Ah yes, I remember the days when you wanted to watch a movie and perhaps you did not own said movie. Well before Netflix neatly streamed thousands of flicks on to your television screen and you did not feel like paying full price for a movie you had to drive out to your local movie rental shop.   Within the last few years I've been tossed around to at least 3 different shops, each one having to close up shop to make way for the digital revolution. I guess its just typical of an ever changing m

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Surviving the Horror Trend

So rewind to about a year ago and try to think of the horror genre of video games. Now tell me what were some of the popular "horror" games.   You could say things like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dead Space, Dead Island, F.E.A.R., etc. These were the most popular mainstream horror games of the past few years.   Then comes along a daring indie title you may know as Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Amnesia was known to be one of the scariest video games ever made, so scary that it became popular j

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Studio Ghibli Marathon: Part 1, "Romantic Depression"

So like many people I am a HUGE fan of a Japanese animation studio named Studio Ghibli! Studio Ghibli is best known for their movies such as My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away   Though for the longest time I haven't seen a large chunk of the Studio Ghibli library, so I'm correcting that today by watching a bunch of Ghibli animations that I haven't watched!   I figured since I'm doing this I might as well take a break to write a few mini-reviews on the movies, spoiler free of course!   --

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Singleplayer: "Sandbox" vs "Theme Park" vs "Tour"

I don't truly count myself as an expert on game design, but I sure like acting like one. But one thing I've noticed as of late that in most modern 3D games there tend to be design trends. For the most part most 3D games have layouts that can be classified under 3 basic groups which I call "Sandbox", "Theme Park", and "Tour".   One of my personal favorites are the "Sandbox" layout games. Sandbox layout is classified as a game that drops you into a big open area, gives you a few toys to start o

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Silent Protagonist

Okay answer this question, "Is there such thing as a good silent protagonist?"   I often wonder this question, because to me a silent protagonist can pretty much be a story killer. By silent protagonist I refer to a main character who expresses no words and no emotion throughout the whole story. This sounds like something that should be unheard of, but in the world of videogames it happens much more than you think!   Now in older 16-Bit era games this is common because with the technology it

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Playstation 2: The Best Console?

This weekend I've been putting a lot of thought into if I were to award a Best Console with an unbiased opinion what would it be. The smart ass answer is the PC, but I'd eliminate that from the Video Game Console race.   Truly it comes down to a select few consoles; Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and the Playstation 2. It seems pretty fair to judge all these as finalist in my mental award show. All of these have some rather impressive libraries with some all time g

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News Critique: Nintendo Direct 2.14.2013 "The (Y)ear of Luigi"

Of course you can just watch it for yourself!       2013 is the (Y)ear of Luigi! And man does Luigi deserve some love! He's been pushed in the background for so long and rarely gets the limelight. He's the Understudy to the prolific Mario!   So of course the first big celebration in the Year of Luigi is the release of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon on 3DS coming next month. Man am I HYPED for this game! It's been years since I've played the original that launched the GameCube (one of my favor

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New Critic Blog: Unique Critique

So lately I've felt like becoming a bit of a critic again. Being a critic has been a bit of a hobby in mind that I wanted to try since I am good at complaining making a critical analysis on certain forms of media such as movies, tv shows, and video games.   Actually, the whole reason I became a Brony was because I wanted to do MLPFIM as my first review in hindsight of the rising Brony fandom. Though I took that seriously to the point that I wasn't just going to watch the show, I'd take a deep

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My Thoughts On the WiiU

So the WiiU seems to be coming out soon and man time flies. I remember when I was still calling it next gen, it feels like just yesterday. Anyway the WiiU seems to have an interesting library of upcoming games, though no big hitters for me outside of Pikmin 3.   Though Pikmin being one of the big early titles really has me thinking, thinking back to the Nintendo GameCube. Now if you don't know I love that adorable little indigo box (yes I did not buy black because I was a little hipster shit

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Movie Review: The Expendables 2 "Badass Nostalgia: The Movie: The Sequel"

So what happens when Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, and Randy Couture walk into a bar? Now what happens when it explodes?!   You could say the world loses some of its badass men, but I think they just shake it off and make a movie! And then comes The Expendables! Its pretty much as badass as an action film can get! We have the great old timers and then some! My guess is someone looking for ideas for a good movie thought, "Hey let's just take all these

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LA Game Space

So a while back I was told about a fresh new interesting Kickstarter called the LA Game Space. I wasn't quite sure exactly what it was, so I had to take a look into it. And what I saw looks FANTASTIC!   http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lagamespace/la-game-space-a-place-for-re-imagining-video-games   Essentially the Kickstarter for LA Game Space is to help fund a huge video gaming project. Its a place, in LA of course, where developers of various Indie Games can come together and talk abo

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Know Your Developer

You know what really gets on my nerves? People who can't get their developers right!   Recently I had a discussion with my friends about the THQ Bundle that just went on recently, and I chose to opt out of. I didn't want to help the cause not just on principle or my opinion on the company, but mostly because I didn't care for the games they were selling. Darksiders, Company of Heroes, Red Faction: Armageddon and Saints Row The Third (if you beat the average). On paper this sounds like a good d

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I Just Bought A 3DS

So... I'm a bit late to the party...   But yeah just last weekend I purchased a 3DS (a standard Purple, I should get a Twilight Sparkle sticker for it, its so cute!)! I bought one because surprisingly the 3DS seems like the best worth while investment in any current or future console (Wii U needs a better package, more memory space would be preferable).   So far I really haven't done much with it... I didn't have enough cash to buy any games sadly. Though I'll probably be buying the new Fir

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Hype List: Top 13 Most Anticipated 3DS Games

So like I've said earlier I've made the worthwhile investment of purchasing a 3DS. But unfortunately I haven't gotten any games yet for the things, so I'm pretty game hungry right now. Since I'm starting at square one this Hype List will include 13 games I'm anticipating from the ENTIRE 3DS library, past, present, and future! Any and all games are eligible to win, but only 13 will make my Hype List.   (NOTE: This is a list based purely on personal taste. I'm not picking the "best", just the o

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GOTY Speculation: The Assassin vs The Super Soldier

Alright so the November releases are coming upon us and usually this is a rather great time to be a huge fan of video games. November tends to be the BIG MONTH for HUGE RELEASES to come in before the holidays.   The biggest of upcoming releases as far as console games go are; Assassin's Creed III, Halo 4, and Call of Duty Black Ops 2 (haha, I don't much care for that last one)   Both games seem to be head to head in competition for which one I want to choose as my favorite of the year. Unfor

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Game Design Musing: Torrent

So here's a game design idea that is actually based off of a dream I had not too long ago.   Basically in the dream I woke up to discover that there was a MASSIVE flood and everything for miles or perhaps the entire world was nearly submerged in water. However I survived the flood because it didn't reach my bed room. I had to adapt to this new world by making a raft and explore the New World Ocean, searching for supplies, looking for survivors, keeping a careful eye out for raiders, looking fo

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Game Design Musing: Junkyard Punk

So with this whole Amnesia Fortnight thing going on at Double Fine, I've felt pretty inspired to muse over game design ideas myself. The developers at Double Fine came up with quite a few neat game design pitches, some were of course better than others. But watching this whole experience has been really inspiring! It brings me back to the days that I looked at games less cynically and I often liked to imagine how I'd make my own!   I guess in the spirit of Amnesia Fortnight I've came up with m

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First Impressions?: Paper Mario Sticker Star (3DS)

Now I can't quite call this an official review because well... I haven't personally played the title in question, which it sounds like a RIDICULOUS notion to review a game before you play it, but I still feel like writing my thoughts on the game anyway. I have played the other 3 Paper Mario titles and I have watched the beginnings of a Let's Play of the title in question. This alone I feel is enough for me to make an educated criticism of the game even without physically playing it myself. I l

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