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Rambling, Gaming, combine the two, you've got gambling.

Entries in this blog

Kyoshi's Movie & TV Checklist

Now here's something I've been wanting to do for...I'd say at least 257 years or so? I've made posts about my Microsoft Movies & TV collection before, a collection that I looove. Here I wanted to list all that I have and if I have watched them or not. I may also add ratings at some point.  Movies and shows will be in their own category and I will be using symbols to denote status: Movies and shows I have watched to completion ✅, Movies and shows I have started but abandoned ❌, Shows in

My Top 10 Favorite Songs Ever

I consider music to be one of my lifebloods. Something I essentially cannot live without. It creates inspiration, passion and sheer joy, among other emotions. Simply put, music is good stuff. I've listened to a lot of music in my life across so many different genres and I've often thought about what I would consider my favorite songs of all time. I'm gonna try to decide that fully here. Of course it can be an ever changing subject, but there are some songs that are rather definitive in my mind.

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf in Stuff

Celebrity worship culture is a necrotic poison

Oh what a time to be alive. What a world we live in that has so much to experience, even the most simple of joys can be wonderful and that's what I focus on most, probably because I am a total failure in life with zero value so the simple joys are all I've got, but I digress. With so much to love and be passionate about, surely most people, especially in the good ol USA, would be focusing mostly on those good things, despite the shit going on in the world.  Instead, the thing I always am re

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf in Stuff

Self-Acceptance 3: Who eats pizza above the sea?

Heyoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Check it! I finally got a third commission! Well, actually I got this one over a month ago, but I wasn't able to pay the artist until today, so I did not touch the art until I had done so. As the title gives away, this is another Self Acceptance art piece, as I call it. Now part of a trilogy! Of course if you don't know what this is about, do check out the first two as well! They are pretty cool.   Behold the stuff! This time, this artist went wit

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf in Kyoshi Art

Self-Acceptance 2: The Padded Pone in Black and Blue

Yooooooooooooooooooooo peeps. Many might remember that I got a commission last year that was very important to me, I called it Self-Acceptance. If you haven't seen it, check it out HERE. Not only is the art fantastic but that blog will provide context for this new one. That's right! For only 19.99, you too can...uhhh...wait is this a sales pitch? I don't remember now. Uh. OH YEAH. I have been saying I was getting a new commission, possibly a few. Well, one of them came through and while it

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf in Kyoshi Art

I will never leave

This has been a rough year for many of us. The pandemic, the political discourse, people are tense and often at each other's throat. I too have felt this a lot. There's many things that are bothering me to no end right now. All of this is making people here on edge and some are leaving because of it. I personally don't think this whole thing is worth leaving over. The whole world is basically in a distraught state so this is simply a case of the wind blowing in a certain direction. It isn't good

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

New Kyoshi Commission! (Self-Acceptance)

Baboom. The new commission that I have been hinting at is now complete. The artist did an amazing job, completely nailing the kind of vibe I was going for, a vibe that is happy and playful, something that some of my past Kyoshi pieces of art haven't embraced. I don't know if they want me to mention them by name or linking to them, they didn't mention that so I will not do so right now, but I am very grateful for people like them. They allow someone like me to have this kind of expression through

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Why I won't be watching season 9

As some may know, I have decided that I am not going to watch the last season of Friendship is Magic. Was giving it a think last night and I wanted to make it clear as to why I have made this choice. Obviously, watching a show that I love and has had such a huge impact on me come to an end isn't exactly the most uplifting of things. The way Hasbro has been pushing this fact has also been a troubling thing, pushing so hard that this is the final season even though we already know this. The initia

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Review

Let me get this out of the way right now. Sekiro Shadows Die Twice is a colossal disappointment. The newest game from a developer I like a lot, From Software, makers of Dark Souls and they have made probably their most piss-poor effort since Dark Souls 2. I haven't finished the game yet, but I have certainly played enough to have a firm judgement on the game. What do I like? The pure combat itself, I do at least like that. It is fast, visceral as hell and when you are flowing it together, i

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

I made a video about Apex Legends and EA

Yeah, this is a bit sudden, but this is a thing I have been wanting to do for ages and this subject is perfect for it. I made this video talking about how I think Apex Legends is a clear sign of gamer hypocrisy. What do you all think? How did I do? I would love to continue doing this because I am quite passionate about gaming.  

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

'Battle Royale' is a disease on gaming

Was recently having a sort of 'conversation' that become more of a rant with someone. About the sad state of gaming and how Battle Royale is contributing to this Gaming Great Depression. I'll try to just abridge what I said in that discussion here: With the recent release of Apex Legends by Respawn, I love how much everyone is already worshipping the game like a god. If you dare criticize the game for being yet another unoriginal and soulless battle royale game, you get flamed like crazy. I

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

So I just finished World of Light....

And after completing it, which took me around 16 hours, I can safely say this; World of Light is one of the most pathetic, repetitive, unfun, unfair, worthless, padded out, masturbatory modes I have EVER played. THIS is how to you do EVERYTHING wrong in a so called 'adventure mode'. Where the hell to do I even begin with this shit? World of Light is a total joke. Whereas other fighting games are trying their best these days to have engaging stories connected by fights, this mode tries to ha

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Smash Bros. Ultimate: A Bitter Disappointment

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, simply put, is nowhere near as good as everyone is raving about. While this game does have a lot of positive points and good amount of content, it has so many issues that pile on quickly and ruin a lot of the fun atmosphere this game is supposed to have. First and foremost are the horrendous spirits. This incredibly stupid addition replaces the trophies of past games and it is garbage. Rather than being about collecting things and it being fun in that sense, it is all

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Fame and Misfortune: A critique of a critique

I just watched a critique of Fame and Misfortune, an episode I hate. This is that video: This person didn't like the episode either, but instead of focusing on the episode's real problems like the terrible writing, bad characterizations, bringing up stuff that makes no sense, he mainly brought up and chastised the one thing the episode kinda has going for it, the message. The message of accepting yourself despite your flaws. He didn't like that at all. Opinions are opinions but..w

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf


So some of you may have seen the blog post I made recently. About Atari being greedy beyond comparison by crowdfunding a horrendous port of Rollercoaster Tycoon Touch, a terrible mobile game, for the Switch. If you have not seen that blog, check it out here first: https://mlpforums.com/blogs/entry/23099-rollercoaster-tycoon-on-switch-the-worst-thing-ever/ Thing is, IT ACTUALLY GETS WORSE! Somehow. On their StartEngine campaign page, Atari recently updated it with a new 'Q&A' to answer p

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rollercoaster Tycoon on Switch: The Worst Thing EVER

Atari has apparently been on a mission to murder the beloved Rollercoaster Tycoon franchise, one of my all time favorite games EVER. They pretty much were successful with the crowdfunded disaster of Rollercoaster Tycoon World and then proceeded to put a few more bullets into the series with Rollercoaster Tycoon 4 Mobile, a horrendous mobile pile of trash. Well, Atari is back at it again. They have come back to now parade the corpse of RCT around like some puppet in a horrific nightmare fun-

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi's Worst Game of 2017

2017, what a year. Gaming was big, really big. New Nintendo console, amazing games, some corporate craziness that pizza'd off the gaming world...Which reminds me, I might be starting a new split up blog post purchase service, Blog Boxes. Sounds like a good idea no? Anywho, bad games. Those happened like they do every year. Games like Road Rage and Hello Neighbor were apparently really trashMcnasty, but I didn't play those. I actually didn't play a whole lot of bad games this year, not many

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

We shouldn't compare Xbox/PS to PC or Switch to Xbox/PS

Doom has recently been released for the Nintendo Switch. Reading reviews of the game, it seems to be hitting good notes overall, but there are some criticisms. Seeing these criticisms, and some of the limitations of the Switch made me think of something. Gamers these days love to compare their gaming preferences to each other, battling for some kind of superiority. That is human nature, really. We love to compete. It sadly takes a tone of negativity among gamers, it goes too far. People for year

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Xbox One X Initial Impressions

I will say this right off the Flutterbat, the Xbox One X being smaller than S is very impressive. This definitely shows with how heavy the system is, which it is surprisingly somewhat heavy. Seems a lot was put into such a small unit to make it work and it seems to work wonders. From what I have seen thus far, the X is an impressive machine. Forza 7, a flagship title for the X, runs at a beautiful native 4K and 60fps, but another thing impressed me was the rearview mirrors. On the other sys

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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