November 11th 2018 was the last time I've visited this site. A lot sure has happened since then. My 24th birthday, I graduated with my Associates and currently pursuing my Bachelors, and the unfortunate end of Friendship is Magic (I'll make a separate post about how I feel about that). Can't say if my activity here will be what it was when I first joined, or will I be gone for pretty much another year, but I can only say that I'll be around.
Yeah, after about six months, I'm back. The reason why I left this place probably still exists, but I'm going to stop it there instead of reopening that can of worms.
So, why am I back? I seriously have no idea. At the time I left, I felt like I got everything out of this site, but yet here I am. What good is there for me coming back, even with me completely losing interest in everything related to the show (maybe that could change)? It could be just me reminiscing on my early Brony
Well today marks my fourth year here. The first two years were exciting, the last two, not so much. Not only have I become busy from school and other endeavors, I just grew bored of this place mainly because it feels like I get ignored here, which I already get enough of that from my family at home. It's not that I no longer love the show (I still do), but when your sense of escape no longer works, what are you supposed to do? I mean, I've been inactive for awhile already, so maybe I'll keep it
The NES we have, wherever it may be, should still work. Can't say the same for the SNES. It definitely has seen better days. It'd probably still work if it wasn't missing the little pin that was in where the AC adapter would go. This would be my justification of getting the SNES mini if and when it comes out.
Ever since I got lost in a maze, I never liked them. I'm also not a fan of confined areas.
So here I am playing Breath of the Wild and there is an Island that is a huge Labyrinth. The walls are massive (I'd say the size of a 10 story building), which is impossible to climb out of with low stamina. Running through the corridors started to build up an anxiety in me, which possibly could have resulted in a panic attack, which is a rare occasion for me. Because of that, I cheated by cli
Can you please tell me what is wrong with this.
It didn't come out the way I typed it in notepad, but whenever I try to compile it with Command Prompt, there is an error for every J in JOptionpane in each string, with the error message: Cannot find symbol. This is for my class, and it needs to be submitted by March 6th, so any help would be appreciated.
At least 13 years ago, when I was in Elementary, I used to write a ton of poems. I had this notebook that I wrote them in, but when I hit 6th grade, I stopped, pretty much because I lost the notebook. Now in present times, I would like to get back into poetry, and this one thought has been running through my head since 2015, but I never delivered, until now. I believe it's still a work in progress (it could be final), but it's a poem I wrote about myself. It doesn't have a name, but if I had to
17 year old me was introduced to a show at the end of 2012. I watched the show, but never said I liked it. It wasn't until this day in 2013 that I gave in and accepted that I liked it and called myself a Brony. That show is obviously My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I joined during the times of Twilicorn (two weeks before the Season 3 finale to be exact), which nearly everyone hated. At the time, I was only on Episode 23 of Season 1, the episode that made up my mind, so I had a lot of watchi
(First blog of 2017, and I think it's starting out on a high note. I'm also sorry that this is late because I went to this event on Friday.)
I was one of the first to experience the Switch at a private preview tour in New York, and my experience with it was amazing. It's not that heavy in Handheld Mode. Not much of a fan of the Joycon Grip, hopefully it grows on me. I can see myself using the Joycons by themselves a lot. The Joycon horizontally was rather comfortable despite its size.
2016 was a year that's finally coming to a close. I started it off getting new dressers from Ikea, and now I'm here, getting ready to mark another one in the books where I failed miserably at some things. I believe I wrote a blog post about each event I will list, so they will be linked. I'll gladly start with the positives.
Now moving on to the negatives
So those were the major events of my 2016. I'm not sure what would come out of my 2017,
For the longest, I've always wanted to make a gaming channel on Youtube. I did a little bit of Minecraft Pocket Edition in the past, but it just never fell through, mainly because of my lack of equipment. This idea has come true with my purchase of an Elgato Game Capture, and a higher quality microphone (anything is better than those RockBand mics.)
The name of the channel is AzureBlazeGaming. I've been recording videos in bulk since December, and have recently started uploading them
So I was in my room earlier today, and I was looking at my Yoshi Amiibo up on my shelf. I looked over to my bed which contained a slightly larger Yoshi plush. It was in that moment that I got an idea, so I got both of them together, and took a picture.
"Don't talk to me or my son ever again."
I seriously thought it was brilliant a few hours ago.
When you try to be a good student by showing up to class early, but the professor has not shown up yet, and it takes another student to point out that there is no class in the syllabus.
Wednesday morning, in a rush to get to my morning class the unexpected happened. For those who live in New York City, you know how terrible the transit system is (and my siblings all ridicule my father for working for them), from the service down to the turnstiles. The turnstiles, sure has caused me a ton of problems throughout the years, but this most recent time was the worst.
As I was swiping my unlimited CUNY Metro Card, the message "Just Used" came up in the reader, but I wasn't given e
This game takes place in 2016. There is a level in this game about terror attacks on France in 2016. France just suffered from a terror attack last week, plus one back in November 2015. There's also a mention of "Rising Tension in Europe," and there's a whole bunch of stuff going in with Turkey, and Great Britain leaving the EU. This may sound silly, but are we living the events in this game?
So Rick and Morty.
I refused to watch this show for a long time, saying that it didn't look appealing to me of what I saw. But that kinda changed when an episode came on Sunday night. I was seconds away from changing the channel, but I said "what the hell, let's give it a chance," meaning that I've never seen an episode before that point.
So one of the first things that caught my eye was the name Justin Roiland, who did voices for Adventure Time. That started things off on a good note fo
I respect his opinion, but the one thing that always get me is when people decide to bash something without trying it first. There have been reboots that were better than the original. Not just movies receive this hate from their trailers, but video games too, namely Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, or even Metroid: Federation Force. I dismissed Star Wars for a long time, until I actually sat down and watched the movies and fell in love with it (after the new one came out, while waiting for class
Back in early 2013, I had no way of the internet. The Blackberry phone I had was so beat up, that it was unusable. It wouldn't be until about the second week in January that I would receive a white iPod Touch 4th generation, that would make up for the one that was destroyed in October 2012 (around the same time I started watching MLP). I loved this thing so much, and I would end up getting an iPhone 4 a week later. After that, I got everything that would give me access to the internet: laptop, P
Ok. I have owned every single piece of hardware Nintendo has produced (except the Game Boy Micro, and Virtual Boy). I went three years without a Wii U, and I think it is about time that I got one, but in the coming months, we will probably start getting news (specifically at E3) about their new console: the NX. This thing will most likely be backwards compatible with the Wii U, with the possibility of dropping backward compatiblity with the Wii. I still have a Wii (that is compatible with Gamecu
As some of you may know, Nintendo announced in their Nintendo Direct a few days ago that they will be releasing Super Nintendo games on the 3DS. One of the main problems people have with this is the fact that it is only for the New 3DS. While I do have both a New 3DS XL, and normal 3DS XL, I find it a bit silly that the older models won't support those games. I was able to play Donkey Kong Country on my older 3DS with a slightly lower frame rate from homebrewing, so I don't see how they wouldn't
Ponycon 2016 here in Brooklyn, New York is now over. After being on an already emotional high from my graduation which was two days prior of the start, it was very hard to let this go.
I am here to tell you my experiences from the convention, but since I volunteered, I will talk about what I did as a crew member, including the things I did when I was allowed to leave my post.
Day 1: At the beg
All I can say is how much time has passed. I remember helping my dad clean off the cars from snow three years ago, and telling him that I wanted to get back inside so I could watch My Little Pony. It was a bit indirect, but he was one of the first that I told about me liking MLP.
I remember it well. It was the final episodes of season 3, and at that time, the whole Twilight becoming a Princess thing was still new to me.
I started watching the show around the beginning of season 3 which
Well there is something I will most likely never see again.
So after two and a half months, I find myself back on the forums. I'm not sure if I can really call it all that great though. Why do I say this? At the time I left back in October, I had a ton of stress built up, mainly from this site, and I felt that me leaving would be a stress reliever, and believe it or not, it worked. After I left I felt alot happier. What did I do though when I did leave? Nothing really. I joined World of Equ
It may say Facebook on the picture, but this applies for every social networking site out there, so MLP Forums is not exempt.
There is also another picture about how someone makes an elaborate post with a lot of heart put into it, (*cough* several times), only for it not to be recognized or acknowledged, while someone makes a simplistic post like "butts", and everybody is raving about how awesome of a post it is.
I only took one, but since I was laughing too hard, the picture came out blurry, which I now realize.