Star Versus the Forces of Evil
There are some cartoons that are a cut above the rest, and some are a whole narwhal blast above them. As you can tell, I believe that this cartoon is definitely spectacular and among the best of all time. Everything, the characters, the plot, and the humor, make the show a complete standout among many others. That's obviously in a good way.
Characters: The characters of the show are something else entirely. It’s difficult to find a ch
So, since the forums went down, I decided to compile a list of cartoons and anime that I feel like I need to watch. I felt like I've been missing out on good cartoons for the past or 8 years, and have a faded memory of the classics. Here are some of the inclusions:
Star VS the Forces of Evil- I've actually began watching it. I really like it so far. It reminds me of earlier episodes of Adventure Time, with a little bit of Regular Show and anime-esque animation and themes thrown into the m
Specifically, my gender identity. Now, on my profile currently it says that I am a transgender and I have said that before. Though I had this weird nagging feeling that putting it that way... well... isn't 100% accurate. I think it warrants an explanation (although this is pretty vague).
It happened yesterday, while I was in my dad's truck going to help him feed somebody else's animals (pigs mostly.. gross creatures ). I had the thought that... well... I can't put it into words exactly, bu
These are 6 presidents that I feel like are great, in light of Trump and the horrific things he's already done to become the most unpopular president in US history (he reached the mark of majority disapproval in EIGHT DAYS! That's at least 100 times faster than ANY president I know of) and the corruption that led him there. I'll try to keep this as short as I can. May still be paragraphs in length.
1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt- The New Deal saved America from economic collapse and ended the
I think I have posted something like this before in a thread with autistic bronies, but this is more in detail. You may wonder what triggered me to post this? Well, I was yet again thinking about my own autistic symptoms after watching an episode of Lockstin and Gnoggin where Lockstin talks about the Smash bros. series being about an autistic child's journey through life. Well, since I got re-inspired I have thought of all of the reasons I was self-disgnosed with autism, though specifically Aspe
I am most certainly a politically opinionated woman. My political views, themselves, are a definite lean towards the left, and have always favored civil liberties.
My views on various things:
Economy- Definitely agree with Bernie Sanders on this issue. What needs to be done about it? I say a more progressive tax rate.
Gun laws- Despite favoring the Democratic party (I really shouldn't have to say despite, but I do apparently), I favor gun rights. It's a right of people.
Above is
My sexuality has been realized over a really long span of time.
It started in fifth grade, November-December 2008. I started liking a guy that was in the class above me. I thought of him a lot, and it got me into thinking "I never knew this kind of thing was real, but what is it called?" Turned out it was my first splurge into an alternate sexuality. It was the first time I had ever experienced romantic feelings in my life, and it was towards another man (I didn't have gender identity issues