So just the other day I shared a few drawings my boyfriend drew on Twitter and Facebook and I got one person giving me a lot of negative comments from Twitter. I tried asking him nicely to not be rude and he just started spam tweeting me. I looked at his account and learned that he cannot be befriended like at all. It's ok that he didn't like that drawing but I told him not to be rude about it. When he started swearing at me I just blocked him. Attached is a screen shot of the conversation.
I just feel like every time I'm nice to a friend that I knew in high school they just want something of me and i give it to them but not once have they ever thanked me or thought to include me. Sometimes I wish I could go back and do things differently but most times I'd rather not. What's really been bugging me lately is that I've come to realize that if I even try to make friends I always somehow end up pushing people away even I don't intend to. I guess I do that because way back when...I was
This is a poem I wrote because I needed a good cry.
She would cry when things didn't go her way.
She would cry when she didn't have the heart to talk to his face.
She would cry by herself.
She never wanted someone see her cry for help.
She didn't want to be seen as weak.
She just cried and never turned the other cheek.
She cried instead of solving her problems.
She cried when no one would read her stories.
She cried because she felt so lonely.
She cried because she felt
"You're an outcast, you have no friends. You're a nothing, a nobody. Nobody cares about you. You're better off dead than alive. You've been quiet for half your life so they don't know you exist. They don't even want you around you're better off lost than you are found. You're just a stupid little girl that's only dream is to fit in and be normal but because of what you are, a freak, you'll never fit in with them you'll always be different. You're nothing more than a ghost, they don't even notice
This was like back in 2014, I was scrolling along through looking for any mlp fanfictions and I found some in Spanish. There was one in particular that caught my attention. I read the first few chapters and I actually liked it. When that author asked for a volunteer who would translate the fanfic from Spanish to English, I was the first one to volunteer. Working with him...was hard at first because he didn't like my writing style because it was a literal translation from Spanish t
As of recently I have been spending way too much time online and I have not only been neglecting my friends but also my personal health. I keep forgetting to eat, and to even blink. I've become tired all the time and I keep forgetting to take my daily vitamins. So I am taking a break from being online all the time until I can get my personal health back on track, my body is already beginning to shut down on me and if I don't stop I could maybe probably die. I don't know when i will be back onlin
After being hurt so many times, I thought I was lost but now I find that love was never gone but it was waiting for me to find it. And without a single word you made me feel love, without a single word you made me love you and knowing in the end. We used to be good friends but now we know that there is something more...without opening your mouth I felt something there, without a single glance I know that you care and this can't be put in words; our love is just absurd but it doesn't matter becau
It's been a while since I posted on here so I shall keep it brief. I really want to create an OC but I don't know how to draw beyond a stick figure or how to start on creating an OC. I know this is something I Can probably look up but I wanted to ask on here first. Can anyone give me advice on how to make an OC?
I just woke up from a dream which I am going to describe here. I dreamed that somehow I had found myself far from home as if I had been kidnapped or something. I stole one of the kidnappers cars and began driving away to get back home. It looked like I was in the 90's or 80's because there was no Google maps or GPS to tell me where I was going. As a result of that I ended up in all 50 states at some point. While in each state I did fun things but in my heart what I wanted the most was to get hom
Before I even talked to him, I knew of his artwork because I had been favoriting it on Deviantart for a while. When I was given the chance just to talk to him, I was excited like a kid on Christmas. But the longer you become friends with someone the more you appreciate the friendship. I am really happy to have you all as my friends here on the forums because everyone is different but you are all so amazing. Because of this I am friends with authors, with writers, with gamers, with artists and it
For some odd reason I keep having this nightmare where in it I wake up from a nap only to find that it's Halloween or the day before and I want to go outside but when I look at the time it's like almost midnight on Halloween, and every light in every house slowly goes out. As I slowly go outside to just take a walk around the block for some reason I quickly notice that I am being followed by a black mist, it's like a ghost or something that is chasing after me. This thing has no actual facial fe
I can see through you, I know that's not what you are. The spirit, has fled because there was nothing left. Look at us, where we are now, a different place from the start. You let me down so often I don't know why I bother, it sucks that you don't take me seriously because I hate that thing about you. I hate it when you go about just flirting, you have no idea how much I'm hurting. You think I'm joking, you think I'm jealous, you think I'm the bad guy and you think I'm selfish. You think it does
I never noticed what kind of laugh I have. It's probably because I never had a reason to laugh. I'd smile politely, I'd chuckle or chortle. But never before have I wanted to truly smile. I can't remember the last time I was truly happy. I can't remember the last time I cared for someone who wasn't a friend. I can't remember being in love because all those lives came to an end. I laugh at something funny I read on the internet but it's never something memorable so I always forget. I've laughed so
You were one of the first people to welcome me when I first came to this site. You are....were one of my oldest friends. We used to be close. Almost dated even. I put you in the friend zone because I didn't want to lose you like I lost so many other relationships that meant a lot. You know practically everything about me and I knew a lot about you. What hurt the most wasn't having been so close, it was having to block you so you wouldn't be able to contact me anymore. It's better this way Becaus